
Bahati- The Divine Alchemist's Tale

Have you ever wondered in your geeky heart what it would be like to transmigrate to another world? Yea, I know I did. I thought this would my chance to the live out the fantasy and maybe even get a few answers to the questions I have about my birth. Even the family I had been taken from back on earth is here too so maybe we can finally get a chance to reunite and move forward from a past I don’t completely remember. New world, possible new romantic relationships, a world system with classes and skills, and a chance to grow into the woman I always thought I could be. Yea maybe transmigrating isn’t such a bad thing. That’s what I thought until I was betrayed and sent away to learn to be grateful to my betters. I am alone in a world that is hostile to my kind and my rage will make those who betrayed me regret their actions. I will find my pride and I will build up those who the oppressors have mistreated for centuries. They can have their war and their play their games but we of Astrella will take back our home new and old from the hands of those who have tried to blind and bind us from the truth. We are who we make ourselves to be. We can grow and overcome any obstacles. They just ignited my drive to win and I will win this game even if I have to unite this country to do it. My people call me Bahati for they consider me to be the good fortune catalyst they have been prayering for. Only I think I’m just an alchemist who just wants a place to call home and will reshape Baozhai with their help to make this place a home we can all claim as such. The main characters will be in a reverse harem (Fmc and 3 male mates). All romantic focus will be on fmc. No mm in the fmc's harem. There is potential for there to be depictions of other romantic relationships of various combinations represented ( examples but not limited to mmmmm/ ff/ mmmff). I will do my best to let you know at the start of a chapter of any potential triggers. Enjoy the journey. I know I am (Cover isn't mine- got it from Pinterest.)

AliceElyse · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
41 Chs

Moving Forward


"Inconceivable. This whole day has been a series of inconceivable events. Adele is alive. I met her earlier today when I picked up the orders from the store for Mom and Selina. I couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar to me earlier. I simply can't believe the bombshell she has become." All my thoughts and feelings just poured out as we walked back to the restaurant where transportation should be waiting for us.

"So she met you first then. When I bumped into her, she mentioned something about a trend of sexy men in our town. I'm in shock as well. I would have never guessed that the woman I met earlier would be Adele. I too felt she looked familiar. There was nothing in the way she acted or held herself that reminds me of the girl we once knew." Kai remarked sliding his glasses to the top of his head as he appeared to be making notes on his phone.

" So I met her last then. I felt like I recognized her soul over her appearance though that did draw my attention as well." Adrian smirked before his face turned serious. 

"When we get back, the others will most likely still be awake and waiting for us. Hopefully we will find out how aunt and uncle found out Elaine was alive and why they kept that from us. A lot has happened today. I know I'm feeling overwhelmed and unsure about these new facts. Nonetheless I want to ask you two your opinions about something and I want honest answers." We were standing a few feet away from the waiting SUV in front of the restaurant when Adrian stopped and faced us.

"Are we pursuing her? Is the fact she was Adele going to be a problem?" Adrian's arms crossed as he gave us his famous alpha stare.

"For me, I'm still interested. The past is the past and I personally don't mind seeing where things might go. I intend on pursuing her with or without you." With that Adrian said his peace and now waited for our responses. 

"I'm in. I saw her and knew she was my dream girl, my starlight. Things might be a bit awkward with the knowledge of the past at first but I feel we can handle it just fine. Elaine, that is a beautiful name she chose for herself. Yea, I'm looking forward to pursuing her." I lean against the building putting my hat in the ring as we say about this matter.

"No doubt. I'm not about to be left out of this arrangement. She seemed attracted to all of us. We are all attracted to her. We have dated the same person a few times before so we have experience. I think this has the potential to really be something. We will have to figure out logistics and such. In fact we need to research her so we can have a game plan ready if we are going to be serious about this. We can't start something then when things aren't easy we want to back out." Kai put his hat and two cents into the ring. 

He was right we know nothing about her current life. She could be living in a whole other country for all we know. 

"Uncle should know some things so let's go ahead and head back. I just want to say I'm glad to get to pursue Elaine with you two. I'm sure we will succeed in our efforts just like we have done before." Adrian put his fist forward. We bumped ours against his before getting into the SUV and heading home for the night.



"What the hell is going on, Hartley? You two knew she was alive and you said nothing?" Avena stormed through my front door slamming the door open with my brother and Selina coming in quietly after her.

"Did you know from the beginning? Have you been raising her behind our backs? I know you two always wanted children but can't have any of your own so this is a whole level of low I didn't think you would go to!" She paced and screamed while Undina and I just sat sipping our wine letting her get this out of her system before the boys get here. 

"We had a funeral for her and now we have to deal with the reality she isn't dead. Like Selina commented earlier, I'm confused and upset that you all think it's okay to drop this life-changing fact on us suddenly with no indication the girl was still alive. So explain yourselves, Hartley and Undina!" She roared before taking the drink my brother handed to her and letting him guide her to the couch.

"So we don't have to explain and discuss this more than once we will wait til the boys get back. But I will remind you of what we said earlier. We didn't intend as you put it to drop this life-changing fact on you all. We wanted to meet her and make a plan with her before introducing you all to the fact she was alive and well. We didn't even know if she would actually be there tonight until we got the notification that she checked in so will we knew it was a possibility we weren't really prepared to meet her tonight either. So get off of your soapbox and start rowing we are in the same boat trying to navigate these waters too." Undina snapped back with a glare.

'After all these years I still don't know how these two who were decent friends at one point became so antagonistic to each other. I should talk with Undina about it especially if with the return of Elaine we might all be seeing each other more frequently again.' I hold my wife close to me and kiss her head. When she looks up at me with a questioning look I just kiss her lips which makes her smile.

"Really, you two? Must you be so lovey-dovey right now?" Avena grumbles right as the front door opens and the boys come in. Sitting up, I look for Elaine even though I knew the possibility of her coming home with them was slim.

"Hey everyone, let us change clothes and then we will be right back." Killian announced as they rush up the stairs and into their wing.

"I'll go make them a drink so we can just get right into it when they come back down." Undina pushes up off the couch then goes over to the side bar to make the boys' favorite drinks. Soon they are back down in sweatpants and t-shirts. They accept their drinks from Undina then they settle into the couch to my left.

"You got her settled in okay and everything? Where is she staying in town?" I ask in anticipation.

"Yea, she was in bed and she had plenty of supplies for now in the cottage. She is staying in one of our rentals off of Wisteria Ave. She ended up getting another bad headache when we started telling her everyone's names when she asked us for them before we parted ways. When we started with your names she kept getting worse until she almost passed out so we got her inside then came back here. Since we are all here, I guess we can quickly discuss how you knew she was alive and would be here in town. Also how do we as a family want to deal with the ramifications of her being alive?" Killian informed us leaning forward with a secretive smile that his brothers mirrored.

'What are those three plotting now?' I asked myself not sure if I should stop them or let things play out and intervene if things go sideways.

I love Undina. She is so fierce.

AliceElysecreators' thoughts