
Making a scene

" Ahhhhhhhhh!"

A miserable scream echoed out of the walls of an ally.

The rain was dropping down hard and there were thunder flashes in the distance.

There were two girls wearing a school uniform.

" Yui! Yui!"

The girl with long brown hair placed the girl know as Yui's head on her lap and started shaking her " This isn't funny wake up!"

Yui's body looked like every bone in her body had been broken.

Yui weakly opened her eyes and smiled gently.

" You idiot you came."

" Yui!" the girl smiled with relief

" Don't worry the ambulance are on their way right now!"

She said her brows furrowed her eyes started watering she pressed her lips together.

" Li Wei it's too late."

" You! How could you?..... No! Shut up! It's not to late just wait I promise you will....."

" Li Wei!"

Li Wei flinched hard she then started crying her heart out her voice turning hoarse. The rain still dropping hard without showing signs of letting up Li Wei took off her jacket and placed it above her head blocking the rain from Yui's face.

Yui flinched most of her bones were broken and she was bleeding out profusely. She was 16 she was scared to die but she couldn't say that to Li Wei. It was a miracle she was even still alive right now!

" Hey promise me one thing."

" What?" Li Wei answered her voice hoarse

" Stop being a fighter at least do this for me as a last wish start off with a new slate. Live a.....normal life."

" No, I have to get revenge! Look what they did! I'll make them pay!!"

" Li Wei! I don't have much time left just promise."

Her voice was getting weaker by the second.

" I..... I promise."

" That's good..."

Before she could finish her sentence her vision got blurry and then her last thought.

'Thank you for being my friend Li Wei.'

Li Wei pupils shrank! She didn't notice the ambulance had pulled up and rushed Yui to the nearest hospital taking her along.

Yui did not have a family she was the only person there for her.

The police wanted to ask her questions

But she refused to answer unless they told her Yui's situation.

" She's alive." Li Wei felt relief spread through her body but before she could celebrate....

" But she is in a coma."

" Haaaa!" Li Wei body shot up

" Same nightmare."

Her body was soaked in cold sweat Her heart was pounding in her chest against her rib cage. She lay back down. Tomorrow was a big day for her. Before she was about to drift off again she thought.

' It's been three years Yui.'

A woman was walking down the streets of china with haste. She had long brown wavy hair and a pair of bewitching brown eyes a small and straight nose and beautiful pair of lips that were a natural vermilion red. She was wearing a white business suit and a pair of sunglasses pushed up on her head.

Li Wei was striding with long steps and a wicked smile on her face her purse in her hand swinging here and there.

" Tsk! very very good!"

She took a big long stride towards an elegant looking restaurant.

Li Wei moved to china from America to start a new life. Her mom was American and her dad was Chinese. Two years ago she had met her fiancé Eachen.

He was a big help to her when she had first moved to China where her aunt and uncle and childhood friend was located.

Just as she was about to enter the building a man with a suit stepped in front of her.

" M miss wh what are you doing here" he, said.

" Move out of my way!" Li Wei said with a loud rumbling voice.

The man started sweating and nervously started laughing ." Ha-ha-ha miss its pretty crowded in there let me escort you somewhere else."

" Hmmmm... Escort me?"

Instantly feeling hope he nodded vigorously

" Yes yes there is a new café up there much more to your liking how about...."

Before he could finish his sentence.


" Escort your mother!!!!!!"

He didn't even know what hit him! Literally!!

She had used her bag to violently smash this bug out of her way!

She then used this chance to run around him and swung the door open.

Poor man sat there on his knees truly at lost!

He was pretty sure she killed off his family jewels! If you know what he means.

Li Wei instantly straightened out her outfit and fixed her sunglasses put her purse on her shoulder and smiled softly while walking at a slow mesmerizing pace.

The boy waitress at the front was truly shocked. One would think this was a beautiful poise goddess. Yet one hadn't seen what he had! His lip couldn't help but twitch as she walked past giving him a soft smile.

That one smile could make a man really give it all up. He couldn't help but shiver.

Sure enough, women are the scariest!

However, this was a top grade restaurant he quickly recovered and went over to her.

" Sorry, Mam but the seats over here are....."

She put her hand up instantly cutting him off.

And continued forward.


Honestly why bother with this one he said and turned around and proceeded to the next customer.

Li Wei slowly scanned the room her eyes stopped at the back of the restaurant for v.i.p members nicely lit, better viewing, first-class meals.

Catching sight of a tall handsome man who had a seductive yet gentle air about him his seductive eyes gently looking at the women next to him. Short fluffy soft black hair her face had a red blush that reached her ears as she looked down.

Li Wei stepped closer a little the man had one arm on the table and the other... Slowly rubbing her thigh going high yet staying low as if teasing.

Li Wei eyes that once had a raging fire instantly burned out her gaze became tranquil and calm her lips that were tightly pressed together loosened and the corner of her mouth raised giving her an indifferent look and her heart... Went cold.

She gently walked up to the table that was giving off a sensual air both to in their own worlds that they did not notice her walk up.

She instantly took on a cheery tone.

" Hello, are you ready to order?" he lazily started playing in the girl's hair beside him.

" Hhmm well start off with... Some wine." He said in a deep husky voice. The girl next to him blushed even harder and started rubbing her head onto his arm affectionately.

Ha ha-ha, very good Eachen damn stud-horse.

" Wine? Sorry, we do not have it however may I recommend the pet store across the street has great grub for a dog like you!!!"




She took her purse and knocked him 3 good times with level 5 destruction at that!

And her strength was not even close to weak!

The suited man who had just recovered from his thrashing had walked in to see the scene of his master being pounded with the mistress abnormally heavy purse he could not help but think at least he wasn't the only one!

Eachen and liu yang both looked up to see a heavenly defying beautiful face pale skin red lips perfect features soft long wavy brown hair it was... Li Wei!!!

Eachen was so shocked he who never lost composure was about to fall out of his seat.

" L LI Wei?"

She smiled brilliantly "Eachen I'm surprised you still remember this great one ah!"

Eachens face was pale

She slowly shifts her eyes to Liu

" Dear cousin you do seem very idle these days! Huh?"

Liu harshly glared at her before putting on a pitiful act " Cousin Li Wei it's not what you think, please... Please don't be mad at Eachen he just... Just she said while biting her lips and holding tears back.

Heh oh, Liu this is new I didn't know you knew how to act so well! She thought.

" Oh then forgive this humble one, my fiancé, sliding his hand up your dress that also must be what? What? You're a smart girl, Liu can you explain it to me".

She and this cousin were not close, but they were still blood she... Expected more.

" That!!", Liu said blushing.

Who was she? She would not get bent out of shape for a lowly dog posing to be a man!

" That's enough!" Eachen got in front of Liu protectively " She is your cousin must you be so cruel?"

She was a little taken aback the man she gave her heart to change abruptly. Cast her aside like she was a burden. And all she could think was two years of my life wasted!

" You're making a scene! Just leave."

Her heart completely went cold she felt like she was looking at strangers.

Scene she was making a scene?

She will show you a scene!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she smiled a bewitching smile. Even Eachen was in a trance Liu grit her teeth and tugged at his shirt a couple of times before he came back. The surrounding people couldn't help but gasp.

A goddess among them!

She picked up the pitcher of water.


She poured the pitcher on him!!!

She then grabbed the white cloth on the table and pulled it off the table the sounds of dishes and utensils crashing on the floor rang through the restaurant. Then she slowly walked up grabbed him by his shirt and snatched his wallet and stood up on a chair.

Then her clear voice rang out like bells. I Li Wei have caught my fiancé and blood cousin cheating on me today everything broken will be replaced BY HIM! She opened up his wallet and pulled out the stash of cash "This is payment to me for emotional distress!!"

Everyone"...." they were truly speechless.

Eachen has his fathers company to inherent he's rich!

She then said righteously " Everyone's meal here will be paid by him!!!!."


Didn't this little lass know that everything here was quite expensive... No very expensive.

She confidently turned around without giving the other party as much as a glance confidently walking out.

However, at the top of the stairs in the most expensive room

" Master how should we go about it."

handsome like a god with unparalleled handsomeness high cheek bones perfect face structure fair skin, black silky hair, seductive eyes, straight nose . sitting there with his long legs cross and one hand lazily supporting his head his lips in a lazy smile.

He was shocked his master was so handsome that he can turn straight men gay!

A velvety deep voice sounded out

" We will do what the woman says if someone is offering to pay the big v.i.p room then what's it to me?" he says looking down hiding the emotions in his eyes.
