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Title:The Bad plan Act1scene1

(In a storey building a man sits in the sitting room as his wife and children comes to meet him.)

Felix: (yawns)oh thank God for this morning dear.

Johnita: (brings a cup of tea) Good morning dear.

Felix: good morning dear ahah so early now.

Johnita: not for me (serve him)

Felix: thank you by the way where's mirabelle &Jessy.

Johnita :(looks around and sees them) here they come.

Mira&Jessy: Good morning dad , Good morning mum.

Johnita & Felix: Good morning hope you had good dreams.

Mirabelle :yes dad we both had good dreams.

Felix: that good.

(airtime falls).


(In one room apartment there are many people complaining about leaving).

David: yes dad it is true we are not even eaten well

MumDorcas:I have been telling you but you will not listen.

Dad Good luck: it is not my fault go and tell the government don't you have money that there is bad economical finance.

Benita: yes dad, and i don't know why we are leaving in an uncompleted building .

Dad Good luck:where is an "uncompleted building" can you afford to buy it .

Daniel: dad don't mind my brother's and sister's. dad please money for school fees for my new school.

Dad Good luck: okay ( brings out his wallet and count 20 thousand) Daniel i want to tell you something.

Benita:that is how he will always do whatever you want to tell Daniel we must hear it together.

MumDorcas: don't mind your foolish dad.

Dad Good luck: who is foolish here cash rises to beat dorcas.

Daniel: mum beat dad.

Benita: both of you should stop fighting.

Light fades


(in the school Daniel is seen with Jessy)

Daniel:hey girl! what is your name

Jessy:My name is Jessy

Daniel: that is good nice to meet you (stretches his hand to shake)

Jessy: oh nice to meet you too

Daniel: let's go he---------cas he sees his cult members) see you later.

Jessy:what have you eaten

Daniel: nothing don't worry i will eat now.

( Daniel Goes to meet his cult members which are:Tobi, chinedu,emeka,ogechi and him Daniel).

Tobi: how did it go?

chinedu:O boy our assignment is to bring Jessy.

nnemeka:yes chinedu is right.

Emeka: are you all bund to see that Jessy is the chosen one.

Ogechi: ha ha ha ha!

Daniel : are you guys okay see her diary for here that is where you will know her location.

Tobi: o boy you get sense.

(lights off)

Act 2 scene1

(The next day at school in the class (SS2) long break Tobi and the rest cult members are in the same class his teacher call five of them )

MR Tola: why did five of you fail the test

Tobi:sir i can not tell you with my friend (as he pretends)

Mr tola: okay i will see you , what about chinedu.

Chinedu: sir we will tell you together

Ogechi:yes sir

( in Mr tola office they released secret to him and insult him).

Tobi: sir do you known who we are

Mr tola: who are you people

Chinedu:sis we are the only five black angels cult

Mr tola: blood of Jesus so you mean (as emeka cut in )

Emeka: and if you tell anyone we will use you for monthly or yearly sacrifice

Mr tola:Hey which trouble am I into why did they employ me

ogechi: Hey keep shut there is nothing like trouble take this diary your assignment is to get Jessy for our monthly and daily sacrifice .If you talk we would join her with you.

(They leaves his office as they separate as they see Jessey coming.)

Jessy: How are you ,i hope you are fine (as she comes closer to hug him

Daniel: welcome sorry you are welcome

Jessey:It is okay dear , please i want you to go and tell my parents that we are dating

Daniel:what !!!....

Jessy: please

Daniel: fine, okay what ever you say

Jessy: Thanks

curtain falls

Act 2 Scene3

(In Mr Félix apartment, he shouts as he sees daniel and Jessy walking together.)

Felix: what is that poor old bastard doing here

Jessy:Dad Daniel is not any poor old bastard

Felix:Then he is,what

Daniel: Good after....(as Felix cut him shot)

Felix:hold your greetings there ,did i ask you questions

Jessy:dad he is my boyfriend

Johnita: what is going on here

Felix: your foolish daughter here says she want to date me (johnita cut in)

Johnita: what (as she falls and point)

(in the one room apartment, Good luck and dorcas goes to their Mansion)

Good luck:that was a nice acting dear

Dorcas: it's good really nice, I think it is gift and David that will inherit it .

Good luck:no, it is Daniel

Dora's:any how we have to go further

(in Felix house they where talking about Jessy mum to take her to the hospital).

Felix: you and your boyfriend should not step your feet in Christ life hospital because, will kill you.

Daniel: please babe let's go

Felix: I am taking and you are still calling her.

Daniel:sorry sir

Felix:sorry for your self .

(In the car Jessy and Daniel are discussing)

Daniel: let's go have a drink

Jessy : of course

Daniel: it's okay I have forgiven them

Jessy : thanks

( In the church were johnita attends, her and the pastor are discussing )

Pastor Charles: How are you my child?

Johnita : Am fine pastor Charles

Pastor Charles : what brings you here ?

Johnita : pastor it's about my baby girl

pastor Charles : what happened to her?

Johnita: nothing happened to her, it's just that ;

pastor Charles: what is wrong with her!

Johnita: she is getting old to a poor , old man

pastor Charles : don't talk like that Johnita: but.....

pastor Charles: but nothing ; come in the evening i would like to tell you something

Johnita: okay pastor

( Cult members watching over the pastor and johnita)

In the bar, as Daniel received a call from his cult members that pastor Charles already knows about his cult ship. Then tells his member to threaten him )

Tobi : if you talk i would kill you

pastor Charles: please_ _ _ _ please .

Emeka: hahaha, inform that her daughter should inform Daniel if not she would face the consequences.

pastor Charles: oka_ _y but please don't hurt me .

Ogechi: see Pastor

( curtain falls)

Act 2 Scene3

(Daniel in the bar with Jessy, drinking uncontrollably)

Daniel: do you want more Jessy

Jessy: Yea, more i would like to have more

Daniel : it's enough, let's go home

Jessy : ( Jessy been flattered with drinks ) what of the drinks

Daniel : no let's go home it's already late , drinks are for tomorrow

Jessy: okay, fo sure let's go

( Daniel in the car calling his cult members)

Daniel : i have gotten her

Cult member: She is at sleep

Cult member: bring her to the shrine

Daniel : okay

( Daniel is taking Jessy to the shrine , when the police caught him)

Daniel : police police how far now and am taking her home

Police : common will you drop her

Jessy: what is these , oh my Goodness my body is exposed

Daniel : am sorry babe

police: arrest him

Daniel : i didn't do anything

Jessy : Leave my boyfriend all alone

Act 3 scene 1

( In the police station, where daniel was arrested he was been he was tortured to confession)

Daniel: i will sp_ _ eak ( The tortured Daniel panting)

police man : then speak!

Daniel : i will sp_ _ eak

Police man : Speak!

Daniel: we are five black angels ...( the whole story.)

police man : good of you , now we will deduce your charges in court

( After confessing for the policeman , his cult members were arrested)

Daniel : good, guys welcome !

Tobi and other cult members: how could you do this to us

Daniel : i have to do it.

Act 3 scene 2

( The news got to Daniel's parent, and they decided to go and visit him)

Mum: Daniel what got over you!

Dad: Daniel how could you do this to us, by disgracing the name of our family , why ! why!.

Daniel : ( subbing Daniel on his knees begging his parents) mum, dad, am sorry

mum and dad: ( Crying parents ) we have forgiven you, son

Six Years later

mum: these is our real home ( showing them the mansion).

dad: Yes, these is our home i just pretended like as if am poor

Daniel: Wow , these is amazing

Gift: Wonderful bro

Benita: Amazing, even look at the sofa's and the table's these is good.

Mum and Dad: money is good !

( Daniel later married Jessy and they gave birth to beautiful kids and lived a very pleasant marital life . And for the remaining cult members were given life inprisonment).


THE END.....