
Bad girl stay blond (BGSB)

Two sisters from the eastern part of Nigeria wanted a life in a City of opportunities encircled with the bursting hustle of Lagos, luxurious “IT” girl lifestyle, fame, and money! Turn out life has more to offer them than they anticipated. Jessica Newspread the youngest thought she had it all figured out with hopes of finishing high school as she took a job in a fancy restaurant for university credits, with the good tips that come with it assumed she could assist her older sister who had just gotten back from jail for gun and drugs charge. Mary Newspread getting back from jail still holds on to her old life to get back on the street, this time not alone as she recruits back her best friend Simon, with other homeless tribe gangs who have been in the shadows after their warehouse was raided, and the successor facing lifetime imprisonment for three count murder. Everything started with Jessica Newspread stealing from a wealthy kid who constantly dined in the restaurant with his half-sister and cousin brother………….. Travis Lil is a Nigerian teen rapper with his number up has the likes of great artists who had worked with him and brought him out on stage to perform and headline shows along with club appearances. fuck boy history and threesome scandal as his half-sister encourages him to get his priorities straight in other not to taint his image. Girls in his life were more than one and he hardly cared about it because he never claimed anyone but ended up on the blogs with them either naked or making out. with his fame, and family money because his parent are billionaires, popularly known as the kid that drives fast cars like Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes’ Bugatti etc. ______ The credit card theft gained social media attention that made Jessica flee to Kenya in other not to be detected by CCR who were on the case but shut down by Mrs. Lil, claiming to have nothing to deal with the public prying into her family lives because she and her husband are private people despite her son and stepdaughter are instagram famous? But initially, she has skeletons in her cupboard which she does not want the public to know about. When Jessica found out the case had been shut down she came back to Nigeria and applied to a different school unfortunately with no idea same school as her victim of credit card theft. changed her appearance by dying her hair blond. Mary newspread focusing on her gun and drug dealings that generated more profit which automatically made the Newspread rich. plus her shares with Spurs, which she invested with her older sister generated more than nine hundred million naira. Jessica net worth is over three hundred million with such amount of money she decided to better herself. by Making plans to school in London but to do that she has to finish high school. unfortunately, he is unable to recognise her as the girl who waits on tables, she decides to stay back and write the council exam because all the private schools are already filled up and can’t afford to be waitlisted yet again. Mary Newspread holds a personal vendetta for the lil family, Travis lil at first sight fall over heels in love with Jessica newspread on her first day of school. Read Bad Girl Stay Blond and find out how these two Eastern sisters take Lagos and become rich off organised crimes...

Barine_Gift · perkotaan
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Chapter 81



"I will make the call, You're the next capo," biebie said to Jon.

"Solomon wants to testify against lil daddy, Federal prosecutors promised him immunity, and he didn't lie about the tribe coming back to the street They need a leader and Solomon wants to walk, he has three elites on his list to testify against and lil daddy is one of them"

"He's in the protection of the government now, a federal snitch witness we can't get to him," biebie said so worriedly.

"His transfer will be unsuccessful I got a guy in there who can handle it for me," Jon said.

"Make it happen, Jon here is a file on the boats at Bonga shores contacts of the staffers you're are their boss now, ten of them which means ten boats, There are six other boats that were refused to row to the other side Konga claiming it has been their territory for years...I need those six boats and territory Can you make it happen-

"Sure, first I have a federal witness to take care of" he took the files from biebie and exited the room. Spark couldn't utter words.

"Cleaned this up" Biebie pointed at the rug and exited the room as well.


Jenny Uphill lead singer, a country singer there is this homely fun in it, her songs were unique. Live ban and the way she swayed her waist when dancing.

She and Jonathan are still together both Travis and Maggie's godmother, She has no child on her own even if Jon hasn't proposed yet someday she believes in getting married and becoming a wife.

After three consultations with Doctor Rivera a Spanish-Nigerian doctor, she told me her chances of getting pregnant were just 1 per cent which meant she could conceive but if a miscarriage happens on the contrary, that would be her last.

Jenny received the news from the doctor so she has other plans, She confided in Jonathan on a way they could have kids, just because he never pressured her about kids after years of unprotected sex doesn't mean he doesn't want kids.

Jonathan was weird in the first place when Jenny told him they would be having kids through surrogacy.

"I'm not pressuring you for kids I know we've been together what like, ten years" he tried to acknowledge.

"Seventeen Jon Travis and Maggie will be eighteen this year This is their final year in high school so we are together for seventeen years" Jenny corrected him, Jon shrugged with a smile on his face.

"Science can say anything at any given time doesn't mean you can't be pregnant, How will I sleep with someone else just cause I need a child, This is all your idea" Jenny laughs at the part where he says he has to sleep with someone.

"What they need is our sperm and egg,  then a good background check for the woman who wants to carry our baby, Doctor Rivera told me she has her recommendations I checked it out and they were good women from good homes" Jon didn't know how this surrogacy works and it makes him feel like an old school.

"Kim Kardashian and Kanye did it they got two kids from surrogacy Why can't we do it-