
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 69: Apologize to Me!

As expected, a girl with a ponytail strolled leisurely past the corridor outside the classroom. She wore a pink blouse and a white skirt. Her delicate face sparkled in the sunlight, and a serene smile adorned her features. Many students in the classroom couldn't take their eyes off her.

"She's even prettier than in the video!"

"So beautiful!"

"Even Campus Beauty Maddie isn't as pretty as her!"

Diana walked into Class A's classroom and scanned the room, then settled her gaze on Maddie.

"Diana, what are you doing here? This is Class A!" Chloe exclaimed angrily.

"I'm already in Class A. Do I need your permission to come here?" Diana replied impatiently.

"You still have to wait for the official class list to come out tomorrow!" Chloe retorted, her voice lacking confidence.

Diana ignored her and approached Maddie. "Maddie, we'll be classmates from now on. Are you happy about that?"

"Of course, I am," Maddie replied with a smile that looked worse than crying. She held back her emotions, not wanting to ruin her image. "Diana, if you wanted to be the class representative, you could have just asked me. I would have given it to you. You didn't have to go through so much trouble and even put your video on the school's website..."

Maddie lowered her voice and put on a mysterious expression.

Seeing Diana's video on the website was unexpected and made people wonder if she had some kind of connections. As soon as Maddie spoke, many people around began to speculate and discuss.

"Although Diana plays really well, it's strange that she suddenly got promoted on the official website for votes. Is there any insider story?"

"Is it true? I even voted for her. After you said that, I regret it a bit..."

"Look at Diana's face. Could it be that she's here to show off to Maddie?"

"Maddie is so kind to her, even thinking about giving up the student representative position for her. She's really kind-hearted..."

Listening to the words of the people around her, Maddie's anger finally subsided a bit.

Unexpectedly, when Diana looked up, blinked her big eyes, and innocently asked, "Maddie, why did you suddenly come over and say something inexplicable?"

"Don't you prepare your dress and plan to wear it on stage after becoming the student representative? Hey, I didn't expect the dean to think I played the piano well and insist on recommending me, and now my votes are the highest," Diana said with a helpless expression. "Maddie, if you feel like I stole your thunder, how about I talk to the dean and give it to you?"

Upon hearing these words, Maddie's expression instantly stiffened.

How could Diana still turn the tables like this?!

What could she say?!

In front of everyone, Maddie could not say "yes."

She forced a smile and said, "Diana, what are you talking about? Diana, it doesn't matter who becomes the student representative between us."

Watching Maddie's awkward expression, Diana was instantly pleased.

Isn't she just a hypocrite? Who can't act like that?

The classmates around immediately understood when they heard this.

"What? Maddie is already preparing her dress for the stage, but she still says she'll give it to Diana? It's too fake!"

"I also think it's strange. If she really wanted to give it to Diana, why didn't she campaign for her? Now that she's elected, she's coming to make trouble."

"I can't believe it. Maddie has always been a very gentle and kind person. There must be some misunderstanding this time..."

"So it was our dean who recommended Diana. Maddie's words just now were so misleading that I thought there was some insider story. I was thinking too much."

Maddie heard the conversation that wasn't quite whispered but not quite loud enough to be overheard. It made her feel both embarrassed and angry.

She quickly changed the subject, "Diana, what brings you here to find me?"

"Who said I came to find you?" Diana's gaze shifted to Maddie's back and she squinted her eyes. "I came to find her."

Diana's eyes landed on Ava's face.

"Why did you come to find me?" Ava retorted, giving Diana a disdainful look, but suddenly felt something was off.

Wait a minute!

Diana came to find her. Could it be because of what she said to blacken her?

"Do you remember what you said?" Diana walked over and coldly stared at Ava, uttering three words, "Apologize to me!"

"I don't understand what you're talking about, apologizing for what?" Ava averted her gaze nervously.

She stood up and said, "Excuse me, I'm going back to my class. I don't have time to chat with you here!"

"Oh? Not apologizing? Then do you want to be a chicken?" Diana crossed her arms and looked at her disdainfully, her eyes full of contempt.

"Who are you calling a chicken! I've deleted the post, what more do you want!" Ava exclaimed loudly.

"The post may be deleted, but the words have been said and everyone remembers. Today, you either apologize or admit that you're not worthy of being a human, only fit to be a chicken!" Diana's eyes were cold, and she had no intention of letting her off lightly.

The noise of the argument not only attracted the attention of the students in the classroom but also passersby who couldn't help but look inside.

After understanding the situation, they were all disgusted with Ava.

It was disgusting to have the courage to spread rumors but not the courage to admit to it!

Feeling the dissatisfaction of the onlookers, Ava became embarrassed.

"You're insane!" she muttered under her breath, and then walked around Diana, ready to run out of the classroom.

Little did she know that Diana was faster than her.

When Ava was about to reach the door, Diana raised her leg and "swished," kicking a chair in front of Ava, blocking her path.

Everyone was stunned.

This action...was quite impressive!

"Diana, are you crazy!" Ava was taken aback and couldn't help but shout angrily.

If she hadn't stopped in time, she could have stumbled over it!

As she spoke, she quickly tried to leave the classroom again, feeling humiliated and defeated.

Diana walked over and put one leg on the chair, her hand propped on her knee in a very domineering posture. "I'll ask one last time. Is it an apology, or do you admit that you're a chicken?"

The young girl's stunning face was completely different from her usual demeanor, now cold and icy.

Ava was suddenly a little afraid.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, Chloe looked at Maddie anxiously and said, "Maddie, you're good friends with Diana, go and persuade her!"

Maddie thought for a moment and then walked over to Diana.

She spoke softly, "Diana, let it go. Ava has already deleted the post. Don't make it difficult for her. If you really won't let it go, then... let me apologize to you on her behalf, okay?"

Maddie had a good plan.

Even if she couldn't persuade Diana, coming out to apologize for Ava would still win her some favor.

But Diana glanced at her and said, "Maddie, Ava is your friend, what about me? When she spread rumors about me on the forum, you didn't speak up for me. Now you're defending her. Does that mean you're also involved in her scheme against me?"

At this, everyone around them looked at Maddie.

That's right!

She always said she was like a sister to Diana, but why didn't she speak up for Diana last time?

Well, it looks like she's on Ava's side!

"What are you talking about? I didn't know about this!" Maddie was shocked and quickly tried to distance herself.

Ava was momentarily stunned by this.

She had spread rumors about Diana to help Maddie, but she never expected Maddie to distance herself so quickly.

"Since you have nothing to do with this, Maddie, then step aside. This is between me and Ava." Diana turned her eyes lightly and ignored Maddie.

Maddie felt embarrassed and caused others to suspect her.

She immediately stood aside without saying a word.

"Now, tell me, which one will you choose, apologizing or being a chicken?" Diana said slowly.

Ava's face turned red and white as she remained silent. Diana was such a jerk! Ava wasn't going to apologize to Diana , because she thought she was too good to apologize to a loser like Diana!

Meanwhile, Liam carried his skateboard under his arm and walked towards the classroom with a group of his buddies.

From afar, they noticed a crowd of people gathered around the entrance to class A, seemingly watching a commotion. They were curious about what was going on. As they got closer, they saw a tall girl in a pink shirt standing on a chair at the classroom entrance, in a very arrogant pose.

Caleb squinted his eyes and carefully examined her before exclaiming, "Oh my god, isn't that Diana? She's only been in class A for a short time, and she's already causing trouble?!"

He was excited. "This is going to be good. Liam bro, let's watch the show later!"

He wasn't worried about Diana getting into trouble. From what he had seen of Liam's fighting skills, he knew that only Diana was going to get hurt.

Liam frowned, "Why is it her again? What's so interesting about girls having a conflict with each other?"

Although he said that, Liam stopped walking and waited to watch the drama unfold.