
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 50: Taking Everything Away from Her

A week later, at the Thompson residence.

It was the first day of Cloud City University's school year.

Diana woke up early in the morning and as soon as she came downstairs, she saw a large table of dishes prepared.

Everyone, except Ben who was busy preparing for competition, had already arrived.

Maddie had recovered from her injury during this period of time, but she had become quite thin due to the hardships she faced. Her complexion didn't look as good as before.

Diana was amazed by her endurance. How did she manage to endure so much pain?

Serena looked at her and chuckled, "Diana, you're still a kid. You've already missed the sun for hours, and we've been waiting for you."

Diana frowned. Did she have to be so sarcastic?

Before she could say anything, James said, "It's alright, she just got here. It's not like we've been waiting for too long. What's the big deal?"

Diana was pleased by her father's response. He knew how to put Serena in her place.

Diana sat down between Andrew and Colin. As soon as she did, her two older brothers immediately placed her favorite xiaolongbao and shrimp dumplings on her plate, looking at her with tender affection.

Diana happily enjoyed their love and attention, but suddenly heard a sigh from across the table.

What's going on?

Diana furrowed her brow.

James noticed her expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Serena looked hesitant, "It's just that Maddie is the representative for the university's freshman welcome party this year, and she's supposed to play the piano on stage. I've been so busy lately that I forgot about it and didn't prepare anything for her..."

Every year, Cloud City University holds a welcoming party for its new students, organized by senior representatives. This event not only attracts students, but also important leaders invited by the university. Therefore, those chosen as representatives must possess excellent talents, character, and morality.

This year, the female representative was Maddie.

"Well, you don't have to remind me," James nodded and remembered, "Being chosen as a representative is an honorable thing. Go pick a dress for Maddie so that she can wear it on stage."

"Okay." Serena's face immediately lit up with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Thompson," Maddie said with a meek expression.

Since James had punished her last time, Maddie had become much more cautious.

Colin and Andrew exchanged glances and then looked at Diana, who was focusing on her breakfast bun.

Although Diana was used to being a poor student, she still felt a bit uncomfortable in her heart, right?

"Diana, being a representative is not fun. I did it last year, and it was boring," Colin whispered in comfort.

Andrew also said, "My cute Diana, if they don't choose you, then they are blind."

"Well, I know. There are plenty of blind people around," Diana replied nonchalantly.

Maddie was the embodiment of true kindness and beauty at Cloud City University, and she was a goddess in many students' hearts.

In her past life, Maddie had sailed through with many resources thanks to this beautiful image. However, in this life, she would have to peel off this false disguise layer by layer!

So, let's start with this welcoming representative.

Diana bit her straw and a vague glint of darkness flashed in her eyes.

After having breakfast, James headed to the office, leaving the others with their own thoughts as they started packing up their belongings.

Serena took Maddie to her room and as soon as they entered, she held her hands.

"Maddie, is your hand okay now?"

She was going to play the piano at the welcome party, and if anything went wrong, it would be a huge loss.

"I'm fine, Mom. Among the invited guests, there's a top pianist, Sophia Jones. I heard she's here to choose a student to be her successor!"

Serena's eyes lit up at the news. "If you can impress her, your future will be limitless!"

"Don't worry, Mom. I will definitely be the one Pianist Jones chooses!" Maddie said confidently.

"Maddie, you make me so proud!" Serena hugged her excitedly. "The more outstanding you are, the more useless Diana looks. You will be the true heiress of the Thompson family!"

Maddie frowned at the mention of Diana. That foolish girl enjoyed everyone's favor just because of her background. It was so unfair! Maddie wanted to take everything away from her - her wealth, her status, and even John!

As she was lost in thought, Maddie suddenly heard some commotion downstairs. She went to the window and saw a black Bentley arriving.

It was John's car!

Maddie's eyes lit up with excitement. "Mom, John Matthews' here!"

Serena was also happy. "You don't get to see him often, so you must be flawless every time!"

If Maddie could win over John, they would truly be soaring to new heights.

Maddie nodded and quickly returned to her room to change clothes and touch up her makeup. Downstairs, the door of the Bentley opened and John stepped out, dressed in a black suit and with his long legs taking confident strides.

Andrew and Colin were the first ones to step out and were surprised to see three luxury cars parked behind the Bentley. They wondered what the big occasion was.

"What brings you here, Mr. Matthews?" Andrew asked politely, standing at the door.

John, with his piercing gaze, replied, "Today is little girl's first day of school, and I am here to take her."

Upon hearing this, Andrew felt a bit annoyed. His little sister wasn't even married yet, and ice-cold John couldn't wait to snatch her away. Where did he put their family's feelings?

"We don't need your help. We are about to send Diana to college, so we won't trouble you," Andrew said in a cold tone.

As he spoke, he heard Diana's voice behind him. "John?"

She came running over, and John's usually icy face softened a bit when he saw her lovely face.

"I came to give you a back-to-school gift and take you to college," John said.

"A gift? What gift?" Diana asked with a hint of excitement on her face.

John signaled to Jackson and Ethan, who were standing behind him. The two of them nodded and walked over to the two cars behind the Bentley, opening the doors.

Diana went over to take a look and was amazed to see summer dresses, over ten of them, all of which looked top-notch and customized, with various styles!

"These are all styles personally selected by the boss, and we hope you can understand his intentions," Ethan whispered to her.

Diana couldn't stop nodding, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't believe she had been so wrong about John in her previous life. He was actually so kind and attentive to her.

As she lifted her head and saw Ethan, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my god, why are you so dark like charcoal? Did you go mining somewhere?!"

"It's a long story," Ethan replied. He didn't go mining, but was in Africa for a few days and just got back last night.

Diana's gaze fell on the last car and she wondered, "What's in that car, also clothes?"

"That...is a surprise from the boss for you," Ethan said, and Diana narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Before she could investigate, she heard a sickly sweet voice say, "Mr. Matthews!"

Diana turned to see Maddie walking out of the villa with a perfect smile on her face. In just a short while, she had changed into a fairy-like sky-blue dress and put on makeup.

"Mr. Matthews, did you come to take Diana to college?" Maddie asked, hoping to take advantage of the situation and get closer to John.

Diana saw an opportunity and jumped in, "Wow, I love these dresses! John, thank you so much!"

Without waiting for John to speak, she suddenly ran over and grabbed his arm, a happy smile on her face. John was a bit surprised by her sudden action, but soon his expression softened, "I'm glad you like them."

As Maddie saw John's indulgent expression, she felt a little uncomfortable and puzzled. When did Diana become so intimate with John? Her envy grew stronger when she saw the clothes inside the Bentley and the cars following it.

She, as the representative of the students, was told by James that he would buy her a set of formal dress for the welcome party. But Diana, a lazy student, suddenly received so many high-end custom-made clothes! This stupid girl seemed to take advantage of everything good.

Maddie turned her eyes and suddenly walked over to Diana, approaching her affectionately. "Diana, those clothes are so beautiful, especially the white dress. It looks stunning!"

As she spoke, Maddie glanced at Diana, her eyes suggesting something. In Maddie's thought, according to Diana's usual behavior, she should offer to give Maddie that dress. Then, John would think that Diana didn't value his intentions and have a bad impression of her. Not only could Maddie get the dress, but she could also make things unpleasant between them. It's like killing two birds with one stone!

As expected, when Diana heard Maddie's words, she showed a surprised expression. "Maddie, you also think it looks good!"

"Yes, it looks dignified, and if you wear it on stage, it will definitely be amazing!" Maddie added, with an expectant look in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Diana grinned, showing a smug smile. "Then you have to save up to buy one. These dresses are expensive, and ordinary people can't afford them!"

Maddie: ...

Is she stupid? Can't she see her hint?

Diana seemed not to notice her frozen expression and was directing her household servants.

"Help me bring all my dresses to my room, make sure to handle them carefully and don't damage them!"

John felt delighted seeing Diana's happy expression. It seemed that he had brought the right things.

Meanwhile, Andrew and Colin stood beside them with slightly darkened faces. Andrew narrowed his eyes, feeling a bit jealous.

He didn't expect that the usually ice-cold John, who always looked indifferent, had a way of pleasing girls.