
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 49: Z's True Identity

On the other side, at John's villa, a stern-looking man with long legs crossed, sat alone on the middle of a couch in a spacious study room. He gazed at the empty space on the sofa, lost in thought. That was the place where Little Girl had slept today, and her scent seemed to linger there. John's gaze paused, and he extended his slender fingers, picking up a long strand of hair on the sofa. His eyes softened instantly, and he greedily smelled the hair wrapped around his fingers.

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted him, and Ethan rushed in. "Boss, there's news from Ms. Thompson's side. She said..."

Ethan's eyes widened as he took in the scene before him. His boss, who was sitting elegantly on the large sofa, wore a black shirt that perfectly accentuated his impressive physique and perfect face, was now slightly bowing his head, smelling his own fingers, with a hint of obsession on his handsome face. He looked somewhat...perverted?

John froze, and then slowly turned his head. His gaze could almost kill a person.

"Sorry, Boss. It's about Ms. Thompson. I was in a hurry," Ethan stammered.

Upon hearing Diana's news, John's expression immediately changed. "Speak."

"I heard that the dress you gave to Ms. Thompson was torn apart by a servant..." Ethan hesitated to speak.

Upon hearing this, John's gaze darkened, and his entire aura turned cold.

"Ms. Thompson has already fired that servant. She was very angry, and it seems she values that dress very much..." Ethan quickly added.

"She values it?" John remained silent for a moment, then said in a calm voice. Although his voice was still icy, Ethan sensed that John's mood had probably improved. It seemed that he could survive this time.

"Contact a few top designers and have them make a summer outfit for Little Girl based on her measurements," John said lightly. Diana was going back to school soon, and it was a good opportunity to give her a gift for the occasion.

"Yes, Sir!"

Ethan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to leave when he heard John's emotionless voice once again. "Our company has a project with Africa recently, and no one wants to go on a business trip. You can go."

Ethan's eyes widened in surprise. Was this...a punishment for witnessing his boss's perverted behavior earlier? He regretted it deeply. If he had known, he would have let Jackson take the fall.

"Get out." John's voice became colder as Ethan didn't move.

"Yes," Ethan swallowed his grievances and left.

John had just calmed down when his phone suddenly rang with an urgent tone. He looked at the caller ID - Frank. He glanced at it and quickly hung up. But Frank was persistent and immediately called again. John's handsome brows furrowed as he became increasingly annoyed by the consecutive calls. Eventually, he reluctantly answered.

"John bro, I was wrong!" Without waiting for John to speak, Frank's voice on the other end was already apologizing.

"What did you do wrong?" John asked.

"I did everything wrong!" Frank's voice sounded desperate. "Especially with Diana. I swear the next time I see her, I'll call her 'Mrs. Matthews' forever and ever!"

His words came out so fast. Something was definitely off. John said directly, "Just tell me what you want."

At this, Frank gave a nervous laugh. "I can't hide anything from you, John bro. I need your help. Z agreed to participate in this year's 'Hero's Challenge' solo competition and has already successfully registered on the official website. Can you find out his true identity with this information?"

Z again? If John didn't know that Z was a guy, he would've thought that Frank was into him. He's so persistent. Seeing John's silence, Frank continued pleadingly, "My bro, I know your hacking skills are unrivaled. Please, please help me. I love you, mwah~"

"Don't be so gross." John couldn't help but feel a bit of goosebumps at Frank's cutesy act. "I could help you, but you need to make it up to the little girl."

"Make it up?" Frank was taken aback, then his tone softened. "How do I make it up to her?"

"Little girl is about to start school. Prepare something for her as a gift."

"Gift?" Frank was reluctant. John had already been coaxing his own fiancée, now he had to do the same? Frank didn't want to do it, but he had to relent. "Got it."

After hearing the affirmative response from the other end of the phone, John hung up and sat in front of his computer. He followed the URL Frank had sent him and hacked into the registration information for the Z competition. From there, he traced Z's movements and eventually found him playing a game with others in Cloud City. The more John delved into the situation, the more suspicious he became. Wait! The location of this URL was at the Thompson house! John rubbed his chin and suppressed his shock. Could it be the Thompson brothers? Ben could be ruled out due to his lack of intelligence, leaving only Andrew and Colin. Andrew was usually too busy, so it must be Colin. Surprisingly, Colin, who usually appeared introverted, played games well.

John had the answer in his mind. He finally hacked into the opponent's computer and quietly turned on the webcam. He had already guessed it was Colin and was mentally prepared for it. However, when he saw the face on the camera, his usually composed expression froze. Then, for the first time, an incredulous expression appeared on his face. The person with the bun head, frantically moving the mouse in front of the computer screen was someone he knew all too well. It was... Diana?!!!

On the other side of the camera, Diana was fully engrossed in the game and completely oblivious to the fact that her computer had been hacked. As she played, she also talked trash.

"Move around! Turn around and get him!"

"Your teammate is so useless. Even a chicken walking on the keyboard has better movement than him!"

"Watch me slip him and take him out with one combo!"

"Now who's your daddy, huh? Who's your daddy?!"

John felt like he was hallucinating. Either Diana had gone crazy, or he had. He lowered his head and rubbed his temples with two slender fingers to calm his emotions before raising his head again. Little girl was clearly enjoying herself and absentmindedly grabbed a bag of chips and stuffed them into her mouth. Then, she saw something on the screen and burst out laughing, spitting out the chips in the process. It was obvious that the computer screen was now in a terrible state. Despite the lack of decorum, she was doing something that was... cute, in John's eyes.

After a brief shock, John found it somewhat amusing. He had never seen Diana like this before. He instantly understood what Diana had said. She wanted Frank to call her "Mrs. Matthews," and willingly so. So that was it... since it was his little girl's secret, he naturally had to go along with her and keep this matter a secret. While John was lost in thought, his phone rang again, which was placed on the table. Sure enough, it was Frank.

John nonchalantly swiped the screen. "John Bro, did you find him? Who is Z?"

Frank's voice was filled with excitement. He wanted to know! He finally wanted to know the true face of his idol! John's expression was complicated as he glanced at the computer screen and Diana sitting across from him, crossing her legs and drinking cola. After she finished drinking, she even burped.

John said in a deep voice, "I didn't find him."

"What?!" Frank's voice became sharp. After a moment, he sounded like a deflated ball, "John Bro, are you kidding me? Is there anyone you can't track down in this world?!"

"I didn't find him means I didn't find him."

"Okay..." Frank's tone was very disappointed. "Then I can only wait until the solo competition in a month to see him. Hey, when I meet Z, I must take a photo with him, get his contact information, and pester him to build a good relationship with him!"

"You want to pester Z?" John raised his eyebrows.

"Yes! He's my idol, and I definitely want him to join my esports club!"

"What if he's a woman?" Frank was stunned for a moment, then "hehe" twice, and let out a shy and lewd laughter. "I'm still single, if Z is a girl, such a unique and skilled girl... I think I can..."

John's phoenix eyes narrowed, he exerted force on his hand, almost crushing the phone. He thought he can what? Did Frank even ask for his opinion!? Frank had no idea the danger was already approaching, and continued talking nonstop. "Bro, isn't it unimaginable if Z is really a girl? I can't even imagine it! If that's the case, I might really have to pursue her. A girl who plays games so well, what would she look like... bro, are you there?"

"Hmph." John sneered. It seemed like he had been single for too long and was restless. Tomorrow, he would contact Frank's father and arrange a blind date for him.

Frank felt a bit puzzled, "What's wrong, bro? You seem to be in a bad mood?" He paused, as if he realized something. "Bro, don't worry, even though you couldn't figure out Z's true identity, I will still give Diana the gift. What gift do you think I should give her?"

"You want to give her gift?" John's voice became even colder.

Even over the phone, Frank could feel a deep chill. He was confused. "Bro, isn't it what you asked me to do to make it up to her?"

"Is this how you make it up? You should go as far away as possible and never appear in front of the little girl again. Don't you know that she and I are already engaged?"

Huh? Frank on the other end of the phone couldn't help but show a confused expression. This...what does this have to do with anything! However, before he could ask his doubts, John had already hung up the phone. He called back in confusion but found that he had been blocked.

Frank: ??? What kind of bizarre behavior is this?!