
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 30: Mrs. Matthews

"Hmm, what are you doing here? Are you up to something again?" Frank sat opposite Diana, arms crossed and looking at her warily.

"Mind your own f@#$ing business!"

"Bro, look at her! Which young lady from Cloud City would be as rude and foul-mouthed as her? You mustn't mess around with her!" Frank seized the opportunity to advise John.

John glanced at him impatiently. "She's right. You really are meddling too much."

Frank clutched his chest and looked pained. "My esports players are having a gathering here. I heard you were here, so I left them to come over. And yet, you reject me!"

"Then go back to them," John said coldly, his demeanor resembling that of a heartless man who had abandoned his girlfriend.

"Dude, I misjudged you!" Frank felt like his heart was punched. Whenever it came to Diana, he lost all his principles. After all, she was the one who almost crippled him. Frank wanted to rush forward and strangle John's neck, to make him realize and choose the right path of staying away from this troublesome woman.

But the thought was only in his mind. Even with ten times the courage, he wouldn't dare to lay a finger on John. Diana was very pleased with John's response, and she picked up a piece of pork knuckle, taking a big bite. "It's delicious!"

Frank sneered, "Of course, it's delicious. It was fresh pork knuckle flown in from Germany, per my request. It's a shame that someone as rude as you ate it. Even the pig wouldn't rest in peace!"

Diana was shocked, "Your request? You ordered it? So, Cuisine Tower is yours, you imbecile?! No way! With your temperament, how do you deserve to have such a restaurant!"

"What, scared?" Frank was very pleased. Although Cuisine Tower was indeed his, he had to rely on John's reputation and connections to establish it. Without John, it would have been difficult to start it with just his own funds and network.

"If you like it, I can buy it and give it to you," John said calmly.

"What the hell! John, have you considered my feelings?!" Frank almost jumped.

John frowned, "Why are you still here?"

Frank: "..."

"If John lived in ancient times, he would definitely be a tyrant!" Frank muttered.

"Little girl is engaged to me, Frank, be careful with your words," John lifted his eyelids and gave him a faint warning glance that made Frank uneasy. Straightening up, John became serious, but Frank remained fearful. "At most, I won't call her 'the rude one' anymore..."

"What are you talking about? After I'm engaged to John, I'll be Mrs. Matthews!" Diana, leaning on her elbow, grinned wickedly. "Come on, let me hear it early, call me 'Mrs. Matthews' right now!"

Frank looked at her disdainfully. "You? Keep dreaming! I'll be waiting for you to break up!"

"Frank!" John's voice lowered, and he was genuinely angry.

Frank immediately backed down. "I just said it without thinking, John bro..."

"There won't be a next time." John gave him a stern warning glance. Then he put on his gloves again and placed a peeled shrimp into Diana's bowl. "It's not enough, but there's more."

Frank struggled to control his expression. What the hell! John actually peeled shrimp for that rude woman! It made him furious to see the mountain of shrimp shells piled in front of Diana. Was she a pig?

He couldn't stand being here any longer. "Fine, I'm leaving. Bro, I'll come find you next time you're alone," Frank grumbled before storming out. Diana couldn't help but smirk as she watched Frank's retreating back. When she got engaged to John, she would make sure he called her Mrs. Matthews! The thought made her laugh uncontrollably.

"What's so funny?" John looked at the little girl next to him who suddenly laughed like a mischievous cat, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Oh, nothing. I just thought it was really delicious," Diana quickly replied with a serious tone. "You peeled the shrimp perfectly." She thought to herself that he was like an emotionless shrimp-peeling machine.

"As long as you liked it," John's eyes flickered slightly as he responded calmly.

Diana felt a pang in her chest. Strange, why did hearing that sentence feel like a heart attack? She realized she might need to go to the hospital for a checkup.

After having her fill of food and drink, Diana slumped in her chair, belching without any regard for her image. She rubbed her Buddha-like belly and let out a satisfied sigh. "That was so delicious!" Ethan couldn't help but twitch at the sight of her looking stuffed. "This woman must have starved to death in a famine in her past life," he thought to himself.

Suddenly, Diana's phone rang. It was Lynn. 

"Lynn, what's up?" Diana said, sitting up straighter.

"I just wanted to let you know that I've taken Ms. Taylor to the hospital," Lynn said.

Diana's heart skipped a beat. Ms. Taylor was her beloved nanny, who had been with the family since Diana was a child.

"Is she okay?" Diana asked.

"Well, her stomach was bothering her, so she needed to get an examination. They're going to keep her for a while for treatment," Lynn explained.

"Do you know how long she'll be there?" Diana asked.

"Not sure, but I'll keep you posted," Lynn said.

"Thanks, Lynn. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help," Diana said.

Diana breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that Ms. Taylor wouldn't leave this world too soon due to cancer. After confirming that she would be fine, Diana hung up the phone.

"Well, I've eaten and it's time for me to go back," Diana said as she slowly stood up while holding her waist. John also stood up with his crutches and said, "I'll take you."

"That's not necessary...you should go rest. Your men can take me," Diana replied. She hoped that he would return her beloved little motorcycle that he had confiscated from her.

It was clear that her refusal was useless. A moment later, Diana was forced into John's luxurious car. The two of them sat in the back seat, and the cramped space was filled with John's scent. It was faint, yet carried an invasive smell.

Diana felt like she should be nervous. But she wasn't sure if it was due to not sleeping well the night before or eating too much and feeling faint. As soon as she got on the car, her eyelids started to fight each other and she felt so sleepy that tears streamed down her face. Damn it, she wanted to sleep! If it weren't for the big iceberg sitting next to her, she would have already fallen asleep.

John noticed that they had been silent for a while and felt that the atmosphere was a bit oppressive. He had just managed to ease their relationship, and he had to keep it that way. But when it came to chatting with girls...it really wasn't his strong suit.

After a moment, he finally spoke slowly, "What have you been doing these days?" However, no one responded. John turned his head in confusion, only to find Diana closing her eyes and struggling to stay awake...Is talking to him that boring? So boring that she fell asleep? John was deeply hurt.

Meanwhile, Diana tilted her head in a daze and rested it on his shoulder. In a half-conscious state, she found the perfect angle. Hmm, not bad, just like this...John stiffened, not daring to breathe heavily. After a while, he slowly lowered his gaze and looked at the girl who was resting her head on his shoulder. She was like a little hamster, rubbing her head slightly against his suit, and then fell asleep contentedly. Her skin was white as jade, her lips were pink and moist, her long eyelashes drooped down, thick as two small brushes. John looked at her foolishly, his eyes filled with affectionate tenderness. If possible, he was willing to spend his whole life like this, with her until the end of time...

As he was getting emotional, he suddenly noticed something was off. A little something seemed to be dripping from the corner of the little one's mouth. And it was increasing in quantity. It was... drool!!! John's expression slightly changed as he quickly grabbed a tissue from the side and wiped the corner of her mouth. But after only a short while, it came out again. John was afraid of waking her up, so he just gave up struggling. Such a good atmosphere... it's such a pity.

Ethan saw the two of them snuggled up behind him, and he initially drove the car very slowly in order to take care of Boss's mood and let him experience this rare sweet moment a little longer. However, it wasn't long before Ethan saw Diana's drool flowing onto Boss's suit. He was extremely conflicted. He didn't know whether to speed up or slow down. It was like encountering the biggest challenge of his career.

With this conflicted mentality, he finally drove the car to the Thompson family's doorstep. Ethan turned his head, wanting to call out Diana's name, but he saw John extend his slender index finger and make a gesture of silence. Ethan could only silently turn his head back. The two of them sat in the car, quietly waiting for Diana to wake up.

John gazed at her with longing, his eyes skimming over every inch of her porcelain-white skin that lay exposed. But as his gaze fell upon the back of her neck, he suddenly grew tense. There was a small tattoo there, barely visible, its outline faintly discernible. Diana had used a temporary tattoo to ink Luke's name onto her neck and had even flaunted it in front of John, boasting that he could never be the love of her life. The thought made John's eyes narrow and a chill ran through him.

Meanwhile, Diana was completely unaware that she had once again angered the icy and domineering CEO. She slept soundly, even dreaming a strange dream. In her dream, she was wearing a pure white wedding dress and walking into a church. White doves flew up with a "rustling" sound. She pulled at the hem of her dress, somewhat dazed, and stood at the entrance of the church, looking at the tall figure in a white suit standing at the forefront. Who was it? As she looked on with a puzzled expression, the person in front of her slowly turned around in the sunlight. His handsome face was like that of a god, and his eyes were full of tenderness as he gazed at her.

Diana's pupils suddenly dilated. It was... John?! The heavy toll of the church bells sounded in her ears, as if hammering her chest and causing her heart to skip a beat. Suddenly, Diana opened her eyes wide, only to see John's icy gaze staring back at her as usual. Remembering her dream, she quickly lowered her head, avoiding his gaze. Oh no! Why did she dream of something like that?!

Seeing her evasive behavior, John's eyes grew slightly colder. The temperature around them suddenly dropped, and the air was filled with an icy chill that seemed capable of freezing anyone to death.