
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 28: Motorcycle Confiscated

She coughed lightly, "Ahem, let me tell you..." Diana was afraid that the person behind her would hear, so she shyly approached John, tiptoed, and whispered in his ear, "It means that, well... I want to be with you for a lifetime." Diana was too embarrassed to say anything more.

John's pupils suddenly contracted. Was she confessing to him?! The faint fragrance on the girl's body lingered on his nose, like pure gardenia flowers. Looking at her delicate little face, John's Adam's apple rolled, and he lost his usual composure in an instant. He uncontrollably stretched out his hand and tightly embraced Diana in his arms! Within reach, the warmth felt like a beautiful dream!

"Um..." Feeling the overbearing strength coming from his waist, Diana stiffened for a moment. They were hugging?! This was actually their first real hug. Every time they met before, they were always on guard against each other. In their past life, the only few intimate moments they had were when John angrily forced her under him. At that time, his approach was a nightmare for her. Feeling Diana's body stiffen, John regained a bit of rationality. "Did I scare you?"

Diana swallowed a mouthful of saliva and honestly replied, "Just a little bit..."

Sure enough... John's eyes dimmed, but he didn't get angry. As long as Diana could decide to accept him, no matter how long it took, he could wait. With this in mind, John's hand loosened slightly. Feeling that John seemed to want to let go of her, Diana subconsciously reached out and hugged him back. When she came back to her senses, she was also startled by her own actions. What the hell? Did she lose her mind just now? But she couldn't care much anymore, smelling the faint tobacco fragrance on John's body, she suddenly felt that he wasn't that scary after all.

"Ah, welcome, welcome back..." Diana said politely, patting his back awkwardly. She couldn't see John's expression, but she could feel the power around her waist suddenly increase, as if he wanted to merge her into his body. Diana struggled to peek her head out and let out a sigh. Ah, this man really loves her too much.

John greedily sniffed the scent of the girl in his arms, reluctant to let go. Until Diana suddenly made a whimpering sound. "Ah... if you don't let go, I'll suffocate..."

John was taken aback and quickly released her. "Did I hurt you?"

"It's okay..." Diana looked at his handsome face, which was now only inches away from her. She lowered her head slightly, feeling a bit shy. This face was really too perfect, not too much or too little. She wondered why she hadn't noticed how handsome he was before.

"Um, we shouldn't just stand here, let's go. Everyone's watching..." Diana scratched her head, feeling a bit embarrassed. Jackson and Ethan behind them heard her words and immediately turned their heads, looking in different directions. Ahem... they didn't see anything. However, the air seemed to be filled with a sour smell of love, making them feel uncomfortable.

"Let's go have lunch first." John whispered. He hadn't seen Diana in a few days, and he felt that she seemed more haggard. He felt a wave of tenderness in his heart.

"Do you want to take a rest first?" Diana asked. "No need," John replied sharply, preparing to lead her outside. However, Diana reached out and stopped him. "Don't stand up, go sit in the wheelchair," she said.

John's expression instantly turned sour. He didn't want to be treated like a disabled person; he wanted to walk with her. Diana tried to persuade him, "But you just had surgery, you can't be so stubborn. Please sit in the wheelchair." "No way," John stubbornly refused. Diana was frustrated. She patiently suggested,

"Then, can I push you?" Upon hearing this, a glimmer of light flashed in John's eyes. He pretended to think for a moment and then nodded slightly, "Hmm."

Ethan heard the words behind him and immediately pushed the wheelchair over. Diana breathed a sigh of relief. However, she also felt something was off. How could she be talking to John like he was a child? She had never noticed this childish side of him before. Meanwhile, the stubborn John had happily sat down on the wheelchair. He turned his head and glanced at Ethan standing behind him, and said lightly, "You, go away."

Ethan felt as if he had been shot in the heart and clutched his chest. Was he being rejected by the boss? Diana, who was beside him, obediently walked over and pushed him slowly. But after two or three steps, John felt a bit sorry for him. "If you're tired, let Ethan do it."

"Haha, I'm not tired," Diana laughed. "I'm pushing slowly because I'm afraid that if I push too fast, I might accidentally push you down the stairs."

Hearing this, Ethan and Jackson immediately looked at her alertly. Even the bodyguards came over to protect John in front of them.

Diana: She was just joking. Did they really have to act like she was planning a murder or something?

After a while, the group of people had finally made it outside the airport. John's car had already been parked by the roadside, along with several luxury cars. The front car was a black Bentley, and in front of its door stood an old butler, Mr. Robinson, who had been serving John. He was surprised to see Diana there, and even more surprised to see her pushing John. In the past, Miss Thompson had always been on the verge of death when she met with the young master.

Although he had heard that her attitude towards the young master had improved slightly, he never believed it, thinking that this little girl must be tricking the young master again. Seeing this scene suddenly made him feel a little...strange.

Diana saw him and smiled awkwardly, "Hello, Mr. Robinson." In the previous life, when she was imprisoned by John in his villa, Mr. Robinson took care of her. She had caused a lot of trouble for him. Every day, she threatened to die in various ways, making the old man tremble with fear and almost die on the spot. Now, seeing him again, she really felt a little guilty.

Upon hearing Diana's greeting, Mr. Robinson's face stiffened, and he smiled at her before turning to John, "Sir, the master and the grand master miss you very much. Let's go back now."

"No rush." John took his cane and stood up slowly, "You go back first and tell them that I'll be back at the mansion for dinner tonight." After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Diana, "What do you want for lunch?"

"Um...anything is fine." Diana rubbed her nose and looked at Mr. Robinson's scrutinizing gaze, feeling a hint of resentment. It was as if she were the witch who had charmed the young master.

John reached out his hand to Diana and said, "I know a restaurant you'll love." As Diana looked at his outstretched hand, her heart began to beat faster. Strange... was she too nervous? Why did she feel a twinge every time John made a move?

Seeing her standing still, John thought she was scared by his hug just now, so he withdrew his hand. Being too forward all at once was not good; it might scare the little thing away and cause more harm than good. Diana was just about to put her hand over, but she saw John withdraw his hand again... What's going on?

Ethan walked over and opened the car door for the two of them. Diana got in first, and then John sat next to her. Once he sat down, in this cramped space, Diana felt a bit nervous again. She put her hands on her knees and made a cute gesture. Just as the car was about to start, Diana suddenly remembered something, "Wait!"

"What's wrong?" John's tone became concerned when he saw how nervous she was.

"Um, I forgot about my motorcycle."

Upon hearing this, John frowned, "You rode your motorcycle here?"

"Yes." Diana touched her nose, "I'm really good at it. If you don't believe me, I can take you for a ride next time?"

Jackson beside them bit his lip and imagined their boss in a suit and tie, riding on the back of Diana's motorcycle with the wind blowing in their faces. The picture was too beautiful; he couldn't imagine it. He couldn't help but snicker.

John's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, "Confiscate it, Jackson. Get off the car and bring the motorcycle back to my garage."

Jackson: !!! He was wrong; he shouldn't have laughed! "Yes, boss."

Jackson got off the car with a woeful expression. Ethan turned around and showed a gloating expression before leaving.

Diana sat in the car and pouted discontentedly, "It's not fair! You have given it to me, why did you take it back?"