
Bad Girl Reborn

The protagonist of this novel is a complete bad girl, all because she believed that a bad man was her "fate mate" and wrongly trusted him and another despicable woman. This led to her family's ruin and the death of the man who loved her dearly. If given the chance to start over, she would no longer accept such a fate. She wants to cherish all the people who love her and seek revenge against her enemies. Just as she is on the brink of death, a miracle happens, and she is transported back four years. This time, she will not be toyed with like in her past life, and she will seek revenge in her own way. While she has enough tenderness and kindness for her relatives and friends, she has no mercy for her enemies. Anyone who has harmed her or deceived her in her past life will face her various forms of retaliation! Remember, she is a bad girl! Oh, and by the way, it would be nice to have a romantic relationship with Mr. CEO whom she let go in her previous life.

WhenWolfLovesSheep · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

Chapter 12: Go Get Your Eyes Checked!

Luke was indeed a handsome guy, but when compared to John, he was instantly reduced to nothing. Diana couldn't help but wonder why she had been so devoted to him in her past life. With this thought, her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of coldness.

As soon as he saw someone approaching, Luke stood up and locked his gaze on Maddie's figure. It had been a summer since they last met, and his goddess was still as beautiful as ever. Maddie glanced at him nonchalantly and then looked away, making a shy expression. No one knew what was going on between them. As Luke watched her little movements, he couldn't help but feel a bit distracted.

Diana stood on the side, observing the flirtatious interaction between the two. She couldn't help but feel disgusted and was relieved that she didn't eat much for breakfast, or else she would have vomited.

"Luke, have you been waiting long?" Maddie asked in a gentle tone.

"It's alright, not too long..." Luke's gaze shifted and he saw the girl next to Maddie, and for a moment, he was struck by her beauty. She looked exquisite like a porcelain doll, and he was taken aback.

"Who is this?" Luke asked.

Maddie noticed his expression and felt a hint of displeasure. She forced a smile and said, "This is..."

"Luke, guess who she is?" Noah interrupted Maddie and walked over to Luke, placing his hand on his shoulder with a look of amusement. Luke looked at him and asked, "Do you know this person from before?"

Noah burst out laughing and exclaimed, "Know her? Very well! So well that you won't believe it!"

Luke felt confused and looked back at the person in question. After a few seconds, he realized something was off. The facial features...the more he looked, the more it resembled that idiot Diana?!

"She's Diana!" Noah suddenly blurted out, confirming Luke's suspicion.

Luke widened his eyes and exclaimed, "That's impossible!"

"How is that impossible?" Diana spoke lightly, with a hint of teasing in her voice. Upon hearing her voice, Luke immediately confirmed that it was definitely her. 

"How...is this possible?" Finally, Diana looked somewhat like a human being again. Luke's gaze flickered as he turned to Maddie with a questioning look. Had Maddie not mentioned that Diana looked like this before? 

Seeing his bewildered expression, Maddie felt a flash of anger and sarcasm in her heart. She only pretended to care about Luke because he had some usefulness to her. 

"It's been a while since we've seen you, Diana. You should talk to Luke." Maddie pushed Diana in Luke's direction, giving him a meaningful smile. 

Luke snapped out of it quickly. While he was initially struck by Diana's beauty, he realized that looks alone were not enough. He preferred someone like Maddie, who was intelligent and empathetic.

So he replied sternly, "What's there to talk about? I have nothing to say to her!"

Noah exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Wow, really? Diana looks so beautiful now, and you're still not interested?!"

Upon hearing this, Diana snorted disdainfully, "Good, I don't like chatting with idiots anyway."

The private room fell silent for a few seconds. Luke couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Who are you talking about?" he asked.

"Whoever talks to me," Diana replied coldly, glancing at him before walking to the table, pulling out a chair, and sitting down. "Aren't we here to eat? Let's eat, I'm hungry."

The group was in shock and unable to recover for a while, their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost. Then Noah burst out laughing, "Oh my god, Luke! Diana just roasted you!?"

If people remember correctly, wasn't she the one who chased after Luke shamelessly during their first year of university? What happened this summer?

Maddie composed herself and said in a calm voice, "Well, why don't we all sit down and eat?"

At her words, everyone walked to the table and took their seats. Maddie took the opportunity to place Luke on Diana's left and sat down on her right.

She leaned towards Diana and complained, "Diana, what's gotten into you? How could you speak to Luke like that?"

"He was the one who provoked me first," Diana said, taking a big bite out of the steak that had just been placed in front of her. Wow, this tastes really good!

The restaurant wasn't cheap, but she wasn't paying for the meal today, so she decided to indulge herself. Diana dove into her food, completely ignoring Luke sitting next to her as if he was invisible. She was enjoying her meal, but the others at the table were not quite as enthusiastic.

Lily watched as Diana wolfed down her food and couldn't help but whisper, "She eats like a starving animal, no sense of decorum."

Noah grinned and said, "I think it's cute!" Lily was so angry that she couldn't even eat anymore. Maddie was also too distracted to eat, as she kept messaging Luke on her phone. 

Despite his reluctance, Luke received a message from his crush and took the initiative to speak up. He looked at Diana, who was cracking open a Chinese mitten crab, and said slowly, "Diana, I need to tell you something. I don't think you look good like this. You should go back to your old style."

Upon hearing Luke's words, Diana stopped her actions and turned to look at him with a puzzled expression. "You think it looks bad?" she asked.

"Yes! Go change it!" Luke crossed his arms and looked at her coldly, acting as if he was giving orders. Diana almost burst out laughing at his attitude.

Who does he think he is?

"Well then, why don't you go get your eyes checked instead of coming here and criticizing me?" Diana rolled her eyes at him and continued to peel the crab. She couldn't be bothered with him.

"What did you say!?" If Diana's attitude had surprised him before, Luke was now furious. How dare she, a mere follower, talk to him like that?!

Maddie sensed trouble and quickly spoke up: "Luke, don't be angry. Diana is just not in a good mood today...."

Noah also chimed in: "I think Diana looks great in that outfit. Your suggestion was really inappropriate."

Luke looked embarrassed. He knew that Diana looked much better now than she did before. But he did what Maddie told him to do.

Maddie felt that something was off. She grabbed Diana's arm and asked: "Diana, what's going on? Do you really not like Luke anymore?"

"Rubbish! Of course I don't like him!" Diana muttered angrily to herself. However, she didn't say it out loud. Instead, she intentionally said, "Well, I suddenly realized something. He's too full of himself. I'm Diana Thompson, why should I chase after him? If he took the initiative, my attitude wouldn't be so bad."

Diana stuffed the crab meat into her mouth. Ha, calling her a "licking dog"? Let him try being a licking dog himself!

Upon hearing this, Maddie suddenly realized. Indeed, she had become tired from chasing after him and had started to complain.

Diana finished eating and pushed her plate away. "I'm done. I'm going to the bathroom first," she said, pulling her chair back and walking out.

As soon as she left, Maddie quickly messaged Luke, telling him what Diana had said. Luke controlled his anger and also pulled his chair back. "I'm going to make a phone call," he said, following her out.

As Diana walked along the hallway, she couldn't help but remember Luke's frustrated expression from earlier, and she almost burst out laughing. However, her amusement was short-lived as she noticed Luke following her, wondering what this idiot was up to.

Diana furrowed her brow, quickened her pace, and headed straight to the bathroom. Luke watched her disappear and stood there, bewildered. Did she purposely avoid him? That's what it felt like to him.

Luke was frustrated. Wasn't Diana supposed to be all over him, clinging and begging for his attention? But he remembered Maddie's request and waited outside the private room. However, Diana still hadn't come out after half an hour. Maddie, who was getting anxious inside the room, found an excuse to come out and met Luke at the corner.

"What happened? Did you talk to her?" Maddie asked.

"Diana hasn't come out yet. And why should I chase after her when I like you?" Luke replied.

Maddie was annoyed, but she held back and said patiently, "Luke, I told you before. James will only notice me if Diana falls from grace. I don't want to keep living in this awkward position. I want to become a real Miss Thompson."

Maddie's face was filled with sadness, as if she had suffered great injustice. Luke felt sorry for her and without hesitation said, "Okay, I'll do as you say. We'll be together when your wish comes true."

"Luke, I'm sorry to trouble you," Maddie said with a smile while holding Luke's hand, "When Diana comes out, you go talk to her and make her fall in love with you again..."

Little did they know, Diana was hiding next to the bathroom and had heard everything. She rubbed her chin and a mischievous glint flashed in her eyes. She wanted to play a little trick on them! Diana twisted her wrist, waiting until there was no noise outside before walking out slowly.

As she turned the corner of the hallway, Luke suddenly appeared in front of her.
