
Bad Boy, My Love

He stands for everything she hates, but she can't help but fall for him. She has a feisty side tucked away. He has a playful side just meant for her. He likes her feisty side, and will do anything to bring it out of her. The lamb fell in love with the lion, and so be it She's falling but he's an actor. How does she know what's real or fake with him?

BenithaK004 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 1: "That's my seat"

Here I am. At the departures line to Ontario. Ready to leave my fucked up life behind. No more Scott. No more Scott's pervert dad. I'm just going to leave it all behind.

I go through the security procedure and go to check in for my boarding pass. I then sit in the lounge and wait for my flight. .......................

You see, Scott is my ex-boyfriend. I ended everything after he and his father tried to assault me on prom night. Turns out it was Scott's plan all along when he decided to go out with me. Freak. I was saved by Scott's mom when she suddenly came home.

"I thought the bitch was out of town," Scott's dad had said

"I'll come for you tomorrow, Gianna!" Scott had said

"Fuck you, Scott!" I had cursed out and ran outside.

"Why do you refuse if your dad is gettin' some!" someone said inside

Yeah. Jacob. My father figure for 15 years had tried the same thing a week before prom. He got married to my mom when I was 4 years old. He loved me way too much and cared for me a lot. He usually bought gifts for me and a lot of stuff. And when I got into high school, he started getting over possessive with me. But dads do that, right? Right?

I took Scott home one day and Jacob got angry. The next day he came inside my room after I had a shower. He was surprised to see I was already dressed. He then came onto me but luckily I was by the window. He took off his shirt and said, "You're finally grown up, so it shall be considered consensual." And then I jumped out the window, breaking my arm in the process. I didn't go back home since then. I later called my mom one day before leaving for Canada. The Scott incident was my last straw.


I hear my plane is here and I stand up to leave. GOODBYE ALASKA! HELLO TORONTO!

I get on the plane, show the hostess my boarding pass and go to my seat. When I reach my seat, there is this guy with a huge beard and Ray-Ban shades sitting there staring outside the window. The morning orange sun outside hitting his dirty blonde locks slightly gives this magnificent golden shimmer. He looks like a perfect Adonis sculpture sitting there.

I tap him lightly on the shoulder and he looks up slightly, eyes me for a moment, and then asks, "What's up?"

His husky voice makes me weak in the knees. For a person with the worst experience with men, I sure fall too fast.

"I'm sorry, but you're in my seat!" I say softly.

"No, I'm in the right seat!" he says calmly.

"Sir, I think you made a mistake but this is my seat," I say again, my tone higher than I intended.

"How old are you?" he suddenly asks.

Surprised, I ask "Does age have anything to do with this?"

"Nah, Just curious!" he deadpans.

"Anyway, you're still in my seat!" I say angry this time.

"I'm pretty sure this is my seat!" he smiles. I can't help but stare. He then takes off his shades, to reveal a godly pair of silver-grey eyes. A slight amusement flashes across his eyes. It is as if he's trying hard not to smile. His eyes look extra shiny and clear as a ray of sun hits them lightly. I don't look away. No, I can't look away. He doesn't look away either, as if challenging me. He stares hard that it feels like his eyes are piercing through my flesh and looking at the darkest deepest part of my soul. I don't look away though. CHALLENGE ON.

A voice behind me startles me, "Is everything okay here?". It is the hostess from earlier.

"Yeah! NO! This guy here is in my seat!" I answer, forcing myself away from the stare. I turn to face the hostess.

"Pretty sure it is my seat!" the bearded guy says sounding playful and amused. He takes his beanie off, pushes the golden locks on his forehead back, and puts it back on. His biceps flex in the process. Killer move.

"Can I see your ticket miss?" the hostess asks. I hand her my ticket confidently and she examines it and then looks up at me.

"Your seat is 12A in economic class, this is Business class!" she says eyeing me closely. And then it hits me. I made a complete fool out of myself in front of this guy. Not that I care. I look around and finally realize all kinds of rich around me. There is this woman with diamond earrings as big as my eyeballs. I mean, can those even be genuine?

The hostess then turns to the bearded dude. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Hamilton!" her voice sounds awfully sweet. Seriously? Does that even work?

"It is alright, company was entertaining," he winks, don't know if at me or the hostess, and then slips his shades back on, blocking me from the marvelous view. He then turns back to the window. LOSER.

He cocks his head to the right slightly, as if eyeing me from the corner of his eye, and flashes me a lopsided smile. Did he hear my thoughts? LOSER!

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, first time traveling!" I say.

He waves his hand dismissively at me. LOSER.

"I'll show you to your seat!" the hostess offers.

"No, thank you! I'll manage!" I say walking away.

The seatbelt sign lights up as soon as I find my seat. I settle down and get ready to take off. King's College here I come

* * *

I stare out the window as the plane gets closer to the ground. And I start freaking out. No no no! Can't freak out now! I got this.

Going to King's College on a scholarship, working part-time at a grocery store, and living at the Jarvis House hostel before figuring something out. I am so determined to make it. I got this.

I take my backpack from the overhead locker after the plane lands, and stand up to leave. God keep bearded dude away.

God heeds my prayers and I don't meet him as I pass through the First-class while getting off the plane.

I grab the first taxi as soon as I get outside the airport. I give the cab driver the hostel's address and settle in the cab after loading my bags in the trunk.

* * *

I ring the hostel's doorbell when I get there.

"Hello, how can we help?" a lady says on the intercom.

"Hello! I'm Gianna Velasquez, I'm supposed to move in today!" I answer

I hear rustling on the other end of the line. And then, "I'm sorry, I don't have a Gianna in the check-in books!" the lady says.

"What do you mean? I booked online! I paid for a whole month!" I say

"You've been duped, honey! I'm sorry but we don't do online check-ins"

I can't feel my legs. Word of advice, don't make your first travel experience be a life-changing situation. I drop to the ground and sit on one of the stairs. I bite the inside of my lower lip and pinch my thigh to fight back my tears. I can't cry. Not now. My ringing phone snaps me out of it. It is my mother.

"Hi, momma!" I say as normally as I can.

"Hi, baby!" I think she hears the sadness in my voice because she asks, "Honey, what's wrong?"

I want to tell her everything but I don't want to worry her, so all I say is, "No mom, I'm alright!"

"Okay! Whatever you say, honey! Anyway, I wanted to let you know that my divorce with Jacob went through. We go to court next week!" she says. My mom decided to get a divorce right after she learned of Jacob's actions. She often saw how he treated me, being possessive and all, but thought it was the fatherly love. My mom loved Jacob to death but even that had a limit. Nobody hurts her baby.

"Finally!" I say

My mom laughs and then says, "Honey, don't hesitate to tell me if you got a problem!"

"Okay momma, I'll talk to you later! I live you!" I say

"Love you too!" and with that, we hang up.

I almost start bawling my eyes out, when someone opens the door behind me. I turn around to see a slender model figure. I can't make her face out through my fuzzy eyes, so I wipe my tears away. Her long silky hair is blowing in the evening breeze. Her face has no makeup except lip-gloss but she looks incredibly beautiful. Where was I when other kids got their beauty? I stare at her as she descends gracefully on the stairs. She moves to the stair below where I'm sitting and stops. She turns around, tucks a lock of hair behind her ear, and looks at me.

"Hi! I'm Leyna!" she holds out her hand. She has long thin fingers with a set of perfectly manicured nails'

"I'm Gianna. HI!" I answer politely.

"So, Gianna, why are you sitting on the stairs instead of going inside?" I hear a faint German accent I haven't heard when she talked before.

I tell her everything and she listens carefully before she says, "My friend's mom owns the place! I think I can help." she suggests.

"Really? You're a lifesaver! Thank you so much!" I thank her profusely.

I get up but she tells me to sit back down. "I'll go talk to her and I'll be right back."

She goes to the door, punches in the passcode, and disappears inside as the door opens.

A couple of minutes later, Leyna emerges from the door again and walks to me. "Gianna, I have good and bad news, which do you want to hear first?"

"Bad!" I say

"The hostel is fully booked because it is the beginning of the academic year!" Leyna says and I sigh, she continues, "but the good news is you can stay with me if you like! I really need a roommate!"

"No, I wouldn't impose!"

After a ton of persuasions from Leyna, I give in. I then start taking my bags upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Leyna asks.

" To your room," I say confused

"Oh no, I don't live here! I live downtown! I just came here to see my friend Vanessa" Leyna laughs as she helps me with one of my bags.

She then starts digging in her purse. Car keys I assume. I'm not wrong. She clicks the car key and a purple Aston Martin DBS Superleggera lights up on the other end of the street. I gasp and she smiles. The girl is not just beautiful but also drives beauty.

"Her name is Debbie!" she says as she opens the trunk for my bags.

"You named your car?" I ask surprised. It is not weird but still

"I name all my cars!" she says simply. Cars, more than one.

"Cars? You got gold mines or something?" I ask her still catching my breath as I enter the car.

"Nope!" Leyna answers still smiling.

"Do you sell kidneys or something?"

She laughs hard this time.

"No! My dad sells cars!" she answers normally,

"As in automobiles shop?" I ask.

"No! As in imports exotic cars!"

"That's super cool! So do you like cars?" I ask her.

"Nope! The only model I know is Debbie's!" Leyna says

"Really? I'm like so into cars!" I answer excitedly.

"Really? I can ask my sister who manages one of the shops to hire you!" Leyna says.

I laugh at her joke. She doesn't and I turn to look at her. She's not joking.

"You're joking, right?" I ask surprised by her serious expression.

"No I'm not!" she answers with her eyes wide.

"I mean, you just met me today. How can you even trust me with your dad's billions?" I ask her confused.

She laughs hard. "I can tell you're good!" and with that Leyna starts the car.

I kind of guessed what her apartment looks like judging from everything she told me.

She punches the numbers on the keypad and pushes the door open.

I gasp, despite what I already had on my mind. The apartment is painted white with strikes of light violet. Different kinds of paintings of Leyna are hanging on the walls. It is like her own personal gallery.

It is mostly lit by lavender-scented candles that smell like her car and hair. I already figured lavender is her favorite. Despite the candles, a pristine chandelier is hanging from the ceiling.

"Come, let's eat!" Leyna says from the kitchen.

I follow her voice to the kitchen where the table is already set.

"You live with someone else?" I ask curiously.

"No, my sister makes me dinner before going home after work. She's married and has two kids." Leyna explains.

"That's too much for a career woman. How does she manage all that?" I ask

"Honestly, I have no idea!" Leyna says, "But she manages to make time for everyone."

"By the way, I forgot to tell you! I'm having a birthday party tomorrow. Nothing fancy, just a couple of close friends coming over." Leyna says suddenly. "You should come"

"I'm sorry but I can't make it!" I say apologetically.

"Why not?" she asks.

"I have to go for a tour at my new school. And I also need to go job hunting. Need to get on my feet and get out of your way ASAP. I'm really thankful but I feel like I'm intruding."

"Which school?" Leyna asks

"King's college! I got a full scholarship!" I explain.

"Gianna, I also go to King's College. I'll give you a tour on Monday. I was also serious about the job with the car dealership and about living here, you're not intruding. I really need the company. You'll have your own room, so don't worry about privacy. All I'll ask of you is to make the meals. I can't cook." Leyna explains.

"Cook, I can do alright!" I say

"So you'll be there tomorrow?" Leyna asks with puppy eyes. I can't refuse any longer.

* * *

With lots of college kids in the apartment, it doesn't look so clean anymore. Too much for nothing fancy. When Leyna said having a couple of friends over, I thought it was pizza and beer or something but damn, this place is booming with loud music and a party vibe. Everyone around me is in their fancy clothes. But maybe those are the least cool outfits in their closets. All I'm wearing is a black tank top and oversized jean overalls that are not so oversized on my curvy behind. Not the party outfit. The red party cups I've been desiring all my life are right in front of me but I can't bring myself to pick one up. Everywhere I turn to are kids making out or stripping naked in some game. Party vibe.

I squeeze through the crowd and bump into someone. I then turn around to apologize quickly. Those eyes. I turn to leave.

Minutes later, I meet the birthday girl. She's in a cute purple knee-length off the shouldered dress.

"Hey, girl! Where's your drink?" Leyna asks raising her voice over the music.

"I don't drink! I'm underage! Too much for a not-fancy-get-together don't you think?" I ask

Leyna laughs and hands me a plastic cup. Red cup.

I take it and pretend to take a sip. The smell of liquor brings tears to my eyes.

"I was going to ask her the same thing!" a familiar husky voice says from behind me.

"Hi Aiden, you're here!" Leyna says to the person behind me.

I turn to see who it is. It is the guy I bumped into earlier. Damn those eyes.

"Hey kitten, we meet again!" he says again. Is he talking to me?

A glint of light flashes across his eyes. There are the once seen yet so familiar silver-grey eyes.

"Bearded dude!" I breathe surprised.