
Back To Your Love

The love that once stopped is now starting to blossom again. Naura never knew that Raihan was Rico's older brother—the man who became her first love. When circumstances force her to choose, her heart will speak. However, the plan didn’t go according to unexpected. The hope of living together must vanish when Rico actually impregnates another woman. A broken heart needs an antidote. At that time, Raihan came with his never-ending sincerity. However, fate plays its part again in every event. Raihan must be gone for good. Leaving Naura and her child in deep sorrow. Rico, who still harbors his feelings, wants to be the support of the woman he loves so much. However, his desire to get a rejection by various parties. Can Rico melt back Naura's heart that was once hurt by it? Or will Naura and Rico never be together again?

Friezta · perkotaan
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20 Chs

The First Time

"Watch out!" shouted a girl who wasn't far from the stairs of the escalator.

As fast as lightning, she ran in that direction and swiftly grabbed the body of a middle-aged woman who almost fell from the escalator stairs. Luckily, the girl came just in time so the woman could stay safe and not fall backward.

"Are you okay?" the girl asked worriedly.

Many people surrounded the girl and the woman. They were just curious about what had just happened.

"Fortunately, she is okay. Try it if not. She can fall down and down from up there," commented a woman who witnessed the incident. She spoke in a haughty tone and style.

The woman who almost fell was still silent and didn't give any response. Perhaps, she was still in shock over what had just happened. The girl who saved the middle-aged woman patiently gave instructions to catch her breath to be more relaxed to reduce the feeling of surprise. Then, someone gave her a bottle of mineral water which the woman drank slowly.

"Are you okay, Ma'am? Is anyone sick? Or maybe a sprain?" asked the helper in a worried tone.

The middle-aged woman smiled gently. Then she grabbed the hand of the girl who had saved her. "Not really. I'm fine. Thank you very much. You have helped me," she said sincerely and gratefully.

"Sure, and rightly so. There's no way that I'll be silent or even busy recording if I see someone who almost fell, "said the girl in a half-sarcastic tone to the people there.

Hearing that sentence, little by little, the people dispersed. Of course, they were embarrassed because what the girl said was true. They were busy recording instead of rushing to help the middle-aged woman. Someone who nearly fell was a spectacle? Pity.

"What's your name, girl? Would you like to have lunch together? Think of it as a thank you for helping me," the woman said with a sincere smile.

"Thanks for the offer, Ma'am. But I'm sorry, I can't because I still have to work," the girl said softly.

"Oh, I see."

"Sorry, Ma'am. If so, I say goodbye. Be careful and alert always," said the girl, touching the middle-aged woman's shoulder gently as a gesture of sympathy.

"Thank you again, Sweety."

The girl nodded politely, then left the woman to return to work, where it turns out that the girl works at the mall.

"Eh, she forgot not to tell me her name. But, well. For some reason, I feel that I will meet her again one day," muttered the woman, then decided to return to her goal of coming to the mall, which was to go to the supermarket to shop for daily needs at her house.

When she had just walked a few steps, she heard a ringing on her cellphone indicating an incoming call. The call came from her eldest son. Where the child's name appears on the screen of the woman's cell phone.

"Hello, Rai. Where have you been?" Ratna asked Raihan who was the first son.

"I'm in the basement, Mom. Where's Mother?" said Raihan from across there, getting out of the car.

"Okay. I have almost arrived at the supermarket and will wait inside, okay? The point is close to the entrance," said Ratna.

Before the incident, almost fell from the escalator stairs, Ratna did contact her eldest son to accompany her shopping. Because the driver who used to take her was taking time off. Meanwhile, her husband is still in Jakarta to visit relatives who live there.

"Okay. Wait there, Mom. I'll catch up soon and help carry your groceries. Don't go anywhere, okay?" said, Raihan long enough with a worried tone.

"Yes, Raihan. Let's hurry." After answering like that, Ratna hung up the phone, then walked back to the supermarket to wait for her son to come to see her at the same time.

Ratna arrived at the supermarket and then took the shopping trolley available. She then walked to the soap stands near the entrance, waiting for Raihan's arrival.

The middle-aged woman's attention was drawn to the toilet soap. However, she seemed to have difficulty when she had to take the object that was on the upper shelf, which was higher than herself.

"Ouch… it's hard," grumbled Ratna because her hands couldn't reach the top shelf to pick up the soap.

Naura— coincidentally just finished arranging the items on the shelf next to her, then approached Ratna, who was having difficulty getting the toilet cleaning bottle.

"Excuse me, is there anything I can help you with, Ma'am?" asked Naura politely.

Hearing the voice, Ratna turned her head. When looking at the girl, it was undeniable that Ratna was surprised. How about not?

"You? Wow… we meet again, Sweetie." Thus said Ratna while smiling happily.

"Uh, Ma'am..." Naura was no less surprised to meet the woman she had recently helped near the escalator stairs earlier.

"Yeah, we meet again. Oh, I asked for the item to be taken," said Ratna politely, to which Naura nodded immediately.

"Okay, Ma'am. Please wait a moment. I'll take a step first because I also have difficulty taking it," replied Naura with a smile.

Ratna nodded in agreement, then her gaze followed Naura, who so nimbly left there to take the intended foothold. A few seconds later, the girl reappeared while carrying a foothold.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," Naura asked for permission to go up and stand on the wooden pedestal. Then, she again requested Ratna, "Well, which bottle do you want?" continued Naura.

"Oh, it's the green one," replied Ratna with complete determination.

"Okay, Ma'am. Now here's the bottle; sorry to accept it first." Still standing on the footing, Naura handed the bottle to Ratna.

"Thank you. It seems that you were indeed sent by God to always help me," Ratna joked while chuckling, to which Naura gave a faint smile.

"You're welcome, Ma'am. I also have to help customers," replied Naura politely.

After there were no more things to take, Naura slowly positioned herself to get off the footing. When the girl was about to step back, unexpectedly, her foot slipped.

"Watch out!" cried Ratna, surprised to see Naura almost fell.

"Arrgh!" shouted Naura, who was equally surprised because she thought she would fall.


Naura closed her eyes so tightly because she was resigned that she would fall to the floor. However, her brow furrowed in confusion because she felt her body had not collided with the hard floor. However, she felt a stinging sensation on her feet.

"Oh my God, I almost did! Good thing you acted quickly, Raihan." Thus said Ratna with a tone of relief when she found out the girl helping her didn't fall to the floor. But instead managed to be caught by her son.

Hearing the middle-aged woman's voice, Naura frowned even more and without opening her eyes at all. Raihan? Who is Raihan?

Before Naura finished thinking, there was a whisper right in her ear.

"How long will you be in my arms, Miss?" That's what Raihan said while holding back laughter and amused feelings because he saw Naura still closing her eyes tightly.

But Raihan honestly admits that Naura is very beautiful. He was fascinated by the pretty face carving of the girl. Because he didn't want to dissolve in the cradle of the beautiful later, Raihan finally turned his gaze in another direction.

Meanwhile, Naura's eyes immediately opened, and she was shocked to find that even then, she was in the arms of a man.

"Gosh, sorry…. ouch!" Naura's reflex positioned herself to stand up straight so she could escape from that embrace. However, she felt pain in the leg when she moved spontaneously like earlier. Naura winced in pain.

"Hey, anyone sick? Which side, Sweetie?" asked Ratna worriedly, gently embracing Naura's shoulder.

"Uh, it's okay, Ma'am. Erm… ouch." Naura winced in pain as she tried to stand up straight again.

"You'd better get checked first. Maybe you injured your leg." Ratna again persuaded the girl.

"It's okay, Ma'am. It will be fine later. And thank you for the help, Mas," said Naura, turning to Raihan.

"Wait a minute. Better check first. Worried that your feet will swell and make walking difficult, Dear. Please sit down for a while, then let me find some medicine over there." The third time, Ratna tried to persuade the girl.

"No need, Ma'am. I…" Naura had not finished speaking yet. Ratna immediately left to look for medicine.

"That's enough. My Mom never wanted to accept rejection. Better, you just follow what he wants. Now, sit down. Come on, let me help you."

With all tenderness, Raihan helped Naura walk toward the empty seat.

"Sit down here," said Raihan as soon as they arrived at the chair.

Naura sat down first while Raihan pulled the empty plastic chair available there.

"Here, put your feet up so I can check."

"Uh, no need. I'm okay."

"If it's okay, why are you wincing in pain? Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but it should be checked to see how badly the wound is."

"But ..." Naura's answer sounded hanging because gently, the man who was called by the name Raihan slowly lifted her leg. Then, put it on the lap of the man.

"It doesn't matter. I only intend to help. No bad intentions," Raihan replied with a gentle smile.

"But it's rude if a customer massages the feet of a lowly employee like me," Naura refused again. "Let me call my friend to help," continued the girl.

Raihan smiled, then examined Naura's feet and touched them slowly. If Noura is honest, shame, pain, and feeling bad are a picture of what Naura is feeling right now. If appropriate, she wanted to scream because she felt excruciating pain when Raihan started pressing on the part of her injured leg.

Naura hissed softly, and her eyes started to turn red from the pain. Meanwhile, Raihan kept a calm face, but a smile graced his lips. Between pity and feeling funny, that's how Raihan felt when he looked at Naura.

"Well, it's over. Stand up; hopefully, it won't hurt anymore," said Raihan, looking at Naura and stopping the massage.

Hearing those words, the girl who had been holding back the pain was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. Then, she just nodded, hearing the instructions given by Raihan.

"Let me help," said the man.

With a slow movement, Raihan helped Naura to stand up. He also advised the girl to be little by little move.

"Ah, it's not as bad as before. That's amazing, thank you, Mas." With a radiant face, even though she still felt pain, Naura thanked Raihan for treating her leg.

Again, Raihan just smiled. "I'm Raihan. I hope you get well soon, okay?"

Before Naura had time to answer by taking turns saying her name, Ratna, who had been looking for medicine for Naura, came.

"Eh, can you stand already?" asked Ratna, a little surprised that Naura could stand straight.

"Yes, Mom. Earlier, Raihan had checked, and thank God it was only a minor injury."

"Oh, thank goodness. In that case, the medicine is still accepted, right, so that it can be used at home, "said Ratna while handing the prescription to Naura, and the girl immediately received it.

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"You're welcome. Then, shall we continue?"

"Of course. Thank you again."

Ratna and Raihan said goodbye, while Naura decided to go to her room to inform her friend that she had an injury to her leg. So, she wanted to ask permission to rest for a while.