

Losing a loved one is the hardest part of life. What if you could go back in time and change the past, would you do anything to make this happen? Jess is one to agree. She was given the chance to back in time and finally meet her father who passed away before she was born. She promises to do whatever it takes to save his life, even if it causes her own life. All she wanted her whole childhood was know was it was like to be in her fathers arms. What happens when four boys go out of their way to stop her from changing the past? It certainly is life changing indeed.

JessTheMess2018 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Meeting Him

I woke up groaning.


I glance around getting up. I look at my hands and stopped. I realized my hair was down but super short.

"Wait... What the fuck?"

I slowly sit up and come face to face to a red hair girl with blue eyes in the reflection of a mirror.

'W-wait...is this me?'

I touched my face feeling my heart beat races.

I look down and see I'm in a typical 80's outfit.

"Oh my god.... It worked!"

I take in my surroundings, confused where I was.

I notice I was in a simple room but it didn't look normal, it was all white.

I opened the door and felt my heart sink.

My mouth dropped as I see I'm in the bathroom of a restaurant with a classic look, like a typical steak n' shake.

I look around and see people in classic 80's outfit.

'Oh.....my....god....I'm in the fucking 80's!!!!!'

I look around more seeing there's glasses with shakes advertising.

I was in such awe that I didn't see I was walking right into someone.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I said.

I look up seeing a brunette hair guy turn around. I froze when I see his ocean blue eyes that were oh so familiar.

His eyes widen looking down at me.

"Oh uhh..."

He looked me up and down.

"I'm so sorry ma'am."

"Oh, it's okay.." I said shyly.

"Are you new here?"

"Oh yes, I'm new here..I uhh don't know where I am honestly." I said giggling nervously.

"Well, what is your name?"

"My name is Jessica White."

His eyes widen.


"Yes, my last name is White."

"Are you by chance related to me because that would be pretty 'rad' running into you."

"Oh, what's your name?" I asked shyly a bit taken back by his new word I never once heard someone say.

He smiled and held his hand out.

"My apologies my name is Peter White."

My eyes widen as my face flushed.


I snapped out of it when he asked, "Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh uh, I'm sorry."

"I uhh...am your cousin." I said shaking his hand.

"Wait, my cousin?"

"I'm really long distance, I stay away from the family."

"Oh okay well.. Do you have a place to stay at least?"

"No, I do not."

"Okay, well it would be very rude of me not to invite you to stay until you leave."

"Oh yes, thank you that would be amazing."

'This is easy enough...what could go wrong?'

Stan's pov

'What the fuck just happened?'

"Hey!!! What the fuck get back here!!!" Yelled Mr. Garrison.

He looked back at us.

"Boys you better get your fucking asses in there now!!" He demanded while pointing at the device.

We look at each other.

"What do you want us to do?" Asked Kyle.

"I want you to go in there and find that bitch! She's going to ruin everything!!"

"How is she going to ruin everything?" I asked.

"She is changing the fucking past, meaning she can change you all from existing!!" He over enunciated each words.

I tensed while glancing at the guys.

"No way?!" Said Cartman!

"Yes way, if she changes the past too much, the whole town is in jeopardy."

We all look at each other nervously.

"You just want us to go in there and find her. What do we do when we find her?" Kyle asked.

He threw a small device on the ground in front of us.

"Hit the button and you will get sent back. Simple right?"

I looked at Kyle unsure while he looked at me the same way.

"And this will save the town?" Kyle asked.


"Okay fine... We will go in."

Jess's pov

'I can't believe this is my dad.... What happened to him?'

I was walking with him when he stopped out of no where.

I bumped into his back.

"Oh gosh, what happened?" I asked.

I peek seeing a really pretty girl walking with some girls while talking and laughing.

I look up at my dad and see he's giving obvious love eyes.


He tensed up and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry I...got distracted."

"What's her name?"


"The girl? What's her name?"

"Oh uhh her name is Madison...Madison Clair."

My eyes widen.

'Mom? That's my fucking mom?!' I mentally screamed.

I look at him seeing him blushing madly still looking at her.

"She's the most beautiful girl in school... What I would give to have the courage to speak to her."

"Why don't you?"

He tensed badly.

"Are you for real?! She's way out of my league."

"You never know until you talk to her."

He breathed out.

"What if she ignores me."

"She won't."

"...okay.. I'll do it."

I smiled really big.

'Oh my god, this is so cute!!!'

"Wait...can you come with me?"

"Oh uhh yeah that's fine."

I walked with him to the group of girls.

They stopped talking and looked up at my dad.

I see them all blush while giggling.

'Does he not know his league?'

I see them look at me.

"Oh my gosh!! I love you outfit!! It's so pretty!!"

"Oh uhh, thank you."I said feeling really flattered.

I make eyes at my mom looking at my dad.

I couldn't help but smile seeing them admiring each other so shyly.

I nudged my dad.

He looked at me then back at her.

"Hello Madision... You look quite beautiful today."

She blushed while looking away shyly.

"Oh uhh thank you Peter, you look very nice yourself."

I hear the girls giggle again.

I hear somebody talking behind me.

I look and see a group of guys walking on the sidewalk.

Suddenly, I see a car swerving in the lane running into the sidewalk.

My mouth gapped open seeing a raven haired man about to get hit.

I hear the girls screaming behind me, then in a split second. I see my dad run to the guy so fast, it was insane.

He grabbed the guy by the hand and pulled him out of the way right on time.

My jaw dropped feeling completely dumbfounded.

"Watch, where your going, you were almost a goner." My dad said patting him on the back.

The guy was in shock looking at my dad.

"Wow... I... Don't know what to say."

"Just watch your surrounding is all.. Okay bud?"

He smiled.


My dad walked away. The second he did the guy freaked out.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see that!! Peter White just talked to me!!" He yelled.

'Wait.. His voice sounds so familiar. Is that... Randy Marsh, Stan's father?'

My dad came back glaring at the car that drove by with not a clue what just happened.

"Wow... Your truly amazing." Said one of the girls.

"We thought he was a goner for sure." Said another girl.

I see my mom clearly impressed and speechless while looking at him.

"Well I hope he looks next time... People here are insane drivers."

"Hey Peter." I butted in.


"Didn't you have something to ask Madison?"

His face got blood shot red.

"Oh uhh, yes I did."

He looked over at her.

She looked confused but happy she was the one being pointed at.

"I was going to ask the prettiest girl in school if... She would go on a date with me tonight?" He said nervously.

I see her smile big and nod.

"I'd love to, what time?"

"How is 7 P.M. at the Landing here in town?"

She smiled still blushing.

"I'll be there... I can't wait."

He looked down at his watch at that moment.

"Oh Jessica, we have to go home my mom will kill me."

"Okay, it was very nice meeting all of you ladies." I said giving a small wave.

"Nice meeting you too."

They look behind me and giggle.

I look back and see the group of guys giving love eyes at the group girls. But I stopped when I saw one looking right at me.

I tensed and looked away.

'Gag, someones dad is checking me out.'

"Come on Jessica."


We made it to a decent sized house.

'This is crazy... 80's stuff everywhere...'

I stopped when I see my grandma but really young.

My mouth gapped open as I only recognized her from the old photos.

"Peter, who is this?"

"This is Jessica White. She's my cousin."

"Oh really?"

"She said she's far distant and doesn't really stay in connect with the family."

"Oh so you are Helen's girl?"

I nod going along with the story.

"What a shame, what happened to her."

I nod.

"Well you can stay here then. We will be happy to have you."

"Thank you ma'am."

"Please call me Pam."

"Thank you, Pam."

'Man, this is great..All I have to do is watch over my dad and make sure he doesn't get hurt. I won't let anything get in my way of that.'