

Losing a loved one is the hardest part of life. What if you could go back in time and change the past, would you do anything to make this happen? Jess is one to agree. She was given the chance to back in time and finally meet her father who passed away before she was born. She promises to do whatever it takes to save his life, even if it causes her own life. All she wanted her whole childhood was know was it was like to be in her fathers arms. What happens when four boys go out of their way to stop her from changing the past? It certainly is life changing indeed.

JessTheMess2018 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Familiar Face

12 years later Age 19

Today is my first day at the South Park University. I sighed feeling my heavy amount of adrenaline while I was approaching the University.

It has been 5 years since I moved from South Park.. I miss everyone so much.. It killed me when I moved. I got so close to Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, but mostly Stan. I was always so close to him.

Stan..... I wonder if he even remembers me... Its been 5 years... I do look a lot different... I bet he has a girlfriend.. I mean.. Why wouldn't he.... Wait.... Why am I concerned about that? Oh wait maybe because I'm a college student and never dated anyone because my grades.. Keeping a solid 4.0 is difficult.. I never had the time to even think about going on a date with someone. Wait, why am I fighting in my head..ugh!!

When I go inside the building I looked around curious. I look down at my class schedule. 

Hmm Room 2053. I guess I'll check out my dorm. I head to my dorm and I stop and I see two familiar looking girls in the room.

"Wait.. Wendy and Bebe?"

They look over at me with wide eyes.


We all ran at each other bear hugging. 

"Oh my god, I can't believe it's you guys!" I said. 

They both smiled at me.

"Jess, does this mean we are roommates?"

"Yea that's what I looks like."

"God, you too look so different." Said Wendy

"You look hot!!" Bebe blurted out.

"Wait are the other girls here too?"

"Yeah they are the floor below us." 

"Really, can we see them?"

"Yeah but we have to go to class soon."

"Let's make it fast then." I said getting excited. 

"Your so different Jess. So full of energy."

"Well,  I was a cheerleader in North Park. I also played Softball and Volleyball.

"Oh my god dude.. You were popular?!"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Oh man, I bet you got laaaaaid!" Said Bebe.

I laughed.

"One, damn Bebe you haven't changed a bit, and two I actually never had a boyfriend."

"No way... Your.... not a virgin. There's no way look at you!" she yelled. 

"Dude, I had MANY chances but... I needed to keep my GPA up plus all the guys there are such idiots. Their GPA couldn't get any higher even if the answers where in front of their face."

They chuckled. "Damn Jess, how savage."

"What?! None of the guys were cute!"

"Well there's some cute guys here."

"Yeah, like who?"

"Did you not hear all the boys from our school are here?"

"All of them?"

"Yeah.. Why? You like someone Jess?"

"What....pssst noooooope, no one... Nope, nope, no one.."

"Really, because that's a lot of no's."

They both grin at me knowing I was lying.

I cross my arms.

"What are you two thinking of huh?"

"Ohhhhh nothing. Let's go see the girls. Maybe we will run into the guys too."

I blushed of the thought of seeing them again.

I throw my backpack on the bed then we all head out. We walked down to the 4th floor.

I looked around and see a bunch of signs on doors then I stopped when I see. KYLE on the door.

I haven't seen him in so long....

"Hey guys I'll catch up."

They looked at me.

"How long has it been since you seen Kyle?"

"5 years now."

"Well we will be in room 405."

"Okay I'll catch up."

They walked off. I sighed feeling my breath shake. I slowly lift my fist up hesitating to knock. I slowly knock feeling my body shaking. 

I haven't seen him in awhile. I remember when I moved. He was so upset. It pains me to think about how hurt he was. 

I see the door open cutting me off my train of thought. I felt my chest burning up the second I see who it was.. It wasn't Kyle.... It was Stan...

Oh my god.... He..looks so different. So... Oh shit... Nasty thoughts coming..

Stan's pov

I open the door and I see a red haired girl with big blue eyes.

My heart sank immediately.

She reminds me of Jess... Wait... Is that her... There's no way she moved 5 years ago..... She's so..... Oh god. I need to get these thoughts of my head...There's no way that's her. She looks so different. Wait.. I should probably say something...

"C-can I help you?"

Why did I stutter? Great now I sound like a fucking idiot. 

She smiled causing my heart to jolt. 

It's her..that smile.. the one I once loved.. The one I've missed so much.

"Stan? You don't recognize your childhood best friend?" she said putting his hand on her hip lifting her eyebrow. 

I couldn't hold my emotions back. I felt the tears spark so fast. 

I see tears form in her eyes also. 

I practically threw myself at her hugging her so tight. She hugged me just as tight. I closed my eyes never wanting to let go. 

"Jess... I can't believe your here....."

I pulled away looking in her eyes. Her amazing ocean blue eyes.

I felt my stomach butterflying so badly getting sucked into her eyes.

This is a dream... I can't believe she's here..

She looked around.

"Is Kyle around?"

"No, he's at the learning center."

"Well am I able to come in?"

I felt my face heat up.

"Uhhh... Y-yea. Sure."

I open the door as she walked in I couldn't help but check her out. My eyes went to her chest then drifted down to her ass.

Oh god... Her figure has changed, her tight waist. Her perky chest as it was obvious her bra was pushing them up slightly to show some cleavage. To top it off her jeans hugged her ass just in the right way.... Wait, wait.... I sound like Kenny all the sudden... What's gotten into me. This is my childhood best friend.... But... I've wanted her all this time.. I never stopped thinking about her...

I see her sit on my bed looking up at me.

"Stan are you okay? I tensed up hearing my name pulling me out of my train of thought.

"Uhh y-yea I'm fine."

I sit next to her on the bed. It was so awkward. I don't know about her but for me it was insane. My face and stomach were both so hot. The eager to look at her body again was there but I was so scared I would get caught. 

"So... What have you been up to Stan?" she said breaking the silence.

"Well I've just been focusing on my football and homework mostly."

"How's your GPA? Is it better since I've been gone?"

"What do you think?"

"Well last time when I was helping you out you were at a 3.5.. so uhh maybe 3.7ish?"

I chuckled.

"Damn your good."

She smiled really big, that's when I noticed her cheeks went slightly red.

"What about you Jess, you still as smart as Kyle?"

"Yeah I'm actually ONLY focusing on studying and homework."

"So you haven't focused on anything else?"

"Uh well there's cheerleading, softball and volleyball but nothing else."

Oh... Shit... This is a ballsy move but... Screw it..

"Are you....uhh dating anyone at all or.... have you?"

"No, like I said I never had the time and at my school it was full of ugly guys."

I lightly chuckled.

She sounds like me.

"So you think it'll be different here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. Do you think any of the guys here would be any better than your old school?"

I see her face turn red.

"I.... I don't know."

I felt a smile crawl on my face. 

"Do you have someone in mind?"

I see her look up at me gaping her lips.

"Do you?"

My face heated up as my mouth parted slightly.

Oh shit... What do I say..

"Well I do but... It's uhh complicated."


I sighed.

...I really wanna tell her.... I have to.... I have to tell her... I missed my chance 5 years ago. I won't miss it again.

"Yeah she's...really nice.. I've known her my whole life..."

Her eyes shot open.


I slowly nod.

"What's she like?"

"Well she's the most beautiful girl I have ever met... She's super smart, funny, just..perfect."           I breathed out.

"Oh...Why is it too complicated to talk to her?"


I felt my face heat up even more with my stomach aching in pain.

Come up with something .... Anything...

"I... I don't think she will accept me for who I truly am."

She looked at me looking upset.

"Stan.. What girl wouldn't wanna be with you. Your a great catch."

I felt my heart flutter. 


She smiled so sweetly.

"Stan your the sweetest, kindest, sexiest.."

My eyes shot open and so did hers. 

Sexiest?? Oh god... She likes me too? I can't act on this... But... I...can't control myself....

"I'm sorry Stan I-"

I threw myself at her smashing my lips on hers. Her eyes shot open but closed shortly after. I felt her melt in it then kiss back. My heart was going so fast I could feel my heart beating throughout my body. I closed my eyes enjoying every second of her lips on mine.  She wrapped her arms around my neck deepening the kiss. I leaned her down on the bed. I felt her tongue touch my bottom lip. I opened my mouth touching my tongue on hers. She started softly moaning. I felt my stomach knot up immediately as I felt myself getting worked up.


I open my eyes looking down on her seeing her face extremely red. I tensed up realizing I was pressed against her leg. 

"Oh god... I'm sorry..."

I said backing off feeling my face heat up of embarrassment.

"No, no... Your fine it's just... Did we lock the door?"

My eyes widen.

"N-no.... Do you... Want me to?"

She slowly nodded looking away embarrassed.

I slowly got off the bed feeling my heart still beating throughout my whole body. I walked up locking the door. I looked back seeing her smiling at me. My breath hitched when I walked over to her feeling my heart melting. 

"So what do you wanna do?" She asked

I smiled. "Well.... I was hoping to leave off were we started, if that's okay?" I said crawling on the bed hovering over her placing my hand on her chest pushing her back. I looked down at her with her legs spread on each side of my hips. I couldn't help but look at her outfit.

A tight V neck shirt with a sexy skirt showing me her black thong underneath.

Oh my god..... I want her so bad... I do have condoms, thank god I didn't use them all. All the girls I've been with I dread being with. But this is the woman I've been wanting all this time... The others were drunken mistakes.

I lowered down kissing her full of passion which quickly turned into a heavy make out session.

We both started panting getting really worked up. I slowly touch her stomach lifting her tight shirt. 

When I took off her shirt throwing it on the ground she looked at me. She grabbed my shirt taking it off throwing it to the side. We both looked at each other breathing hard.

I see her in a black lace bra and a black thong still showing under a sexy skirt

I felt the throbbing in my area going crazy.

Fuck.....fuck.... this is too much... It's like shes begging me to beg for sex.

"Stan.... Lay back for me."

I felt my breath hitch feeling her press her hand on my chest pushing me back. 

I lay back and see her getting on top of my area. She was looking down on me breathing hard.

She started grinding her area on my area.

I close my eyes grunting.

"Oh god.... Jess." 

Just moaning out her name is driving me crazy.. Oh my god..

"You want more Stan?"

"Yes.... Please...." I breathed out desperate for way more.

I felt her unbutton my pants and slide them down a little with my briefs.

I look at her and I see her eyes widen.

She looked up at me.

"Oh my god Stan... No wonder you get all the ladies."

I tensed up.

"I uhh.. Am not proud of the girls I was with... Until...now." I said blushing.

I see her blush herself looking deep in my eyes. Suddenly I see her tear up badly. I felt my stomach ache. 

"I'm so sorry Stan I moved and I really wish we... You know..."

"Hey... Jess it's okay... I... Am not going to lie.. I... Wanted to ask you out so long ago.. I....just."

I breathed out.

"I love you Jess."

"You...You love me?"

Her eyes widen.

"Yeah... I... Love you..I was hoping to tell you in a better way though."

She laughed out loud.

"Stan we are about to fuck. This is a perfect time."

I smiled up at her. "You wanna fuck?"

"Well oh course. I'm 19 fucking years old and a virgin, of course I wanna fuck the guy I've always loved."

I never seen this side of her.... It's so..sexy.

"You have condoms, right?"

I nod.

"Okay why don't we have fun.  What if we do the ol' 69?"

My eyes widen feeling myself throbbing so badly thinking about it.

"Fuck yeah..." I said eagerly. 

Jess's pov


I was still on top of him when I slowly turned around taking his jeans and briefs off the rest of the way. I began jerking him off slowly... I hear him grunt but then shortly after I felt pressure on my clit rubbing hard.

I jumped twitching immediately.

"Argh..... Fuck..... S-Stan.... To..... Hard." I grit my teeth feeling my nerves going crazy.

"Mmmmm you seem to like it though." he cooed. 

With that I felt his tongue inside me. I closed my eyes breathing out hard feeling my face heat up. 

"Oooooohhhh god....GAH!!" I yelled out when I felt fingers in me curling around going so deep and forceful.

"S-Stan..... I..... Gaaaahhhhh...." I couldn't speak as I could only moan out. I felt the heavy knot in my stomach leave causing my legs to go weak. 

"Oh god.... Your so sexy.... You tasted great too." he said wiping his face. 

I felt myself burning so much, face, chest, stomach, everything.

I felt his hands run through my hair.

"Now it's my turn baby..."

I bit my lip getting worked up by his dominance and sexy tone in voice. To make it even better he grabbed a handful of my hair forcing me down on his member.  

I opened my mouth licking his tip while massaging his other area. He tensed badly breathing out sharply.

"Ooooohhhh fuck....." I turn around so I could see his face. I crawled down between his legs going down softly licking everything I could. I watched his reaction the whole time.

"Oh my god... It feels so good...." he purred out in bliss. 

"You think this feels good. You don't know what's to come."

I lick my hand drooling on it.

"What are you.... Gahhhhhhh!!!!" He couldn't be any louder.

I roughly massage his other area with my dripping wet hand while I went down began deepthroating him without a warning.

I went hard and fast driving him crazy. 

I looked up seeing him arch his back grabbing the sheets so tight I could see his knuckles becoming white. He was biting his lip with his eyes closed. I hear him grunting sharply.

"Fuck... Jess.... I'm going to..... Argh!!!!!" he yelled out.

I felt his area twitch then I felt the warm liquid inside my mouth. I swallowed and wiped my mouth. He looked at me in shock.

"Oh my god.... You actually swallowed?"

I gave him a smug grin. 

"You taste good too baby."

"Oh my god.... Your unbelievable..."

I smiled and crawled above him going up to his ear. 

"Oh baby.... You have no idea...." I whispered. 

I reach over to the nightstand and pull out a condom.

He smiled so big.

"Oh wow... A girl that's doing all the work huh?" he teased.

"What none of the girls you were with weren't thoughtful enough to help you out?"

"None of them were as sweet and caring as you for sure."

I open the condom sliding it on him slowly.

He watched with a big grin plastered on his face.

I looked up at his putting my hands on his chest. I slowly positioned on top of his sliding down on him.

We both closed our eyes breath out. 

"Oh my god..... Your so.... Tight."

I lightly chuckled.

"No... It's the fact that your bigger then I'm used to."

His eyes widen.

"Whoa, whoa."

"Y-Your not a virgin?"

"Oh Stan.... Haven't I ever told you about the time I had sex with Kyle?"

His mouth dropped as his face flushed.

I laughed out loud.

"Stan I'm fucking with you!"

He sighed in relief.

"That's not fucking funny, I fucking believed it too!"

"I thought it was funny."

"But really Jess... I thought we told each other everything."

"Well your right, if I slept with someone I would have told you."

"Yeah, well it seems you didn't tell me."

I grinned.

"It's because it wasn't a person."

His eyes widen in disbelief.

"W-Wait....your telling me..."

I went up to his ear.

"How do you feel knowing I masturbate?"

He looked up at me full of lust in a matter of seconds. 

"Oh god... that's the sexiest thing I could ever imagine."

I smiled.

"So now you know why I wouldn't say that to you."

"No offense but if you told me that I wouldn't have minded helping a friend out." He said winking.

"I know... That's why I didn't....So...."

I put my hands on his chest.

He looked up at me with a gap in his mouth.

"Wanna see the real cowgirl I can be?"

He gave the sexiest grin I could imagine. 

"Fuck yeah....."

He snaked his hands to my ass squeezing really hard. 

I lifted myself up all the way to his tip then went down hard.

He closed his eyes and breathed out sharply.


I repeated this method slowly torturing him

"Oh my god...Jess.....your.... Killing me... Oh my god..."

I went faster but not too fast.

"Gah!!!!!! Jess!!!!"

I felt myself getting so tight.

Then I swayed my hips back and forth

His grunts were turned into heavy moans.

"Oh my god.... Jess...." 

He opened his eyes to see my chest.

He didn't hesitate at all. He sucked on one while massaging the other.

"Ooooooohhhhh god..." I felt myself even tighter.

"S-Stan.... Please.... Argh!!!"

He grabbed my ass again lifting me off.

"Come here cowgirl...."

He turned me so I was on my back.

He grabbed my ankles placing them on his shoulders. 

"Lift yourself up and keep your feet around the back of my neck." he demanded.  

I looked up at him loving the dominant side of him.

I lifted my ass off the bed as he angled himself at my entrance. 

"Fuck... Your so sexy..." He breathed out looking down at my chest perked up due to the position.

I reach out massaging his other area. He closed his eyes grunting out loud. 

"Fuck..." He breathed out.

I grabbed his area and slid it inside me we both moaned out immediately.

He thrust inside of me hard and fast. The position was so insane I couldn't handle it. 

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth in shock. I tried making a noise but nothing came out.

"Jess.... Holy shit...NGH. Jess...."

"Stan... Argh... Stan!!!!!!" I yelled out. 

I felt him hit my g spot. I felt my whole body jolt.

"Fuck!!!!!! STAN!!!!" I screamed out not caring who heard.   

I felt myself cum then he pulled out.

He let go of my legs looking down at me.

He laid down next to me breathing hard.

"Fuck Jess...that was amazing."

I smiled hugged him setting my head on his chest.

I'm guessing we aren't best friends anymore?

He slowly kissed my forehead.

"I think it's safe to say we are more than best friends."

I look up at him smiling.

"Jess... You wanna be my best girlfriend ?"

I laughed.

"I thought you'd never ask."

We both leaned in and kiss.

I'm so happy with the outcome to changing the past. I got everything I wanted and a little more than I expected.