
Chapter 0334: Joy of Having a Precious Son2_1

In the four months from after New Year to now, Feng Qingxue has greeted over a hundred new lives from a number of local childbirth groups with her own hands. She has also encountered various difficulties. There were those who had no heartbeat while still in the womb. There were those whose umbilical cords were wrapped around their necks and couldn't be saved. Some were in abnormal positions, leading to difficult childbirth. Some had a great amount of bleeding that left her vexed each time.

Although the families of the infants and mothers had no complaints, knowing the risks of childbirth, Feng Qingxue still felt unbearable watching life slip away before her eyes. She felt upset about the state of the lack of doctors, shortage of medicine, and backwardness of medical knowledge.

However, everyone respected and admired her greatly because, since she started acting as a midwife, the death rates of mothers and infants have significantly decreased.