
Babysitting Dylan

Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs



Ronnie sat close to Jocelyn avoiding eye contact with her

"You're keeping something from me" Jocelyn said

She know Ronnie very well,he was like a brother to her,they were both taken care of by the same orphanage home not until a rich family adopted him

"Am not keeping things from you" Ronnie said looking elsewhere

"You're lying" she said pestering him

"Fine,I will tell you" Ronnie said

"So…" Jocelyn said raising her eye brow at him

"The poison couldn't be flush away completely from your system" Ronnie said sadly

Jocelyn could feel a bang on her chest,of course who would be told such a thing without freaking out

"Does that mean I won't be okay" Jocelyn asked scared for her life

Not when she has not make much achievement, who will take care of her kids especially her seven month old baby

"No,you maybe okay after taking your drugs and some drips" Ronnie said assuring her

"You're not even sure" Jocelyn said

"As long as I live,I won't let anything to happen to my kid sister" Ronnie said trying to ease the tension of her

"Who is your kid sister,you are only older than me with just six month okay" Jocelyn said throwing her pillow at him

"You're right,but to bad you can't buy that six month in a supermarket"Ronnie said

"You,fine help me with my pillow" she said smiling at Ronnie

"Am used to that trick it can't work on me today" Ronnie said

Jocelyn would purposely throw things at you or on the floor,then asked you to bring it to her once you bring it to her then you're in trouble

"I won't do anything to you" she said seriously

"Are you sure?" Ronnie asked

"Yes" she snapped

Ronnie went over to her side giving her the pillow, Jocelyn collected the pillow,just like a flash she grab his ear twisting it hard

"Stop!!" Ronnie yelled

"She's running mad"A nurse who came inside to change her drip,who didn't understand what was happening started screaming

This made Jocelyn to release her grip from Ronnie glaring hard at the nurse who started shaking seeing her glare

"Did you see what you cause huh" she said to Ronnie

"You caused it yourself,go and change the drip" Ronnie said to the nurse

"If you dare take a step,then you would see what a mad woman can do,Ronnie take the drip from her and help me fix it" She ordered

"That's not my job" Ronnie said

"Would you do it or I should tell Yolanda that you've been flirting with Daisy" Jocelyn said threatening him

"Fine" Ronnie said

Changing the drip is better than Yolanda punishment

Yolanda was the woman who bought them up, a woman who raised more than sixty children on her own with her own hard earn money, an inspiration to others, a woman who was divorced by her husband because of her inability to give birth,after getting

divorced, she found out that she was a month gone,that pregnancy resulted to Daisy's birth

She treated everybody in the same way,if you are not told that she took care of all the children, one would have thought that all of them was her children

After fixing the drip Ronnie left the room to attend to other patients,Daisy came in with a package


They were about to open the door when the door was open by a guard,the room was dark only a red dim light was lighted in the room

They quickly squeeze themselves inside the huge curtains,they stand on their toes,so that their feet won't be sighted,they seized their breathing also

After the guard didn't see anyone he went out of the room,they breathe out of relief before moving to the door sneakily, Mandy open the door only to come face to face with Louis who was looking around sneakily

His eye widened when he saw them,


"What are they doing here?"

"How did they get in here?"

"What was their mission?"

"How did they find Jasmine room"

"What did they do?" Those were the thought running in Louis mind

"What are you doing here?" Mandy whisper to Louis ,only to earn a glare from him

"Just go and wait for me in the car" Louis said trying to control his anger

"OK,but don't give us that look L gas, you should act according to your name" Mandy said

"Will you get the fuck out of here" Louis said

"Mind you,don't use the water in his bathroom" Mandy said grinning happily,before walking out of the room with Craig

After searching without finding any clue,Louis gave up but he was curious about the reason why Mandy asked him not to touch the water in Jasmine bathroom

Curiosity got the best out of him,he went there dipping his hand inside the water and use it to wash his face some even drip to his legs,immediately he brought the hand out it's started scratching him like mad,it's was hurting and itching him,he kept scratching his face,hands and leg,dancing up and down without music,

"What the fuck did this kids put in the water" he thought

He almost want to start sobbing,angrily he went out of the room before sneaking inside the car,not after giving Kingsley a sign

"This is not over" Kingsley said going to the car

"What happened to you?"Kingsley asked after seeing the way he was scratching his body,his face was red

"Didn't I warn you?" Mandy said startling Kingsley who didn't know that she was there

"How did you guys get here?" Kingsley asked in shock

"Drive,if you love your friend" Craig said

Louis glare at the two devils at the back seat

"You still have the gut to glare at us,swears that you didn't know how ugly you look when you glare at us the other time" Mandy said

Louis face was red and swollen,and the way he glare at them gave him one funny look that even Kingsley couldn't help but burst into laughter

"You're laughing" Louis said scratching his legs

"Drive faster" he said

On getting to the hospital, Louis got out of the car in a hurry,the way he was scratching his body made people stare at him

Louis went straight to Ronnie office

"Why did you badge in…," Ronnie stop talking immediately he saw Ronnie reaction

"Help" Louis said helplessly

"What did you use" Ronnie asked

"Just put an ointment on it" Louis yelled

"OK" Ronnie said bringing out an ointment

"Uncle Ronnie" Mandy said walking into the office

"What did you put inside the bathing water?" Louis asked

"Velvet bean,but I prefer calling it devil's bean" Mandy said smirking

"Mucuna pruriens" Ronnie said with widened eye calling the botanical name

"Yes,so if you really want it to relieve you faster than the ointment, go home and use palm oil on the affected areas" Mandy said smiling

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Louis asked

"Because I want to use it and punish you,I asked you not to touch it but you go ahead and touch it" Mandy said

"You brat…" Louis said

"Curiosity kill the cat but now that has change to curiosity kill L gas" Mandy said laughing

"Ahh!!" Louis screamed at her,

Where did they get this devil of a child

"Wait…you are not dead so it should be curiosity got L gas injured" Mandy said