
Babysitting Dylan

Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs



"Are you feeling better?" Kingsley asked

"Yes" Jocelyn replied with a weak voice

"OK,am sorry about what happen it's all my fault" Kingsley muttered

"Thank God,you know that it's all your fault, I asked you to stay with my mom and take care of her,while I do the same thing to your son" Craig said coldly

"Is he really a kid?" Brittany thought, his face was looking so scary

"Am sorry" Kingsley mutter

"Will sorry help my mother's health?" Mandy asked glaring at him,her face was still teary

"Mandy!!" Jocelyn whisper yelled in her weak voice

"It's not his fault,I was feeling uncomfortable before,I think we should that investigating about the case" Jocelyn said trying to ease the tension in the room

"You're right,but who do you offend?" Louis asked

"I don't offend anyone" Jocelyn said

"Mother only deal with rude people" Mandy defended

"What's the difference?" Dylan mutter rolling his eyes

"Did you say something kid" Mandy asked facing him

"Don't you dare call me a kid" Dylan said angrily

"How old are you,huh?"Mandy asked chuckling

" 7 going to 8" Dylan replied glaring at him

"You see, you are just a kid,who his smarter than his age" Mandy said rolling her eyes

"How old are you grandmother" Dylan asked in a mocking tone

"Am Eight plus" Mandy said proudly

Dylan burst into a pit of laughter

"Are you sure you're eight plus and not plus eight" Dylan asked in a mocking tone

He was actually expecting her to say ten years or nine years old

"You…" Mandy said removing her shoe,throwing it at him

"Come back here kid" Mandy yelled

"Not now or ever grandmother" Dylan said

"Enough!!" Craig yelled

"We are in a hospital" He said

"What was the person wearing?,do you get to see the person face?" Louis asked

"I didn't get to see the face, but he dressed like a doctor" Jocelyn said

"You made a mistake mom"Craig said

"What do you mean?" Jocelyn asked raising her eye brow

"You should have at least asked him who he was,and why he was covering his face,why he suddenly came into your ward and inject something into your drip,why was he here when uncle Ronnie was the one in charge of your health" Craig said

Everywhere was silent,everyone was just staring at him,

"Can you remember the person scent?" Craig asked not minding the stares he was receiving from everyone

"No" she said

"Damn it" Craig cursed under his breath

"Did he just cursed" Louis thought looking at him

"I think all this maybe leading to one person" Louis said

"Who?" They asked staring at him with anxiousness

"Jasmine" Louis mutter

"But why will he do such a thing,I mean he doesn't have a clash with Jocelyn" Kingsley said

"When there is such a case,one mustn't think like a saint but as a villain" Louis said

"Dylan accident can't be a coincidence, if Jocelyn hasn't help Dylan out then,Dylan might have been gone" Louis said which earn him a glare from, Kingsley, Brittany and Dylan himself

"Indirectly she made a change of plan with what she did,in other for that not to happen again Jocelyn must be dead by all means" Louis said

"You will be dead by all means,stop saying all this to my mother" Mandy fire

"Am just explaining" Louis said defending his save

"Same goes to me"she said

"Then what are you waiting for,go and get him arrested" Mandy said

"We can't just get him arrested without an evidence,moreover all this are just our assumption" Louis said

"So what are you going to do?"Craig asked

" Am going to sneak into his house,but I will need your help"Louis said looking at Kingsley

"OK,for what?" He asked

"You will go there trying to pull a fake stunt,why I use the opportunity to enter his house,maybe I can get a clue" Louis said

"OK,let's go and get ready,but who will stay with Jocelyn" He asked, he can't let the same mistake repeat itself twice

"I will" they heard a voice

"Aunt Daisy" Mandy called happily

"Can we follow you" Mandy and Craig asked

"No!!" All of them yelled


"Where the hell is that witch" Lara yelled badging inside Natasha's room

She found her curled up on the bed,she march furiously towards her,before landing a slap on her face

"Mother" Natasha called fearfully

"Have I not tell you not to call me your mother,your mother is in hell cooling her feet there,I can never give birth to a trash like you"Lara yelled grabbing her hair

"Mother please" Natasha said as tears rolled down her eyes,it was as if her hair was been pull out,all her scalps were paining her

"You're still repeating the same mistake" Lara yelled at her before landing her a slap,dragging her out of the room with her hair

Natasha kept trying to released her hair from Lara's grip but it all her effort was fruitless

"There she is mom" Viva said hatefully

"You didn't prepare my children's dinner,what do you expect them to it" Lara said hitting her face more

That was when realization struck her hard,she had slept off after thinking about Rowen,she even dream of him

"Am sorry" she said,her face was red and swollen,some cut where even on her face due to Lara's ring

"That's all you know how to say get into the kitchen and get them something to eat,am only giving you ten minutes,and you must not bring cereals and noodles" Lara said pushing her roughly


Kingsley and Louis are seated in the car,

"Am going to get down and hide here,you can go and pull a stunt there" Louis said getting out of the car, they were already in Jasmine environment

When Louis and Kingsley went out, the boot openly slowly revealing two small figures,dressed in all black with a scary black mask on their face,they look at each other before nodding at each other,they brought out a black bag which contains what only them and God knows before proceeding inside

"What the fuck are you fucking doing in my territory" Jasmine asked Kingsley

"Why did you send someone to injure my son" Kingsley asked

"what nonsense are you talking about?" Jasmine asked stammering

"You know what am talking about" Kingsley said moving closer to him

Meanwhile the two figure hide under the table when they saw a guard coming their way

The guard pass by not noticing them,two maid walk past talking to each other

"Master's room direction is in the right corner,his name was boldly written on it" The maid said

"OK,thanks,I will start the cleaning job tomorrow" The other maid said

"Luck is on our side" the first figure said chuckling

They check to see whether the coast was clear before proceeding on their journey

They got inside the room before pulling off their mask,revealing Mandy and Craig

"Let's get it done" Mandy said

She enter the bathroom exchanging the toothpaste to another toothpaste

She also exchange the cream,everything she exchange where of the same product

Craig enter the closet pouring a powder substances on the cloth inside the closet,he then moved to the pant section area,adding the same powdered substance on the pant

"Are you done" He asked Mandy

"Yes" she said

"They were about to open the door when the door was open by...