
Babysitting Dylan

Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs



Jocelyn was about to return the slap in double folds,when Brittany who witness the scene, beat her up to it

Brittany slap Lila's both cheeks

"How dare you hit a man?" Brittany asked angrily pulling Lila's hair

Lila struggle to free herself but Brittany was more stronger than her

After giving Lila a satisfied beating, Brittany released her from her grip

Her face was red and swollen

"How can you beat me up like this just because of a guard,now I know why your husband don't like you" Lila said

Lila's word hurt Brittany like hell,it was true thou,she and her husband never got along because there marriage was an arranged marriage

Seeing that Brittany was affected by Lila's statement, Jocelyn asked her to go back to her room

"How dare you?" Dylan yelled at Lila

"Why are you back, Miss witch,and you gave you the right to talk anyhow to my aunt" Dylan shouted

He had always hated Lila,especially for the fact that she's after his father,her character was one of a kind,whenever his father and grandmother were with him she will act as the most nicest person in the whole world,but it's just a facade

And now she's back running mouth

"Baby,see what your aunt did to me" Lila said dramatically

"You deserve one, how dare you hit my babysitter huh!,you even talk to my aunt like she's your mate, and please who's your baby,when did you gave birth to a baby,you will never get the chance to be my step mother"Dylan said

"What is happening here?" Kingsley who was just getting home with Louis asked

"Thank God you're here dad,I don't want to see this stinky witch here" Dylan said angrily

"Language Dylan" Kingsley yelled

"Language you say,were you there when she was hitting a man,when you there when she was insulting your sister about her husband,I don't want to see her here,if you really love me send this witch out" Dylan said running back to his room

"Lila,what the fuck are you doing here" Louis asked

"Am not here for you okay,am here for my baby" Lila said

"And I told you to stop calling me baby,am not your baby,now pack your loads and leave,I don't know who gave you such gut to come here and insult my sister" Kingsley said angrily

He hate it when people insult his sister,he knows what she was going through in her marriage, yet she was trying to be happy,but this stupid woman just added salt to an injury

"Am coming back" Lila said carrying her back before storming out of the house not without bumping into Louis who was just watching the whole scenario

"Am fucking tired of this, is this the person mother wanted me to marry to and to the mother of my son" Kingsley said angrily

"Don't be anger man" Louis said still trying to wrap what happen into his head

"Who is that lady" Jocelyn thought

"Just as expected" Kingsley said after reading the text message from his mother

"Lila reported you to her?" Louis asked

"Yes" Kingsley said with gritted teeth


"Just go" Dylan said crying while hugging the pillow tight

"Why are you crying?" Jocelyn asked him

"Anytime she's here,she make sure she make my day a living hell" Dylan said

"So she's that vicious" Jocelyn thought

"Don't worry,I will protect you" Jocelyn said stroking his hair

"Why can't you tell your dad?" Jocelyn asked

"He won't believe" Dylan said

"Is that why you're crying,the Dylan I know should be looking for ways to deal with her" Jocelyn said

"Are you saying I should…"

"You get it,don't worry I will help you but you have to promise me that you would change your rude behavior" Jocelyn said

"I promise,Mr Joy" Dylan said

He was happy that someone was willing to help him get rid of miss witch


"Everything must go as we plan, OK" Jasmine said to the guy who was in a mask

"Yes boss" the man replied

"Kidnap the boy,and let's see whether the Almighty Kingsley won't yield to my demand" Jasmine thought

"And if you can't kidnap him,kill him,if you can't bring him here alive you can as well bring his dead body" Jasmine said

"Roger that" The guy replied