
Babysitting Dylan

Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs



The lecturer just went out of the lecture room after using two hours

"Am so tired" Hannah said to Tracy who hung her arms around her shoulder

"You're not the only one"Tracy said

Hannah who kept walking tiredly was engrossed in her phone that she didn't know when she bump into Mariana

"Am sorry" she said without looking at who she bump into

"Are you fucking blind?" Mariana asked glaring at her

They both hate each other gut,but Mariana hate Hannah because her crush is fond of Hannah,and because of her pretty face while Hannah hate Mariana because she was a bully

"Are you fucking deaf to hear that I said sorry" Hannah asked angrily

"Ugly bitch" Mariana cursed rolling her eyes

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.Hate me because your crush think so" Hannah said

"There are some remarkable dumb people in this world thanks for making me understand that" Betty one out of Mariana friend said after seeing that Hannah comeback hit Mariana hard

"Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than open it and remove all doubt"

"Bastards" Mariana cursed rolling her eyes

"I can describe you three in three words~worst case scenario" Hannah said

"Keep rolling those eyes and maybe you'll find a brain back there" Hannah said walking out with Tracy


Lila came out of Jasmine room she came to look for him but she didn't see him there,

"What are you doing in my room?" Jasmine asked her

Lila came back home a minutes after Kingsley drove off

"I came to see you" Lila said

"Why are you looking for me?" Jasmine asked narrowing his eye at her

"I hope you know that I know that you're the one who plan that accident but just watch how I deal with you" Lila said going to her room

"How did she know?" Jasmine thought staring at her until she was out of sight

He enter his room striping his cloth until he was naked,he went into the bathroom,sitting inside the jacuzzi

Within few seconds,he started screaming, running out of his room naked,starching his body like a madman

He was dancing without beat,all the maids and guards who hated his behaviour burst into laughter

"Who prepare my bath" he yelled jumping up and down,with his long d*ck bouncing

"WTF!!" Lila muttered seeing the way her brother was dancing nakedly

"Have you finally run mad?" She asked

"Is this the way you were going to deal with me huh?" Jasmine asked grinding his teeth

"Get me his towel" Lila ordered one of the maid who hurriedly went to bring the towel

The maid came back in a minutes giving the towel to Lila why scratching her hand thou Lila didn't see her scratching her hands

Lila pass the towel to Jasmine who used it to cover his body,Lila notice that her hand was scratching her,she was stylishly scratching it when Jasmine screamed flinging the towel to one angle

"What is happening here" Mrs Romero asked with widened eyes

What the hell was wrong with her son,it was a shameful sight seeing her son running and jumping up and down with his d*ick bouncing up and down ,dancing without any beat,when is not a kid.even a kid won't do this

"I don't know mom" Lila replied

Mrs Romero drag him to his room,she push him inside the closet asking him to find a cloth to wear

After jumping up and down scratching his body harshly, he finally wore the cloth but he was feeling weird,nevertheless he wore the cloth and went back to meet his mother waiting for him outside

"Let see, i feel uncomfortable" Jasmine muttered

The pain he was feeling was second to none,the heat especially,he sat on his bed waiting for his doctor squeezing his eye in pain

"Why would Lila do such a thing, she didn't even pity me" He said

"Where are you going?"his mother asked when she saw him standing up from the bed

"I want to go and use the restroom " he said

"You still want to use the restroom in this condition" His mother asked mocking him

"Whatever" he said not in the mood to argue with anyone

He went into the restroom, attempting to pull his pant down to piss but the pant wasn't pulling,instead it stick to his member like a glue

He tried again but he could only cried out on pain,when trying again he didn't know when he fell into the water which cause the main problem

He stood up at once scratching his body at the same time trying to pull his pant down, he ran out of the restroom crying silently

"What the hell is wrong with you huh?" Mrs Romero asked him furiously

"Why can't you behave like a man?" She shouted

"This isn't what a man can endure okay,I don't know what the hell was put into the water but it's not about been a man or not" Jasmine yelled scratching his body in a rash manner

Mrs Romero sigh,what the hell was inside that water

She was about to go and take a look,but after a second thought she relented, she can't be seen scratching her body like this,it's a disgrace

"Why are you pulling your pant down?" Mrs Romero asked

Jasmine look down in embarrassment,

"I can't pull my pant down" he said looking so embarrassed

"What do you mean by you can't pull your pant down?" Mrs Romero asked narrowing her eyes at him

What she got in return of her question was a loud big fart

Yes it's exactly what you're thinking, Jasmine just farted

"What the hell did you eat?" Mrs Romero asked covering her nose with her hand

The smell was so bad,like the smell of a rotten egg

"I…" he was cut off by the loud sound of his fart

"The cupcake" Jasmine thought folding his fist

When he enter his room earlier the aroma of a cake filled his nose, he rushed in to see a well design cupcake placed on his dressing table

He was obsessed with cupcake that didn't make him to bothered about where the cupcake came from,after taking a bite savouring the sweet taste round his taste bud,he quickly devour the cupcake

And the Only person who knows about how obsessed he was when it came to a cake was Lila

He farted again and this time Mrs Romero ran out of the room

"Suit yourself" she yelled

He felt like peeing but he couldn't even off his pant

Soon the doctor came in

"What took you so long?" He asked yelling at the poor doctor who's body shook with fright


Lila enter her room and heard a knock on the door

"Come in" She said

A heavy breathing Lisa came in,looking so worried

"Have you see the news?" She asked breathing heavily

"What news?" Lila asked clueless of what the news was all about

"Your brother's news,the way he was jumping around naked and scratching his body" Lisa said

Lila stared at her in surprise,the news have gone viral,who the hell was behind the incident, and who the hell upload the video

Here she was still complaining about her hand, not knowing that her brother news had gone viral


Kingsley watch the sleeping Jocelyn who was having her beauty sleep

He watch her more closely

"She's beautiful" he said memorized by her beauty

He stared at her face down to her pink lips,she unconsciously lick her lips making Kingsley to stare at the tempting glossy pink lip

He started leaning in,when Jocelyn turn to the other side making him to stare at her back

"What the hell was wrong with me?" He thought shaking his head


"Why the hell are you laughing?" Louis asked Mandy

"L gas,have you ever see a man running naked while dancing without any beat?" Mandy asked

"What the hell did you do?" Louis asked raising his brow at her

A notification pop on his phone,

"Mandy!!,what the hell did you put inside his room" Louis asked

"Simple, I poured velvet bean into his bathing water,change his toothpaste to a velvet bean mix with a toothpaste,Craig apply a glue on his pant,we spray both itching powder,velvet bean powder and pepper on his cloth and pant" She said

"That's not all" She said to Louis who fainted dramatically