
Babysitting Dylan

Dylan Wealth the young master of the wealth family, He's frustrating, He's annoying, And he's just 7 years of age, His father kingsley Wealth is well known as a famous billionaire,who runs and owns different company in countries . He was also known for his cold behavior,he was never spotted with a woman,he avoided them like plaque He's just 28 years of age,young and so handsome,his handsomeness is blinding,he was like a fallen angel from heaven,he is attractive,beautiful,clean-cut,dapper,elegant,good-looking,graceful, and lovely. His body features was one of a kind,it was no doubt that his son got his cuteness from him,he was just like a small version of him,cute and has an innocent look which deceive people. He has made his father fire all the nannies that work for him for just little mistake,most of the nanny who came to take care of him,only came for his father,this got him mad and ask his father not to get him a female nanny,but a male nanny. The only person Kingsley care for was his son same goes to Dylan thou they do have some argument The family has been so uptight until she came in Who's she? What can she do? Who can put Dylan in his place? Who can melt the icy billionaire's heart? Who's Dylan mother? Will Dylan and the lady get along? What is the reason behind Kingsley cold behavior?

RoyalPraiz · perkotaan
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42 Chs


Jason and Jason quickly rush Jocelyn out of the room

Madam Victoria who saw them ran into the room,she gasp when she saw the scene

Mandy and the other children also ran in,the way Jason and Jaxon screamed Jocelyn name woke them up

Even thou most of them didn't understand what was happening Joy and Mandy understand it better

Mandy took the children out before asking Brad to drive after Jason car

Kingsley held his head from the hangover he was feeling

He looked at Madam Victoria who was looking at him with total disappointment

Seeing Lila staring at him,and she was on his bed naked,he was also naked

Memories of what happened last night started flowing in

"You drugged me" He said gripping her by the throat

He chocked her hard not minding his nakedness

"Please" Lila tried to talk but he was furiously chocking her

"Will you stop,Jocelyn came here and see you here,and you know what she fainted after seeing the scene,if anything happen to her I won't spare you!,you disappoint me and you Lila,if I ever see you here,you will regret it" Madam Victoria said angrily

She grab Lila by the hair, dragging her out not minding the fact that she was naked

After throwing her out she sigh


"What the hell are you doing here" Jason asked angrily when Kingsley arrived at the hospital

"And who are you to ask me that?" Kingsley replied

"You're nothing but a fool,she loved you wholeheartedly but what did she gain in return of her love,you made her heartbroken "Jason yelled angrily

"Wholeheartedly but she cheated on me with you,and even get pregnant for you,am still nice to be here to check on her" Kingsley said

"Really,you knew about her pregnancy yet you went ahead and sleep with that cheap bitch,mind you the baby is yours,I have never slept with her"Jason said

"The baby is mine,are you trying to shift your responsibility to me?" Kingsley uttered

"The baby is yours,and about the picture Lila framed it,my twin brother is the guy inside the picture not me" Jason said

Kingsley staggered at the shocking information

"The baby is mine" he thought

"Just pray nothing happen to her and the baby" Jason threatened

Ronnie came out of the ward,the look on his face was gloomy

"How is she?" They asked him

His next action surprised them a lot

He punched Kingsley right in the jaw

"Are you happy now that she lost the baby?" Ronnie asked bitterly

"She lost the baby" Kingsley muttered

"She lost the baby" different voices choruses

Mr Wealth, Mrs Wealth, Yolanda,Mr Campbell, Daisy,Joy,Brittany, Kingston, Mandy chorus

They came to visit Jocelyn when they heard the news

Mr Wealth slap Kingsley hard on his face

"You slept with Lila,make me lose my grandchild, what the hell is wrong with you" he shouted

Mandy started crying,all eyes turn to her direction

"It's all my fault,I thought you will make my mother happy but no you make her lose her baby,I regret approving you has our father,I fail mother and I fail my unborn siblings "she said

"Mandy…" Brittany try to console her

"Where is she?" Jason asked

"She's inside the ward" Ronnie replied

Everyone went into the ward,they met her laying on the bed with tears rolling down her eye as she stare at the ceiling

"Jocelyn …" Yolanda sat close to her holding her hands

Jocelyn only stare at her emotionlessly,she gently remove her hand as she rub her stomach,she turn her back on them

She didn't even utter a word

Mandy who was crying move closer to her

"Am sorry mother" she cried

"Go with Daisy and bring my children back to their house" she said coldly

Her voice holds no emotion,

"Okay,I will do just that" Mandy said

"I guess she needs sometime alone" Mrs Wealth said

"We will come back later then" They all leave except Joy who stayed with her

"How is she!?" Kingsley asked them

He didn't have the conscience to face her,not when he was the cause of everything that happen

"She's taking her children away from you" Brittany said

"It's my fault" he said

"Thank God you know it,even if she decided not to ever forgive you I will never blame her,you disappoint me son" Mrs Wealth said walking away

She was also a woman she knows what it means to lose a baby


"Why are you guys leaving, did I do anything wrong" Dylan cried as Mandy packed her siblings luggage

"No,but your father make mother lose our unborn siblings, your unborn siblings,he cheated on my mother,I hate him for that, and Lila will be getting it hot from me"she said

"Let me follow you then,I also can't stay with him" Dylan said

"Mother is angry,that will be a bad idea okay,take care" Mandy said walking out of the house

Dylan cried out loudly as he watch them leave

"It's all his fault" he muttered


"Am not mad at you"Rowen said to Natasha after she confess about her faking her loss of memory

"Thank you then" she smiled

"Don't you think I deserve more than thank you?" Rowen said naughtily

Natasha stood on her toe pecking his cheek,she ran away immediately

Rowen chuckle at her attitude

Hannah who was staring at them sigh

"Just let it go" Tracy muttered

"I will try,it's not easy,honestly it makes me hate her more" Hannah replied truthfully

"I know you can do it" Tracy assured

"Sure,what about you still crushing on him?" Hannah asked

"Yes" Tracy replied


"Am not going to delay my plan any further, am carrying it out next month" The masked lady said

"You have to spare my sister" Jasmine uttered

"If she didn't pass her boundary I will" the masked lady replied

Jasmine sigh

"Get everything ready,I hate mistake" she said

"Your voice sound familiar" Jasmine said

"Of course,am closer to all my target" She smirk


"Where is she?" Ronnie asked the nurse

Jocelyn was no longer found in the ward

This scared Ronnie a lot

"Be safe Jocelyn" He muttered

"I found a note Sir" the nurse said

"I need a space I will be back after seven month,take care of my kids"

"I will take care of them" Ronnie muttered


It's been two weeks since the incident occurred, Dylan stayed with his grandparent

All Kingsley do was to drink alcohol, no one know where Jocelyn went,

He have tried to know where she went to but it was all in vain

"Where are you?" He asked as he cried drinking directly from the bottle

Lila entered his room,she was surprised to see what was happening

"You have to stop this,she's gone for good" she muttered

"Shut up" he shouted

"You have to accept the fact and mind you am pregnant" she said

"Preg what!!" Kingsley asked

He laughed so hard making Lila confused

"Just like they do in the movie, come on" he laughed

"Am serious" she said

"Then go and collect money from my secretary, after nine month I will come for my baby" he said

"I won't let my baby not to have both mother and father affection" she said

"Meaning?" He asked

"You have to get married to me" she said

"Married to you,it's either Jocelyn or no other person" he said

"Don't try me" she said

"Because of a bitch" She said

"Pack your things and leave now,before you see the other side of me" he yelled

Lila been a victim of his other side quickly leave the house


"When are you going back?" Joy asked Jocelyn

"It's been six month,it's time to see all my children, have had enough space alone" she said

"Don't you miss Kingsley?"Joy asked

"Of course I do,he was drugged,I will forgive him but do you think it will be good if I get back with him"Jocelyn said

"Follow your heart" Joy smiled at her

"Of course I will" She said

"Mandy plan to deal with Lila this month" Joy said

"Good,can't wait to watch how my baby girl deal with a bitch" She said

"Mother, how come you forgive him so easily?" Joy asked

"Because I have to,when I forgive him it loosen the burden on my shoulder" Jocelyn said

"This are part of challenges of life and we have to overcome it" Jocelyn said


They were still chatting when a group of masked men invade into their home

"Who are y…" Jocelyn couldn't finished her statement before she was knocked out

"I waited for ten years for me to achieve my plan" The masked lady said

"To the secret underground" She muttered coldly