
Babyboy [BoyXboy]

Sangwoo_Daddy · LGBT+
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1 Chs

O n e

A cold, dark morning, I wake up lifeless and head to the bathroom to do my routine and then I dress in my new uniform. I walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen where I find a note from my mother: "Hello darling, I'm sorry I couldn't take you to your new high school but I promise I'll make it up to you."

Ever since my dad died, my mom's been getting multiple jobs so she can raise me. I know she wants the best for me but I need her in my life, I sigh loudly and I go to school.

I'll get to the station and wait for the bus. When the bus shows up I get on it and sit by the window listening to my I'll get to the station and wait for the bus. When the bus shows up I get on it and sit by the window listening to my favorite type of music. When the bus stops, I get off and head to the high school yard which was full of teenagers.I'm on my way to the high school guard. There was an old man with gray hair, blue eyes and lots of wrinkles.

-Excuse me sir, it's Tyler, the new student. Can you show me where the director's office is?

The bored old man nods in the affirmative and leads me to the office.

- Here it is, he says, turning around and leaving.

I knock gently on the door then slowly i'm in.

- Hi, Let's guess you're new here.

-Yes! I'm Tyler Lightwood.

-Welcome to our school mr. Lightwood, I'm Director Holand. Nice to meet you!

-Nice to meet you to!

-So your class is on the ground floor, room 3 A.

-Thank you!

- You're welcome, if you have a problem don't hesitate to contact me.

I'm leaving the office and I'm on my way to find the class. Suddenly the whole school is empty. I walk down the hallways trying to find class, damn this school is big. I feel a hand on my shoulder, scared I turn around and notice a tall boy with bright red hair, big black eyes.

-Hi, I'm Kai Joshua. Do you happen to know where class 3 A is?

-Well i was looking for 3 A to. I'm new here.

-And your name is? He says with a laugh.

- oh, I'm Tyler Lightwood. The new student.

-so you're my new classmate, this is going to be so cool!

-I guess.

We was walking down the hall talking and laughing about somethings, Kai told me about the teachers and About how each year they were moved to other classes. Finally we find the class Kai enters without fear.

-Mr. Joshua you are late.

-Sorry, Mrs. Withe

-And i guess you are Mr. Lightwood, welcome to your new class, i'm Violet Withe and i'm the math teacher. I hope is the first and last time when you two are late! You can take your seats now.

Kai pulls me and sits me next to him.

The rest of the day was pretty boring, after finishing class I went straight home, I threw myself into bed and fell asleep.