

I prepared to sit down in an elegant way. Nevertheless, he, the guy got our talk, shut my action.

In add, he is also my secondary school classmate and an opener of my unhappy memories. As long as I have competitions with him, the result is always my bad. He is the first and I am the second and no one remembers who is the second. He is an academy player but also a little small stronger player. His face is god make and he is handsome, he is in a good shape and strong. But all in all, the fact is I am better and he merely does better than me in the study.

Yes, it is. Otherwise, he is troublesome, and this is real trouble. How could he eavesdrop us? Or just my voice is too loud. It is not my fault.

He slowly walking to me, stopping his steps beside me and close to my ear, says:" I have never seen you care anybody too much. His birth is really Aa big surprise and what about me? Do you remember? Or perhaps you have liked, loved the boy you met only once, aren't you?" He put a ridicule smile on his big face, which is bigger than a pan and makes people disgusted in the heart. He seems to found my big-ass secret and intends to watch a play. I am surely not to make his dream come true. And I know I cannot leak superfluous emotion to prove his suspects and turning the same words back is not a bad choice. I reply, "It's hard to say, jealous Lester · Malachi. Don't add your thought on my mind, please ." I pretend to be easy and go saying, "Little sweet, I just more carefully care others around me, have you never noticed my good qualities?'' " Yeah, yeah, of course, you are. But I remind you my birthday falls on 11/25, can you remember? You know what that means, careful Harvey Dale?" It is not a friendly talk.

Fortunately, I passed his test and could defend my secret longer. I guess he has already had some conjecture. After all, we met for three years. The only wish I have is to spend the night seeing the rise of the sun and don't leak any. Although this thing is totally none of their business. I can't tell the secret here in order to avoid the people see the diary under my bed. People, who should know, know.

I lay my head to the cold table. Hot blood needs to return normality. I back to Harrison, which he cannot discover my embarrassed. I stay clam, at least in the surface.

It's time, 7:50. They should go to the school playground to do the early-exercise.

They, including Harrison, go.

The classroom left me alone.

I know I must adapt myself into study mode, and I told myself Harrison is just a mist for a while. The feeling he brought to me will soon disappear like the mist melt when crossing the sunshine.

It will be normal as my past three years. And the fraud I performed before could be plated again. What's more, the guy who didn't find my huge-ass secret will always be in situ rotation.

What I need to do is study and get college.

Below is

How I Study Math (Step-by-Step)

Disclaimer: This is how I study for my Algebra 1 Class. I get this may not work for everybody, but you may still find some pretty good tips.

In Class

1. Take notes on everything. E.....


2/20 Morning, I am going to school

I don't check it, no time.

So later


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