
B o u n d l e s s

I was running, running away from the place that I loathe so much. how can they treat me like this? I am an Evans, I will soon rule this kingdom that I dont want to rule... So why don't they just accept me? Now that my grandpa is dead, I don't know what to do anymore.. I don't know how to react anymore I just want some comfort... some love... why don't they give me that? why can't they give me that? I wish my parents were here, I wish they are still alive to be with me... I cried and whine while i ran, letting my vampire speed get work up. I don't know where I'm going, I don't even know where I am, but I don't care, I just want to get away, I want to get away really bad. I came to a stop at a man suddenly appearing in front of me, he's golden eyes locking in to mine. Shock run down my spine as an odf sensation and different emotions that I couldn't identify flooded in my mind. I could also smell him, he smell like a forest with a crisp of flowers, lilac and roses maybe? His smell is really addicting. The feelings were different with chester but also similar, I think I'm going crazy.  My eyes look at his beautiful red hair, they look so smooth that I wanted to touch it. Then realization hit me Mate! The words made my mind jump in delight. I finally found my mate, I had finally found him! I tried to put away my burden and face the only one that could be with me.. He's the only one left.. I eyed him curiously as I wipe my tears, simply tucking my hair behind my ears while never leaving my eyes on him. I blush nervously "I.... I'm..." Dammit! I couldn't even say my name! I look at him, swallowing the lump on my throat before I tried again "I'm.... Shey---!" I stared at his running image in disbelief What the hell? why is he running away from me? what did I do wrong this time?

Hanna_Tolentino · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

4th Bound

Potential bond

Gasps and shock are heard while I carried my grandpa's lifeless body into the aisle. My mind is blank and I can't seem to care about the people around me. I'm too tired to even react.

The priest stared at me before looking at grandpa

"What happened Lady Shey?"

I slowly kneeled and put my grandpa down. After looking at my grandpa, I gathered my courage and stand up, facing all the vampires inside

"My grandpa, the king, is killed! Whoever killed him shall face my wrath! If one of you knows who killed the king, then you shall receive a reward!"

Murmurs echoed around. I simply look back again at the priest

"I'm taking the position of being the queen without the ceremony"

"But Lady---

I glared at him

"What priest? Are you gonna disobey your future queen?"

He shook his head and bowed

"No Queen Shey"

"Then announce it to everyone"

He sigh before taking a step towards me. He was holding a crown that I was suppose to wear

"Do you, Shey Mizuki Evans, swear to protect and love this kingdom?"

"I, Shey Mizuki Evans, swear to this"

I lightly bowed my head so he could put the crown to me

"Then I shall announce to you all the new ruler of this kingdom! All hail Queen Shey Evans!"


The ceremony quickly ended because of the unexpected event. The burial was currently being held. I didnt even have the chance to change my dress because of how shock my system is.

I insisted on digging up his burial, its beside my grandma's burial. Its what he always say to me, so for the promise I gave him, I'll bury him beside grandma so he can rest in peace.

The burial is so unexpected that not a single shadow of my relatives came, I sent some letters to them but I know that it will arrive in the morning, damn too late for me.

With the last shovel of dirt I putted in my grandpa's burial, I step back and let them mourn for the king's death. Even Mrs. Helga, who is currently standing beside me stepped forward to give my grandpa's burial the flower she is holding.

I kept silent until all of them have finished. I look at all of them, my head held high

"The late King Abelian Nolan Evans may have been gone, but his memories will always be in our hearts! Let's all gave him our silent prayer and make this kingdom a better place so that his efforts will not be in vain!"

Some of them gave me a nod while the others only cried. I kept silent after that and gave my own last message to my grandpa.

Grandpa, I know you're finally with grandma. I will miss you and I will never forget you and grandma. I love you grandpa, I love you grandma. Goodbye.

One by one, little by little, the people left silently, until Mrs. Helga and I are just the two left.

"I know this is hard for you Queen Shey, but please know that we are always here supporting you" She silently hug me before leaving too

I just stand there, looking at my grandpa's grave. Until I can't take it anymore

My tears began racing down my cheek while my feet gave up, I fell to my knees in a loud thud.

Why does everyone I love left me alone? This heartache is killing me. I got no one left. First my parents, then grandma, now, even grandpa left me. Why is life so cruel?

I stared down to my two hands covered in dirt and my grandpa's blood in it. My hands started shaking and I don't know what to do anymore. They left me, I don't know what I'll do now that I'm left alone.

Should I just leave and grant my grandpa's last wish? But what about the kingdom and its people who is counting on me to rule them?

I don't know... I don't know what I'll do anymore.

I was crying when I felt him. I felt chester coming towards me. His scent teasing me while his present soothed me somewhat.

I shake my head, I couldn't care about the potential bond now, I'm too broken to think about it.

He sit beside, not making any sound. I'm glad he's not talking, I think I'll break down if he will.

The potential bond is causing me to concentrate on him, whispering me that he will comfort me, that he will be here with me, but how can I do that if I know that his not mine? We two got a mate there somewhere and I don't want to break that, it will both cause us grief and he knows it.

Minutes later he sigh, his breath caught my attention again. Fucking bond.

"Hey, I know---

"Please don't" I weakly said, my voice cracking

"If you continue, I don't think I can hold it much longer"

I could see his eyes full of regret.

My vision blurred. I simply sniff and struggled to keep my tears from coming out.

"I'm sorry---

"Stop!" My voice crack and my tears are flowing out again. I cried harder

"Look what you did! I'm crying---

Before I could even finish my sentence, he came forward and hug me to my side, causing me to cry even more. He patted my back, earning me an electric feeling, but in a good way.

"Its okay, just let it out. I'm here for you"

I leaned over him, finally giving up

"It hurts chester, it hurts very much"

He shush me

"Yes I know, I know it hurts. I will be right here"

That causes me to let the pain out even more.

We stayed there for who knows how long, but by the time I stopped crying, dark clouds covered the dark blue sky.

Now that I'm no longer in so much grief, my other emotions are slowly coming back to me. Feeling embarrassed, I immediately pulled away from his embrace

"I-I'm sorry you're shirt got dirty and soak"

He smiled which cause my heart to beat faster.

"Its okay"

I look away but my eyes simply landed at his face again. He smiled once more, causing my eyes to look down at his lips.

I gulp then look away. What is wrong with me?

Before I could react, his hands are already touching my cheeks, his hands removing my tears

"My queen"

My cheek burned at his comment


He chuckled

"You're so cute when you do that"

I stared at his face again. I felt his amusement over the bond

"Do what?"

"When you stare at me like you wanted to kiss me"


He pulled me closer to him, causing my lips to crush into his.

I should be pulling away from him, but my body seems to have a mind on its own, my hands reach over his hair and I pulled him closer.

Fucking potential bond, I hate you.