
B-Ball Lover

Hi my name is Saito Kenshin. I have 2 loves in this life of mine. Basketball and Sayori Hasegawa. I have been chasing both my loves as long as I can remember. Basketball has accepted my confession, but Sayori has not. Yet I have made it my life's goal to get them both. How you ask do I do this well, by dedication. A/N Thank you so much for taking an interest in my book. This novel does not only revolve around the ML and the FML. There are 6 main characters in this novel. Each person has complex emotions and hurdles that they need to overcome to be with the people they love. Much like in real life, each character in this novel needs to grow in order to be successful. The main characters are bound to one another in many ways, but basketball acts as a means to make each of them grow and realize their potential.

Aarthurs_Pen · Olahraga
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 1 – The Family

Chapter 1 – The Family

6 am Monday. The soft rays of dawn rise over the beautiful countryside. Long plains with grass can be seen adorned with flowing rivers. Which provide vitality to the countless rows of cherry blossoms on either side of the riverbeds. The only encroachment of man that could be seen are the crisscrossing roads and bridges across the river. The sun was just about to escape the mountains range holding it captive, when the rhythmic sound of hurried steps are heard.

A young boy is running along a narrow road approaching the 2 houses appearing in the middle of large open field. Sweat glossing over ever inch of his still tender yet handsome face. He had skin that was tanned brown with dark chocolate hair which was cut short. He had bright black eyes that sparked with excitement and anticipation. He had small curved nose. His face was slightly flushed due to exertion but it did little to dampen his wide charming smile. He had a immature yet strong face that promised he will become more masculine in the future.

Despite his smooth childlike face even from a far the youth's physique stands out. He seems to be slightly above 6 feet with long and muscular extremities. He had a dark blue tracksuit on that outlined his muscular body. The athletic attire looked slightly worn out but was glaringly clean.

His breathing was quick but his pace was faster, because he knows that if he is a minute late the four people he loves will be showing him their not so lovely side.


boy - "Gotta take shower fast otherwise I am gonna be massacred"

"SAITO !!!!"

A women's thunder-like angry voice is heard from the house he was about to enter.

Saito - "no way she woke up already, school doesn't even start for another 2 hours, ahh crap her shift is gonna start in a hour?"

A beautiful women bearing a rather tall and mature physique. She was about 5'9. With waste length brunette hair. She had high cheekbones, a small oval face with tear drop shaped eyes. Her fine eyebrows were creased with more exhaustion than anger. Each eyelash was long and beautiful. She had the nearly identical nose as Saito. She had frowning red lips. Not a speck of makeup was on her fair and spotless face. However her face was filled with dignity and elegance.

Her facial features were similar to Saito, but without a single wrinkle or gray hair making her age near his own. Nevertheless this beautiful woman is the person he fears most in this world, his beloved mother.

Saito- "Hey mom 'm just about to jump in the shower".

Saito looks at his mother pleadingly.

mother- "Dammit boy, today is the first day of school. Why do you have to train right now? And don't you have practice after school??!!"

Saito - "No mom practice is canceled this week because the basketball team is working to attract more members".

Mother - "The hell is that man doing? Isn't there already two basketball teams? What do you need so many members for"

As the two were talking a deep masculine voice was heard from the only home nearby.

Voice - "Mayumi we need more than just 12 players on the team. We need substitutes, equipment managers and even event managers".

A very tall man walked out of the house. His dashing face was positioned 6 feet 8 inches off the ground. Supported by slim yet powerful muscles that his white dress shirt couldn't hide. He had neat slicked black hair. Sharp eyebrows, a straight nose. Round blue eyes filled with happiness and pride at what he was looking at. He had pale lips that displayed his wide grin. However on this near perfect man, the right sleeve of his shirt was waving helplessly in the wind.

The moment Mayumi saw this man a slight flush was seen inching onto her face, but the moment she saw his empty right sleeve the flush fled just as fast as it came. Making both males present of unaware, if it was ever there to begin with.

Mayumi - "Kuro you idiot, your the reason why he is like this. Instead of properly studying like Sayori and Jessie. He plays basketball with you all day and night. One of these days, I will tie you both up and beat you black and blue".

Kuro knows his best friend is a women of her word so even he begins to sweat. His proud smile is nowhere to be seen.

Kuro - "Kid after recruitment is over come over quickly and study with Sayori" he says as fast as he can.

The moment Saito herd that his sad expression was replaced with a exited one.

Saito - "Of course, uncle as soon as I am done. I also want make Sayori's favorite today to celebrate the new school year".

Kuro and Mayumi showed bitter smiled at the boy's expression.

Mayumi - "Go get ready I will make breakfast for you idiots, as well as Sayori and Jessie".

Saito - "K mom"

Saito rushes in side and the two adult follow.

A few minutes later Saito is seen in his new high school uniform. The uniform is composed of a bright white shirt under a navy blue blazer with matching navy blue pants and tie. He had sparkling smile for both wanting to see his breakfast downstairs as well as something or rather someone else.

Making his way from the stairs, Saito stops mid stride. In the kitchen there were the two adults sitting side by side along with two teens. They were sitting on a oak colored medium sized round dining table. The first sitting closest to Kuro, is his son Jessie. Unlike his father, Jessie had bright blonde hair resembling the yellow rays of the morning sun. Similarly he had a sun-like expression. He was equipped with large bright blue eyes, small nose, and bright smile. If one were to compare Kuro to Zeus; than that person will compare Jessie to Adonis. This young man could, with just a smile, make Aphrodite coveted him.

But Saito did not even notice his best friend, nor his uncle, not even his beloved mother. His attention along with his breath was taken away by the young girl sitting closest to his mother on their round table, Sayori.

The young girl had night black hair that was akin to the smoothest silk. Contrasting perfectly to her moon-like fair skin. Her willowy eyebrows displayed a gentleness. She had beautifully larged green eyes which were surrounded by her majesty eyelashes. Her eyes that were not hidden at all behind her black rimmed glasses glistened and displayed an intelligent light. She was slightly shorter than Mayumi but still quite tall at her age at the height of 5'7. She had small curved nose, full and red lips. Her slim body was covered neatly with her new school uniform.

Sayori was Jessie's fraternal twin. To Jessie she was his beloved and reliable sister .To Kuro she was his darling and genius daughter. But to Saito, she was the world itself. He himself does not recall when exactly he fell in love with her. But his stright forward personality only wished to always remain by her side. And to do that he only knows one thing to do.

Saito "Good morning Sayori, would you marry me?"

Sayori "No, come down already, the food aunti made is getting cold".

Unlike how one would expect Saito was not upset. He didn't even blink. He thought to himself, "well I will try again tomorrow".