When that day came, I had turned into a modern submarine in the world of Azur Lane after suffering a terrible death. But why?
As my submarine body re-entered the diving status, Sofia reported the Azurlane communication channel that was successfully captured by the radar.
"Erm, isn't this it?" The communication report had a different encryption from the Eagle Union and Royal Navy. However, thanks to the Brute-Force technology it worked non-stop. I managed to translate the code into words.
"Ah, what should I do after this?" I muttered softly.
The message that I managed to translate was an order regarding the Seawolf-class unit being disbanded and an order to return to Azurlane's main base. It seemed that the nonsense I had said had a basis in reality beyond my expectations.
This coincidence…
Somehow it felt terrifying.
My identity as a Seawolf-class unit was well-covered and the order given by Azurlane gave me one reason to go to their headquarters.
The ticket to the shipgirl's paradise had been opened and I wanted to infiltrate it!
"Master, that nonsense has come true. Should we infiltrate deeper into their military network?" Sofia asked.
"It's too dangerous and tempting at the same time. Information about Azurlane and their military system is still in the black zone. We are just infiltrators who are conducting a Black Box attack without knowing the information. I authorize an attack that leaves no trace of our identities."
"Un! Understood! Stealth Hacking Attack for Azurlane's military network then..." Sofia replied cheerfully.
The report file that Sofia successfully downloaded showed a Seawolf-class unit consisting of men and women. The military uniforms they wore had the same motif as mine. If this was a coincidence, the nonsense I said had a dark history that made the Enterprise rampage at the Eagle Union military base.
Well, with the Enterprise rampage. I got a suitable background as part of the Seawolf-class unit. A hundred units with one impostor in it, makes me feel like a spy agent.
Maybe I went a little too far with my status as a fake Flagship and fake high military rank. I hope they don't notice and the disbanded Seawolf-class unit gets pension compensation.
"Master, we are about to enter the waters of Siren Strongholds again. Are we going to enter battle station mode?"
Hearing Sofia's report, I looked at the Tactical Map Operation.
My submarine and the Royal Navy convoy were traveling at the same speed. Since the Royal Navy convoy was using high cruising speed, I was forced to dive deeper to avoid my submarine's propellers emitting cavitation bubbles. The sound from the surface ship's propellers was able to drown out the sound of my submarine's propellers. However, I didn't want to risk damaging my "Undetected" status.
"Sofia, switch to battle station mode in ten seconds!" I ordered.
"Ready, Master! All submarine operating systems will enter battle station mode in ten seconds starting now!"
My main system displayed a countdown to entering battle station mode. My weapons system was on standby and preparing to load ammunition. My submarine's condition looked normal, all systems were green and running optimally.
"All Systems, Battle Station!"
The time that passed in the war zone felt very short, ten seconds was a short enough time to feel. My submarine's systems were now switching to battle station mode. The main lights turned red, the sonar and mobile detection systems actively monitored the situation, and Sofia wore a serious expression in LED monitor.
"USS Seawolf enters battle station mode, all control is in your hands, Master!"
"I accept control and continue the submarine's journey into Siren Strongholds with the Royal Navy convoy. Direct the sonar coverage on the right and left wings, focus on passive sonar, and separate the Royal Navy convoy contacts into a white list. I do not want to harm allies in the war zone."
"Understood! Passive sonar sweep and Royal Navy convoy contacts into a white list!"
The Tactical Map Operation displayed the Royal Navy convoy contacts on a white list, now my weapons will not harm them. Well, a little caution is necessary. Attacks from friends can sometimes be the trigger for defeat. Hopefully, the Iron Bloods who are part of the convoy do not make that mistake.
My submarine approached the outer perimeter of Siren Strongholds and moved past it.
"Master, something strange is happening in the waters of Siren Strongholds. The seawater pressure has become heavier than before, the seawater depth is different from previous data, and the seawater temperature is approaching freezing point. If it goes like this, the submarine system will experience interference."
"Brrrrtttt... It's so cold. The Siren Weather Device is so troublesome! Curse you sirens!"
The submarine body and my personification were connected by a strange bond, the temperature changes experienced by the submarine body were channeled to the personification body. It felt very cold and I needed warmth to survive in this cold condition. Should I walk into the nuclear reactor to warm my body temperature? Yep, that's not a good idea. Forget about that ridiculous intention.
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 300, designated Siera 1."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 00, designated Siera 2."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 330, designated Siera 3."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 30, designated Siera 4."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 60, designated Siera 5."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 270, designated Siera 6."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 33, designated Siera 7."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 15, designated Siera 8."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 315, designated Siera 9."
"Conn, sonar! New contact bearing 299, designated Siera 10."
Tactical Map Operation actively marked the target after Sofia detected a small signal captured by passive sonar. Tactical Map Operation displayed a yellow signal and a guideline that detected the direction of the signal based on the known bearing.
"Master, do you want to hear this?" Sofia suddenly sent a passive sonar report to my submarine's main system. An active sonar wave moving closer to the Royal Navy convoy. I immediately turned on the loudspeaker to listen to the sonar wavelength.
Paaang... Pangga... Pangga...
Paaaang... Paaaangg... Panggg...
Pang... Pang... Pang...
After hearing the active sonar wavelength, I could only make one conclusion.
"Sofia, it seems like Royal Navy and Iron Blood make contact with siren submarine. They see that the siren submarine submerge and using active sonar to attack the Royal Navy convoy from a long distance using torpedoes," I said.
"Changing the Siren Strongholds' sea zone into an unsuitable habitat for shipgirls. The siren understand that shipgirls will have a hard time in the cold ocean. However, their tactics are useless against the Seawolf-class which is designed to survive in surprise conditions. The situation is like this, assuming they don't face my submarine undetected. Then, they will target the Royal Navy and Iron Blood convoy," I continued.
"Master, the Royal Navy convoy is changing course and moving away from us. The target Siera is following their change of course! But why?" Sofia said.
"Huh, Of course they follow them, Sofia. That's because we are swimming through thick ice while they are avoiding it," I replied while reading the report of the seawater depth covered in ice. Seeing the response of the Siren following the Royal Navy convoy made my face smile. The "Undetected" status is maintained by using the Royal Navy and Iron Blood convoy as bait!
"Siren, you are so troublesome! Even in this cold sea! But, I am very pleased with your stupidity!"
"Erm… Master. What should we do in this situation?" Sofia asked.
"Well, isn't it obvious? Prepare launch tubes one to eight with Mark-48 Torpedoes. Ah! Hook them up with fiber optic cables. We will conduct a surprise attack using passive sonar guidance. Position our submarine at a depth of 800."
Hearing my command, Sofia loaded my eight torpedo launch tubes with Mark-48 torpedoes and waited for further orders.
"Master, Solution has been established!" Sofia reported.
"Solution 1, set target bearing 300!" I continued.
"Solution 1, target bearing 300!"
"Solution 1, Fire!"
The Mark-48 torpedoes were launched from my submarine, and the Tactical Map Operation switched to the torpedo sonar display. The distance between my submarine and Siera 1 was quite far but within the range of the Mark-48 torpedo attack. This was a small opportunity to test the explosive power of the Mark-48 torpedo against the siren.
The Mark-48 torpedo shot quickly at a depth of 800. Due to the strong seawater pressure, the sound from the Mark-48 was faintly heard until the sound of an explosion was heard. The Tactical Map Operation displaying the torpedo sonar received visual recordings from Siera 1. It was a siren submarine that was emitting active sonar.
"Master, the other Siera target changed direction," Sofia reported.
"Well, that's very reasonable. One of their friends was hit by a torpedo and moved to avoid further attacks. But, how did they avoid the guided torpedo? Fufufu... one of the ten targets managed to sink. The Mark-48 dealt enough damage for a one-hit kill. Set Solution two to eight and adjust to the remaining Siera target bearing!" I continued my command.
"Order received! Continue the attack on the Siera contact!"
In this hunt, the sirens try to hunt down the Royal Navy and Iron Blood convoy by changing the battle zone to be filled with sea ice. However, the game changes with my presence.
Now, I'm the one hunting them!
"Cough! Cough!"
"My torpedoes!"
"Master, the two remaining Siera targets are moving away at full speed. The cavitation sound from their propellers is too loud to hear."
"Follow their movements, it will lead us to The Empress III. Use passive sonar detection that locks on to their movements."
"Un! Understood!"
Now, The main hunt of their head begins!