
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Derivasi dari karya
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178 Chs

Story 4 Hero Within, Monster Without Chapter 7 PHO Entry.

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Topic: - [New Hero in Town?] OP Bagrat

Bagrat: Hey PHO, did anyone catch sight of that new Changer downtown? Rumor has it they can transform into all sorts of monsters. Sounds wild!- [Edit] He has already signed in with the PRT some kind of independent even though good old Piggy isn't too happy a walking menagerie of monsters is now in her city.

Monsterwatcher: I heard the Changer took on a whole drug den and and held their own. Snatching the monies and the guys were so fucking scared that they literally begged the police to protect them... So does anyone have more info on the monster forms this pyscho has?

capegeek42: @monsterwatcher, I think one form was a giant four armed gorilla or something. Pretty epic if you ask me especially when he had to be carried to the RIG on a semi truck's bed.

urban_observer: Any real word on the Changer's hero or villain status? We could use some more monstrous heroes to shake things up.

Tin-Mother [Admin] [She who knocks]: Remember, no jumping to conclusions about affiliations. Let's focus more on the Changer's abilities and actions.

specific_protagonist: A Changer with monster forms? That's like a dream come true! Can't wait to see what else they can turn into... And how each monster form can fulfill each fetish we have!

Bagrat {The Guy in the Know}: Sources say the Changer is currently operating independently. No word on joining the Protectorate or Wards yet officially. [Edit] He was refused work as a healer at the same hospital that our Pan-Pan 'volunteers' at. He has since been seen running away crying in a different form yelling about the patriarchy and racism against canids apparently as his new form that can heal is furry's wet dream in being a bipedal dog form.

new_prt_recruit: [Not a member of the PRT] If the PRT doesn't scoop up this Changer, they're missing out. Imagine the tactical advantage with those monster forms! TO SAY NOTHING OF THE PRT FINALLY HAVING THEIR OWN DAMNED HEALER!!!

capegeek42: Wonder if the Changer has any limits on the monster forms. What if they can transform into a dragon or something?

PHO_Admin: Interesting speculation, @capegeek42. Let's see if any eyewitnesses can provide more details on the Changer's capabilities. Also I hope he cannot as imagine Lung's reaction to another dragon in his city...

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 ... 44 , 45, 46

(Showing Page 28 of 46)

ChangelingInTheCity: Hey PHO, got some juicy info! The new Changer was spotted turning into a Gengar and clearing out a drug den. Can anyone confirm this?

ghostbuster_phile: No way! A Gengar? That's some serious Pokemon vibes. Best news I've heard all week. No real question is why the hell is the changer turning into some kind of Earth Aleph fictional monster?

rumor_mill_master: If this is true, that Changer is my new favorite hero. Nothing says justice like a ghost Pokemon taking down criminals. Or hell... Can we expect a legendary anytime soon? I wanna see Groudon from my pirated Ruby go at it with Behemoth!

capegeek42: @ChangelingInTheCity, spill the details! Was it a classic Gengar or one of those regional variants?

ChangelingInTheCity: @capegeek42, couldn't get a close look, but witnesses say it had that sinister grin and everything. Classic Gengar vibes. But I don't know anything about regional variants... It was straight purple, had massive bloody-looking teeth and seemed to stretch and contort all the time... It was honestly creepy as shit!

pokemon_trainer_not_a_furry: Do we know if the Changer has other Pokemon forms up their sleeve? A whole Pokemon-themed hero could be funny as hell! Wait... Does that mean he can turn into Gardevoir? If so, I ship Changer/Gardevoir with Miss Militia!

Tin-Mother [Admin] [She who knocks]: Let's keep the discussion focused on the confirmed details. If anyone has more info on the Gengar incident, share it responsibly. And let's not get into wild fanfics on the power and feats discussion board please

cryptic_eyewitness: I was there! The Changer turned into a Gengar, floated through walls, and spooked the dealers into surrendering. It was like a real-life ghost story! Like I think the Gengar mastered them or something! 

shapeshifterfetish: A Gengar-themed hero? I'm officially a fan. Wonder if they can learn Shadow Ball or Hypnosis... Wait if he can use psychic types moves doesn't that make him a bonafide Master? Whelp RIP him, the Power's that Be are going to throw his ass into the Bird Cage.

urban_cryptid_spotter: Ghost-type Pokemon transformations? Now I've seen everything. What's next, a Wailord cleaning up the Docks of all the dead ships?

Tin-Mother [Admin] [She who knocks]: Remember, folks, let's not get too carried away with the Pokemon theme. This Changer has a unique power set beyond just mimicking creatures.

new_prt_recruit: Above. Nah, he doesn't have a powerset other than Pokemon... I mean it's not like Nintendo on this Earth can sue him? He is literally a walking multi-billion dollar advertisement as shown by how popular Pokemon is back over on Earth Aleph.


I licked my canid chops as I stretched with a slightly extended stomach as I celebrated my wonderful drug bust. 'And giving people life-long trauma.' With the well-deserved reward of a large meat lovers pizza with all the topping's from an authentic Italian restaurant.

After my bust I had retreated back to the marooned ship and was just relaxing until with a loud buzzing noise the phone that the PRT gave me to keep in contact went off making me groan as my food coma was interrupted.

'What the hell do they want? It hasn't even been a full day yet?' I thought as I picked up the phone and read the message.

[Jake Barris. -Menagerie- Topic- Request for Power Testing]

[The PRT is highly interested in testing out the powers of your various Changer forms. And are willing to host the tests at a time of your choice should you be available in the short future.] 

The way the text was framed... Irked me until I realized that my inhuman senses probably was picking up something and in the back of my mind I couldn't remember but didn't Lucario also have some limited foresight abilities or something?

So I swiftly texted back. [I appreciate the offer. But I am currently hard at work integrating with society, I will not be joining the PRT at this time and will be keeping my options open.] I finished and then with a shrug I decided to go onto PHO to see if anything had been said about me.

And naught but five minutes later I dropped the phone beside me as I looked up at the ceiling with dead eyes as the degeneracy of others was just... Beyond redemption.

I looked down at my phone and shuddered seeing a post that made me mentally wretch... Especially as I knew who was the one posting it! [specific_protagonist: I want a femboy dommy mommy Gardevoir to step on me so hard hngggghh!]

This world couldn't be saved...

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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