
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
202 Chs

Story 4 Hero Within, Monster Without Chapter 2

My furry ass was literally given the standard Worm insert treatment as I was tossed onto the hard asphalt ground of a dirty alleyway from the portal ejecting me. I landed with a loud crashing due to my large bulk that probably weighed as much as an elephant honestly.

I just stared up at the sky and its dreary cloudy sky. Idly I raised up my four arms and held up my large hands above my face to inspect them in the light of the of cloudy sky acting as the background to the inspection as I reflected on my change.

Honestly, I wasn't really freaking out, sure being made into a monstrous form sucked a bit and would obviously lead to some issues. But in the end, I knew I could one day change back into a human form, so I wasn't too worried about it.

So with a grunt of effort, I sat up and I realized with a snort of humor that the ground didn't bug me at all to be sitting down on as my fur so thick that I couldn't feel the frigid chill I should have, due to it being literally early January. But being a Bashura, a creature that lived in the harsh frozen wasteland and mountains of FFX, the weak cold breeze wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest.

I then experimentally stood up and I realized that my feet were widespread to easily support my weight with my toes having a good deal of muscle and slightly curved claws at the end of the toes so that I could probably keep a stable footing on ice and snow.

Then my inspection ended as I realized I needed to make a choice for my life... Actually, it wasn't a fucking option at all really. Do I become a hero, villain, or even go rogue and try to just make money and be free?

But in reality, I was a five-meter tall, purple-furred, four-armed killing machine... My first monster form was one that was perfect for being people up or doing hard labor, so I literally couldn't become a villain or really even a rouge as I was simply too damned big to go into most hideouts. So being a hero was my lone real option.

Which I was fine with honestly, I didn't want to see the world burn, and right now I had no control over my powers, so I didn't have a way to market super valuable skills like healing or gathering information.

So, I then made my way out of the alley, and as I did so, I saw it was dropped into probably the wealthier side of Brockton Bay due to the street being rather clean and well-maintained. But as I stepped out, all the traffic came to a screeching halt at the sight of me.

I wryly sighed at the sight of people looking through their windows in shock and some fear at the random five-meter-tall being walking out of the alley and into their view but I held up my hands in surrender to hopefully disarm them of any fear and then to demonstrate my willingness to relax and be unthreatening I walked over to a fountain on the end of the street and just sat against it.

And I just people-watched for a couple of minutes as people stared at me, and traffic started back up but in that couple minutes and seeing me not throwing fireballs or otherwise causing a scene of destruction, a male teenager or young adult that was truly so damned short to me now, walked over and stood a good couple meters away from me. "Uhh... You a monster out to eat my flesh?" He asked and I blinked at the blunt and terrible question that it took me a second to respond and then I retorted. flatly.

"Hell no, you got so many damned pimples on your face that I don't want to taste the pus if I eat you."

And the dude looked... So fucking offended, that I couldn't help but chuckle loudly and the man cringed and covered his ears at the deep bass of my laughter that shattered the ice in the fountain. Still, the young man spoke up again after my laughter was cut short at seeing the ice shattered.

"So, you new or something to Brockton Bay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yup got punted through some weird portal so I have literally no idea where I am, and no idea how I became like this," I said and then waved as I saw he took out a cellphone and was taking pictures of me. "Hey, can you like call the police or something?" I asked dryly and the dude froze before cringing.

"Dude, I don't want to call the cops on principle, and what if there is a charge for sending someone here?" He muttered and I pondered over his words and then I responded wryly.

"Look, I will pose and hold you on my shoulders... I am sure the pictures you get will get more likes, upvotes, or whatever attention than you ever got before. Or I could try to lay down in the middle of the road and we see how long it takes the cops to get here." I said and the teen's lips twitched at the thought

Within a couple of moments, the older teen was calling the cops and after telling them that a Case 53 or the local equivalent of monstrous-shaped people dropped into the world without any memories or explanation, he hung up and then I cringed as I realized he was truly the worst kind of modern teen.

He literally had a folding and extendable selfie stick and I had to suffer through the indignity of offering to take a bunch of pictures with him.

But not even five minutes later, I could hear a deep rumbling in the distance, and seconds later from around the next street's corner came a large motorcycle that looked like it came out of Tron with how sci-fi it looked and sitting atop it was a man that was clad in blue and white power armor and strapped to his back was a large halberd.

As the man got off his motorcycle, I held up a hand as I looked at the man that I knew to be Armsmaster. "Wait... Let me guess, your superhero tag is Halbeard!" I said dramatically and the teen cackled madly in laughter while Armsmaster's lower exposed face twitched at my words.

But his head ever so slightly tilted to the side, and I realized under his helmet he was obviously listening to instructions through a microphone or something as he said with a slightly strained voice. "Hello, may I assume you are lost, and have no recollection of how you arrived within this city as well as losing your memories of your past?" He said awkwardly.

For a moment I thought about claiming not to have any memories and taking up the tag of Case 53, but in the end, that would truly be a damned hassle. So, I answered truthfully in a sort. "No, I know where I am, who I am, and how I got here, I am from an alternate Earth but as I got my powers I was thrown into this world during my trigger event, and I think the teleportation locked me into this Changer form," I explained and Armsmaster went still at my words.

Finally, after a couple of moments of relative silence, as Armsmaster was obviously getting yelled at through the mic, he spoke again with some tension in his voice. "I assume with your easy stance, and nonconfrontational attitude that you wish to receive aid to get settled into the world and learn of any differences that you will need to know of to acclimate." He said in a speech that sounded so rehearsed that I couldn't help but imagine the man standing in front of a mirror and practicing it.

I nodded responding wryly. "That would be correct... Also, I suggest if you plan on taking me somewhere to debrief, that you use a much longer vehicle than that little bike." And Armsmaster's bushy little handlebar mustache twitched, and I realized the man felt offended by me calling his bike little.

Then the teen that was still taking pictures of me and Armsmaster yelled out. "Get one of those flat bed's that get behind eighteen-wheelers to cart him around like in a parade float!" I couldn't help but laugh at the thought before my laughter died as I realized that would be quite literally be the only type of vehicle that I could ride upon.

So, while Armsy got to muttering into a headset for a large vehicle to come pick me up. I idly just waited until he finished and then he turned back to me and then began a whole little breakdown of my identity. "Name, date of birth, last known location, and please explain what you know about your power's."

And then I began listing out my information, name was Jake Barris, born in the nineties and was living out in the midwest. Then I began to get into the meat of my powers. "Uh, as far as I know, my power's seem to be taking different forms and then using those forms preset power's to do stuff, but right now I am feeling stuck slightly with only the ability to shift some things slightly." I said frowning as I could feel like being able to twitch your ear's a sense of being able to change my form.

But as I tickled that feeling and tried to move it, all I did was change the color of my fur slightly before I gave up and let myself settle back into my Bashura form.

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patreon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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