
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Derivasi dari karya
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202 Chs

Story 14 Pokemon, Multiversal Streamer Chapter 5 Alt POV

[We are not the Company, Satoru Gojo. We do not participate in transdimensional soul trafficking.] 

Even with his blindfold on, the honored one's face could be easily described as a pout as he flipped the pickled and dried-out demonic-looking finger between his fingers. "Well phooey! I honestly thought I could send a finger to another world." He grumbled as he twirled the cursed finger through his own finger like a pen being shuffled between a bored students hands.

And then the system responded to him as though answering his annoyance. [In your current world line. There are many things that can be sold that will earn you great prizes.] [Ex, Prison Realm. Can be exchanged for enhanced lifespan, or a temporary ticket to a higher leveled world within the systems range.]

Gojo raised an eyebrow before he hummed and asked. "So how sentient are you? Are you one of the mods or admins?" Even though he was proud, there was literally nothing he could do to this weird streaming thing so he was relegated to trying to find some actual value to it's intrusion into his life.

And the system quickly responded back in another text prompt for Gojo to read. [I am a virtual intelligence who runs and operates this Jake Barris's streaming service as his primary cheat for his reincarnation. The mods and admins are souls of people that Jake considered friends in his home worldline and after they naturally passed their souls were copied into the system to act as they did in life.]

Gojo's mind whirled at that and honestly, he was wondering far this rabbit hole went so he just had one thought left. "So give me something to work with here man! I don't know what this Prison Realm is and I don't know what else to sell you guys?" 

But the system only sent a heartless message back. [Sell that which is valuable and unique to your world... The only rule is that no living beings will be sold between worlds.]

Then as though to spite him, the stream had a ping go through it as that civilian idol girl spoke in the chat. [Idol of the Stars- Uhm... So what would it take for me to be able to, you know be sent to the Pokemon world? My side isn't going so great and my manager has been super weird lately so I want a vacation.]

And the system responded with the admin replying in a surprisingly easy-going manner. [AdminKriegan- Sell the rights to one of your songs to the system and you can be transferred to Jake if he is willing to accept you being there for a period of up to one year.]

"Oi! You literally told me and that redhead bimbo we couldn't even go!" Gojo yelled out making people look at him with confusion as he was walking to another job.

But seeing no answer he threw up his hands and power walked away with a cry of sexist cheats giving waifus preferential treatment.


[Pokemon battles outside of official battles which are recorded and enforced by via the contracts signed by both parties and are recorded by each independent party's Pokedex are open to any amount of rule changes and interpretations.]

[The offical carry limit of six Pokemon are only for offical matches, such as gym and other style matches. While in the wild outside of Ranger and Police jurisdiction, it is recommended that you have your Pokemon by your side should another trainer refuse to admit their loss, criminals attack you, or likewise wild Pokemon interfere with a battle due to your battle with another disturbing what they consider to be their territory.]

I was reading through the laws of being a Pokemon trainer and my gods it was a fucking mess... Like imagine as you are reading about how Team Rocket members are classified under Kanto law as an anti-humanity terrorist organization after they attempt to use Mew-Two, to mind control and defeat Lance who was the champion of both Johto and Kanto.

Obviously they failed and Mew Two bucked their control and caused a lot of damage but yeahhhh shit was wild in this world with Pokemon being understandably acknowledged for the danger they could be in certain situations.

Either way, the laws in terms of Pokemon care for in the wild were fairly loose all things considered. Sure there were 'laws' about not killing your fellow trainers or even targeting them during a battle. But it was painfully clear and cut that criminal 'Team' members and criminal Poachers who did mass Pokemon and human capturing in the wild, they had no such protection.

And there were no repercussions for having a Gyadros turn some poacher into a splatter on a tree with a tail whip for trying to steal your Pokemon at gunpoint.

Beyond that I also got into the nitty gritty of things as I decided to look into the something I was actually rather curious about. The Eevee evolutions and after a long while my face twitched as I realized that in Kanto/Johto in the Pokedex. They only knew about normal ones along with Espeon and Umbreon.

So they didn't know about Glaceon, Leafeon, and Sylveon at all... Which gave me an idea. "Should I try to make money using my foreknowledge to publicize the other evolution paths?" I pondered aloud before my face was poked and I gave Rose a look as she laid her head on my arm and was staring at my face as we relaxed at a nicer hotel.

As I had sold that Gold Nugget, I got from Rias's donation to get a good chunk of change and beyond just this room, I had also bought myself a decent Sliph Cellphone that had access to the Pokemon worlds equivalent of the Internet.

I gave Rose another look as I said gently. "Go to sleep, we have a train ride to Pewter City tomorrow." 

Even with my eyes closed I could see my system and I knew that if I wanted to get anywhere I needed to start doing more battles. And following the standard gym path would be for the best. To say nothing of how I wanted to see if I could find a Scyther in the Viridian forest to eventually evolve them into a Scissor or something!

But as even as I fell asleep I rolled my eyes feeling Rose's demanding psychic touches upon my mind before I stilled as I realized that it wasn't actually Rose's mind touching mine and it was a far more powerful mind touching my own like it was knocking in greeting at the walls I had naturally put up around my mind knowing there were psychic pokemon and people in this world.

Next 10 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

Hey if you like this and want daily uploads and to read early chapters please drop a tip in my Ko-Fi https://ko-fi.com/azazyel22926 or https://www.patr-eon.com/Azazyel and your precious energy stones, it keeps me working on it.

My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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