
Azazyel's Multi Story Pile.

Alright, so I have a lot of stories... And frankly, I get a number of commissions for stories I don't want an individual story for here on WB due to the fact we can only have so many stories so here is the spot where I will pile new stuff that may or may not get their own story space.

Azazyel · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
202 Chs

Story 12 Fate/Fool Chapter 2

Already in mere minutes with the mental download on how to activate my magical circuits, I could use all 100 magical circuits with... Surgical precision due to my awakened Six Eyes's that could see through my own bodies production and usage of magical energy. Allowing me to easily see where I was actually fucking up in controlling my mana.

In the twenty minutes, it took me to ride a bus to the British Museum to enter the Mages Association I had already damn near mastered the Reinforcement spell. As my Six Eye's gave me a filtered-down version of information-gathering spells allowing me to easily see the mana-filling rate of the rocks and sticks I idly picked up and reinforced with my mana to make them better.

'I wonder if I can pull an Emiya and do near-perfect replica's with projection.' I thought before shaking my head as neither my Foll Pathway nor the Six Eyes gave me any form of perfect recall allowing me to mimic Shirou Emiya's Unlimited Blade Works.

Either way after the bus ride I entered the Mage's Association with... Disturbing ease as the guard only scanned my entry badge ticked with a couple magical scanners before grunting to wave me in and I had to ask him where I would find 'Lord El-Melloi IIs' classroom.

I quickly made my way to the classroom as I know my apartment within the MA's would also be assigned after class but as I reached the classroom I froze as I heard an older male yelling as a younger voice was screaming in pain.

Gently I pushed open the door and my blindfolded face blankly looked at my teacher, Lord El-Melloi II or otherwise known as Waver Velvet as he had picked a male student up by the ears and was just screaming at him in righteous anger. "You troglodyte of a smooth brain. Of all the things you have tried, this takes the cake! You substituted pure silver for burnished gold in a lunar ritual you absolute buffoon!"

With absolutely damn near zero magical knowledge especially in the Nasuverse's supposedly stupidly complicated magical system... I could tell that was particularly fucking retarded as that was literally a Yin/Yang switch-up.

"Did you want to kill us all! No.... Where did you even get the gold as it wasn't even in the experiment kit!" He demanded and the student chuckled even as he somehow escaped irate teacher's hands.

"Oh look teacher the new guy is here!" The student said dramatically pointing at me and knowing the jig was up I opened the door up fully and spoke aloud.

"Uhhh is this a good time, or do you want to go back to beating him up?" I asked blandly and I heard a couple of the students giggle before Lord El-Melloi II sighed and said.

"Flat Escardos get back to your seat and don't touch anything." He said with the blond haired blue eyed teen apparently named Flat of all things running off cheerfully despite being literally hung in the air by his ears.

The teacher took a breath and said more formally. "I understand you are rather new to the whole magical world so I will be frank. You are likely to be ensnared in some kind of trap for whatever magical eyes you have if not just to be used in some kind of experiment. In either case, you go sit down and after class, I will dedicate an hour to answer any questions you have." He said showing a surprising amount of kindness and I nodded in understanding as I certainly understood he was already having enough trouble in his life without me dragging more into his lap.

"Thank you teacher." I said simply as I took in the college like raise seats to find a seat for myself. While I did not bother using his whole title of Lord El-Melloi II as most other students were doing as they whispered about my entry into the class as the class only had nine members with me. Becoming the tenth student in the classroom.

Looking around I found a seat a bit away from what looked like a couple of beautiful twins in tight-fitting formal wear. And as I took my seat and took out a notebook to take notes on what was on the chalkboard I listened as Lord El-Melloi II continued his lesson.

"The Moonlit Aurum Eclipsis Ritual is a Roman/Greek Ritual that calls upon the essence of the goddess Artemis or her Roman counterpart in Diana. And in calling upon her essence you will be able to naturally purify natural mana sources like Leyline spouts so the mana can be used for other rituals. Likewise you could also inject the lunar essence into mystic codes and other things to strengthen them while under the moon's light." He explained the use of the ritual and then listed out the ingredients and chant needed to call upon the essence of Artemis without getting smited or otherwise truly getting terrible attention upon yourself.

"Now as Flat soooo helpfully pointed out... Using gold is an absolutely terrible idea unless you are trying to make a powerful bomb that will kill yourself as well! As the ritual will call and filter for moon essence and instead of using the gold as the catalyst you will instead call upon Solar energy, leading to quickly being burnt alive." He finished his explanation before rapping on the chalkboard with his stick as he looked at a woman with pastel pink hair and a number of almost gaudy accessories across her clothes and an eye patch over one of her eyes.

"Yvette L. Lehram, quit doodling and pay attention!" And the girl just giggled and without any shame retorted.

"You know you shouldn't be using magecraft to look at my diary darling... Did you like what you read though?" She teased and Waver gave her an eye roll at the girls teasing and continued on with the lesson and I learned a great deal.

As I learned that the decline of magecraft wasn't really just sharing their knowledge with their fellow practitioners diluting the 'Mystery' of the magic. Instead, it was humanity, or the Human Order of Science and understanding stripping away Mystery quickly as fireballs were so weakened compared to those from a couple of centuries ago due to the invention of lighters and bombs that most mages utterly refused to bother with lesser fire based magecraft anymore.

"Now Jake Barriss tell me. What are you going to do should someone attempt to curse you in the next couple days?" He asked bluntly making me freeze my note taking at his abrupt question and for a long moment I stared him through my blindfold before answering flatly.

"First thing to do is to dispel the curse if I can, if I cannot, I imagine I should probably ask you for advice, should you refuse to even advise me, I would then have to probably track down the curses origin," I answered and Waver raised an eyebrow to which I shrugged before he nodded.

"Fine enough plan of attack... Assuming the curse doesn't kill you outright, but either way! Class is dismissed, Jake, Gray, you both stay behind." He finished with him folding a suitcase closed as the students got up while giving me looks as they left but I at least saw Flat happily waving at me as he left... That was something I suppose.

Next 5 chapters are on Patreon and Ko-fi

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My commission rate is 15$ per thousand words.

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