
Chapter 1: The begining

[Imperial palace of Almand]

"Did you really confirm this information ?"

Asked a middle aged man with dazzling blond hair and red eyes sitting on a luxurious chair with one hand on his chin.

"Yes! Your majesty one of the cardinal personally delivered that letter."

the guard hurriedly answered, the current emperor is known for his brutality and seing his current mood that letter must contain bad news.

"I see, summon all the councelors we need to hold an emergency meeting ."

"Yes your majesty !"

the guard immediatly left .

"Cursed children ... looks like the world won't stay at peace for too long" The emperor sigh as he remember the previous war that costed the life of all his younger siblings.

As he seem to remember that time his gaze stop on the window and looks at the children playing in the imperial garden.

3 Days later (yes parties can last a long time)

[Imperial garden]

"Hey max, what are you doing here by yourself ?"

The back of the child shudder and then turn with an akward face. He have short black hair and eyes colored with a mix of green an blue with a pale face and a two pieces suit. If anyone saw him they would be stunned by his beatifull features and luxurious clothes he was obvioulsy a noble.

"Well you know im not really liked by the others and everyone either avoid me or approach me with malicious intent, your highness"

As he answered he turned himself and faced the other child. That child is the third prince of the Almand kingdom he have the same hair has his father but his eyes are silver, his hair is brushed neatly . He wear luxurious clothes and possess a noble air around him as well as a michevious smile that do not fit his status as a prince.

"humpf, Im not really liked either you know, and i already told you to call me art, Anyway today i am officially ten years hold max so know we have the same age." As he said that a proud smile appear on his face .

"Congratulation your majesty." *bowing down with hirony* "but it appears that we got found out."

As he answered him he pointed his finger in a direction and guards could be seen coming their way.

the guards are knights from the imperial palace recognisable by their wear armors with a golden crest looking like a lion head on the torso.

"Your highness, you need to gather with the others children the church is here to do something come with sir Azarashi as something important came up."

Upon hearing this arthur eyed blinked with interest the church wasn't supposed to come here today. So he pushed maximilien shoulder and started to walk while urging him to follow.

Soon enough the two arrived at the garden were most children and some servants were gathered, they then observed the church members carefully examining the children whith strange devices. A priest soon aproach them and use his device to inspect their bodies. After a while the priest went to a priest with slightly different clothes : a high priest as he spoke to him in the distance his gaze swept on maximilien and arthur.

{[MAX POV ]}

After being inspected by the priets the sun was already set meaning it was time to leave.

As i walk past everyone somene grab me by my shoulders lift me in the hair and place me on his shoulder.

"So did you make friends today or is my ten years old brother still shy in front of others ?" As he said that the man started laughing. He has a tall and sturdy body, with short black hair and emerald eyes he is my older brother James Azarashi and a prankster. I dont even know how someone like him became a swordmaster while being only 22 years old.

Anyway i ignored him as he placed me on the ground and we walked to the portal gate.

After coming home i had dinner with my familly .

first of all my father is Leo Azarashi a duke in his early forties who fought alongside the current emperror next there is my elder brothers who are twin and looks like each other one is a knight and the other is a magician. Both of them are monsters in my opinion due to theit talents and they are always pestering me, next is my mother a gentle person with dark blue hair and pink eyes she is also a magician and there is me the third son, i am .Thats all we just lives like nobility and i really like this life i hope it can stay like this forever.

[(Author note : the mc is only ten years old and also a noble, in the medieval age children were often really mature so im trying to make him act like someone from this era.)]

{[Leo Azarashi POV]}

Today i went to the imperial palace only to learn that my youngest son will have to leave in one week for the western frontline because of the curse on his body.The seed of darkness is inside his heart so it cant be removed, usually people with the seed of darkness are killed by the church but the leader of the church agreed to spare the children in exchange, they will have to go to that cursed place.

The curse could be removed with the help of the church but it costs a lot of money and his curse his located on a vital point so it cant be removed.

That day i almost blown up half of the palace because of my anger but i knew it wouldnt change everything .

" i have only one week to prepare. I need to tell my wife and the others but not know."

(Three day later)

{[Maximilien POV]}

I learned today from my father that i need to leave for the western frontier and i cant come back basically i am exiled . I asked why, it turned out i am a bearer of the seed of demons on top of this its INSIDE my heart.

When i learned this i was shocked i felt like my wolrd was shattering i only wanted a peacful life but looks like i will never be able to fulfill my promise to helena my fiance, i thought that my familly would protect me but they cant i need to leave in order to stay alive explained my father.

The last days quickly passed and i took everything that was precious to me.

All of my familly members were heartbroken and we all cried. As i walked toward the carriage a priest appeared his face hidden in his hood "i have been tasked to escort you" he said politely, honestly he seemed a bit off but I was lost i, for the first time in my life, felt alone. Soon enough the carriage arrived

at a church and inside they were about a dozen of others children all had a sad face. 'I see so they gathered all cursed children in the area here.' I mumbled under my breath.

After a while a high priest arrived and started to chant a spell . Right after it ended i started to feel sleepy and soon enough i fainted.

"hey... hey... Hey... HEY."


I groaned as the person shouting woke me up.

"Oh finally awake? You've been sleeping for quite a while you know ?"said the person in front of me .

As my eyes adapted to the dark and foggy area i looked at him more closely he had plain clothing brown hair and red eyes with a tanned skin probably a commoner.

"My name is Chris nice to meet you." he then grab my hand and help me get up.

" I am a noble remove your hand from me and adress me as sir maximilian ,any idea were we are ?"

"Yeah max, we are inside a mana train look." He then point to a hole between the planks of the wagon

"I told you to call me sir maximilian you stupid commoner."

[(Yeah mc is an as#hole, but again : noble-> 10 years old)]

I approach and look over. My eyes need some time to adapt but then i saw a huge forteress with high black walls on a mountain. "So this is the forteress huh ?" I glance one more time before turning to that commoner.

"Looks like we will arrive ."

"Yeah do you know what are we going to do here anyway ?" he replied

"I dont know." i answered whith a stern face wondering what will be hapening to me in this cursed place.

"I overheard the priests talking about it. Looks like we are exiled because of our curse."

We then chatted a bit with me cursing at him to adress me correctly and him ignoring me before the train stopped and the wagon open letting us out, some knights gathered everyone about 200-300 children.

Then they divided us by wagon members before one of them took the members of the 7th wagon wich I was part of to another location.

After walking for a while we entered an isolated area wich looks like the Everbloy academy of the empire.

"Alright i will give you your dorms numbers, as you probably guessed you will be trained here to become soldiers under the order of the commander of this place the Duke Grimbal."

He then glanced at us and noded at us before saying.

"Your formation will last 3 years and then you will be divided in team of four to complete missions. I wont say anything more since you all looks hungry and tired we will go into the main hall to have dinner."

After taking a last glance at us he guided us to the main hall and we entered it before leaving he said.

"Welcome to the void valley. Hope you can make it out alive."

Everyone gulped down as we are all immature children.

For the first time of my life i was away from everything i was still lost and broken but as my father told me, i need to make my mind fast or else i will lose my life here. I watched the huge castle and city behind the dark walls .

"Hey, max you're coming ?"

As i was lost in my tought Chris asked far away.

'That commoner really dont care about everything ' I mumbled while staring at him taking food on his plate and discussing with the knights presents.

"Anyway i supose i should eat something too ."

I quicly walked in the hall and picked a plate.

To be continued