
Azarashi Tales : chapter 0

My first project is in a fantasy world were the world is at peace but soon the "cursed children" appears the sign of the rise of demons is here . The main character will be one of those cursed children trying to survive . Only at 10 years old he is sent to the East by the church alongside others cursed children to get killed at the border.

For the world setting there is the Almand empire wich share a border with 3 others countries

the Rawen kingdom at the north and east , the Bolgav empire in the south

and finally the western union composed of smaller countries. In the East at the border there is a place called the void valley it is named that way because the godess of light fought with the god of darkness thus destroying the previous kingdom and creating a place full of dangerous creatures and unhabitable because of the rediue of mana who simply poisoned the soil and the air. there are also other continents such as the demon contineng and the half human one.

The void valley is about 50km wide and 250 to 300 km long .

The gate to the demon world also known as the pandemonium is located in the middle of the valley .

The cursed children are sent to the "forteress" a place were they will be trained for 3 years before going to the death valley to perform their duties and fight against the monsters and protect the kingdom from their invasion.

The main character is the third son of the azarashi familly and he won't be the only noble as every child could become cursed .

I also intend to make a explained backstory for some characters so it will maybe last 1 or 2 chapters for each one.

for the power system there is :

Divine power you know the basic church stuff

Aura wich is used by sword user and have different stage aka stars :

from 1 to 3 stars apprentice level

from 4 stars to 5 stars sword user the average level of a new knight

6 and 7 stars sword expert and the average in this world

8 and 9 stars swordmaster


10,11, 12 stars grandmaster of the sword

13 stars Sword emperor

In fact its more correct to say weapons because aura can be used with bows axes and every kind of weapon, even a stick.

Sword users use sword aura to fight it can be used to attack and defend bt using different kind of aura . Aura can also be used for large scale battle and ranged attack because it can be applied to others parts of the body or even used as a whip . Aura users can also use it to create a solid slash that can go a certain distance while destroying everything in its way but its not limited to that i will explain more as the story goes by.

Now for the adventurer guild there is :

F rank new adventurer

E rank passing the guild exam

D rank doing 10 D rank mission

C rank most of the adventurer(20 C rank mission

B rank passing the guild B rank exam

A rank elite adventurers similar to paladin and elder mage in term of power levels

S rank high level adventurers (swordmaster)

X rank for adventurers above 10 stars or circle

There is also in between ranks such as B+ or C- called semi A rank and lower C rank depending of the number of stars and circles

Magician circles :

1 to 3 apprentice

4 to 5 average mage level (lower than knight because more talent is required to progress )

6 to 7 circles are mostly high ranking personal used in war or in other fields (enginering, doctor etc.)

8 to 9 archmage and there is only a dozen of them in each mages tower, towers that are basically school for apprentices and research for new weapons (depend on the floor)

10 to 12 circles are elemental sorcerers and each of them lead one of the tower.

13 circles are mage emperor and are mostly from high ranking species such as elves or dragons.

Mana and Aura can both be used but you will never make a lot of progress so you better specialize in one . Mana is the energy of nature absorded by magicians to make mana circle on their hearts . Aura on the other hand is manifested by sheer f###ing will while using a sword and it will refine as long as you practice and fight .

Thats pretty much everything i had to wrote if you have questions you can ask in the comment i'll be glad to answer you. I plan on doing a mass release to make sure you can judge if you are going to read or not also english is not my native language so excuse my mistakes and point them out.