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Face the world's fiercest dinosaurs and make it back to the future in one piece! You're a physics student with a dream: travel back in time and document the world of dinosaurs. Can you survive the terrors of the Tyrannosaurus rex? When you successfully convert your Land Rover into a working time machine, you set your sights on traveling to the age of the Tyrannosaurus rex, triceratops, and pterosaur where you'll study dinosaurs and film a thrilling documentary. The only problem is the competition: your rival and enemy Darien Vance has claimed your work for his own, accused you of plagiarism, and had you kicked out of graduate school. When you travel back in time, you'll have to prove you got there first, redeem your good name, and make it home safely.

HUGUEL_0568 · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
126 Chs


Yesterday's events drove home the point that circumstances can change in an instant. Nonetheless, you have learned that, at least to some extent, fortune favors the prepared. Hence, your main task is to give your Land Rover a complete inspection before making the final call. You focus first and foremost on the various components of your time machine, especially the flux navigator.

Since the day you landed, it has become more and more apparent that you have a great deal to learn about time travel. You do spot a couple of hidden malfunctions, fixing one of them and coming up with a work-around for the other. Nevertheless, try as you might, you cannot be assured everything is copacetic. You estimate the odds of the Way Way Wayback Machine seeing you home safely to be fifty-fifty.

Worse yet, bumming a ride from Darien Vance doesn't look like it's in the cards.
