300 years before the arrival of (Al-Nahhas) junior Princess (Aynur), Princess of the kingdom of Kandor to regain the floral throne in the Roses City, after her uncle the emperor Behrouz usurped it, the witch Korra Kalak helps him, and faces the witch's curse, using her enchanted weapon (Soma).
(Abbas) gave him a drink of water, and he (Farjoud) said to him:
- "I promise you, my son, that if I come out safely, you must join us, but do not declare your words in front of anyone, lest they kill you."
Farjoud was a captive, his hands were surrounded by iron handcuffs, in a tent near the Imperial Pavilion, and the young soldier admired Princess Aynur, as the true heir to the floral throne, which had been usurped by Emperor Behrouz, and when the father of Abbas, the soldier, said this fact two months ago, they executed him immediately, so Abbas joined the army To prove his loyalty to the Emperor, but in fact joined when he learned of the Battle of the Ten Trees Hills Campaign.
He will only return to Kandor when the princess is on her worthy throne, and the waste world has been rid of the murderous emperor. Now Commander Farjoud seems sincere enough, to be honest with him. he told him:
"I'm tired of waiting. Consider me one of your soldiers and show me a way back to the castle. Shall I try to steal the keys to the shackles?"
- "Wait...Wait, son."
Abbas was enthusiastic, but Farjoud feared for him the enthusiasm and rush of young people.
Outside, captain Munther walked out, fascinated, staring at the monstrous (Wishtah).
She was negress, at the height of a palm tree, about 80 feet. They were a tribe of black-skinned people, of normal sizes, who resided on the slopes of the volcanic mountain (Sahrij), located in the northeast of the supercontinent (Orioum) at the end of the third millennium in the coppery calendar, and a famous military scientific campaign in the heroligian history (Sahrij expedition) caused their exposure to disaster.
The tremendous energy that the heroligian civilization used from the (Sahrij) volcanoes in the year 3002 C, with a signal from King (Mignador the Great) for the first access between the Waste World and the Populated World, did not lead to the annihilation of the remaining Negroes after the military clash but rather enlarged their bodies until they became like palms in their length, Because of their insistence on residing in the same area after leaving the expedition.
(Wishtah the beach lobster) was very poor eyesight, so the Owls arranged for her an ivory platform over her shoulders, from the tusks of Scaly Elephants, in which her friend (Postama), one of the blonde Cats of the town of (Malish), guided her and led her in her locomotion and travels, and (the beach lobster) loved shores, life near the coasts, and she visits mountain of (Sahrij) regularly every year.
When Wishtah stopped, the tremors of her footsteps in the area ceased, it was Postama who commanded her to stop, and then she stood on her seat on the top of her shoulders, where the platform rises beyond Wishtah's head.
She was of a bare body like an animal, with skin striped like a tiger, and a tail of a lynx, but of a feminine human form, and her blond hair strewn with sunburst over her head. She said:
- "What are you doing? Are you attacking Princess Aynur?"
The soldiers were looking at her anxiously, aiming their spears and swords, ready to defend their lives, while Wishtah felt motivated, and with one kick she could crush the nearest squad of soldiers. Munther replied:
- "What do you think?".
(Postama) said something to Wishtah, then she said to Munther:
- "Stop your attack, Kandorian, if you harm the princess or her castle, it will not be to your advantage."
Munther said, pretending to be firm:
- "It's too late, I've sent my command. The catapults on the other side will start throwing any time now."
No sooner had he finished his sentence, they all heard a deep, muffled crash.
The catapults have begun to destroy the western castle walls, and a special suicide squad is preparing to storm.
Wishtah let out an earth-shattering cry:
- "Stop, you bastards."
When she swept her foot in the direction that the Malishian Cat had set for her, she overthrew seven men who flew like toys, then fell smashing dead in front of Munther.