
9 - Medical Internship

It's hard to believe that I reincarnated into this world around 10 years ago. 

Most people would probably think that a second life in a place where superpowers are the norm would be a dream come true—something someone like Ike, Yamauchi, or Sotomura would kill for.

The truth isn't nearly as entertaining. As a baby, you're always under someone's watchful eye, unable to do anything worthwhile, was mind-numbingly dull. Then school started, and it felt like trading one cage for another; revisiting basic subjects, tolerating obnoxious children, and other mundane things. The repetitive routine was slowly killing my brain.

That's not to say that I have any real desire to return to the world where I was originally born, that life is over, and there's no point in dwelling on it.

I've incorporated a few new hobbies into my life to help pass the time. They aren't exactly the kind that would make me very popular with my peers, though they were never meant to anyway.

"second place again, huh?" I stated, to the pale-blue haired girl, currently glaring at the mid-term test scores.


Intelli heard my not so quiet comment on her score, turned over to me with an annoyed face.

"You. What is your problem?" She grabbed me by the tie, glaring at me while demanding answers.

"what do you mean exactly?"

The results for the latest mini mid-term tests had just came out, and due to the added presence of a bonus question she'd been placed in second for another important test. 

Well, as important as a test could be in elementary-school.

"Don't play dumb, you keep silent most of the time, but every time you do talk, it's always you trying to piss someone off."

"no, i think you're only remembering our disagreements."

To be accurate, what she's saying is mostly true, I haven't been all that interested in befriending most of my younger classmates, so my conversations with them don't often go smoothly.

"more importantly, i remembered you bringing tea-filled thermos bottle on the day of the test, surely you didn't fail the bonus question while using your quirk?" I questioned, monotockingly.

"You are seriously the most insufferable person I've ever met. What the hell is wrong with you."

"woah, did you just say the h-word, intelli? i'm telling the teacher on you." I replied in shock.

Scared by the wrath of my female classmate, I awkwardly waddled over to Mr. Mashimo, resorting to the underhanded move of tattle-tailing to force her into a humiliating retreat.


I glanced back over to Intelli.

 "can i... go to the washroom." 

Revealing it was a fake out all along.

What I used was a common tactic often employed by children, typically done with a friend, where one pretends to snitch on the other. However, instead of actually reporting something, they tell the teacher something different in order to provoke a reaction from the other.

A truly extraordinary manipulative technique.

Mashimo looked up from his computer at me, giving out a small sigh before responding.

"Call me either Mr. Mashimo or Mashimo-sensei, and there's around 5 minutes before school ends. Do you really need to go, or can you wait till then?"

"i suppose i could wait."

On my way back to my seat, I gave Intelli a wave, which she acted like she didn't see for some reason, while Tsu approached my desk, shaking her head.

"You really need to stop doing that."

"aren't you already used to it by now? it's how i am," I returned, making no effort to deny it.

"That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to change yourself. We might not end up going to the same middle-school, are you planning to become friendless there as well?"

She was genuinely worried about my well-being regardless of my obvious personality issues, going out of her way to try and rehabilitate me before we could enter middle-school.

"maybe, although you can't be talking like that when, excluding me, you haven't made any friends either, tsu."

"That's true I guess. But, at least I'm not making any enemies." She retorted, as the bell rang.

Together, we stepped out of the classroom, following the flow of students leaving the building. She kept her hands by her sides, while mine stayed in my pockets as we headed home without speaking until we reached near the school gates, where we go in opposite directions.

"See you tomorrow, Kiyotaka-kun."

"yeah later, tsu."

She turned to leave, and I watched her move for a second before setting off in the other direction. The sidewalks were mostly empty despite of it only being around 3:00PM on a Thursday,


Reaching the orphanage's entrance, I walked past the fences, through the playground, and then entered through the main doors, intending to go straight to my shared room. 

"Oh, he's finally back." Honaka said, as I walked by the main office. "Someone's waiting for you inside the vising room."

I raised an eyebrow, unsure of who would want to meet me, and in the visiting room of all places.

I didn't reply, instead making my way down the hall, following Honaka into the room. Where there was a small mouse? Bear? Dog thing? Waiting inside with his paws crossed together.

"Hello there, Kiyotaka-kun."


I sat down across from the rodent-looking person and he gave me a quick wave and a friendly smile. 

"Before we get started, I'd like to introduce myself, am I mouse? A dog? A bear? Who knows! More importantly, I'm the principal of UA! hope the day has treated you well so far?" His tone was very happy sounding as he guessed what I was thinking, 

"it's been good."

"Good, good. I always like to hear what the youth are up to now days. Are you enjoying your studies?"

"they're alright." I kept answering curtly.

Nezu cocked his head slightly to the side, studying me for anything that could indicate what I was currently feeling, as he couldn't get anything from my face, voice, or uncommunicative body. 

So, he was basically given nothing.

"I see that you're not much of a talker, haha. That's fine, but I was hoping to get to know you better for a few months now. Do you have any favorite hobbies or interests, becoming a hero maybe?"

"not really. no particular hobbies or interests either."

"Nothing? No favorite school subjects or anything?"

I could tell he was feeling around for something, as if he already knew what answer he wanted from me, and guiding the conversation toward it without directly mentioning it.

"oh, um... science probably."

Nezu's smile widened a little, his small black eyes radiating in joy. I'd responded to his open-ended question in just the way he wanted me to.

"Ah, science! That's wonderful, science is such a broad and fascinating field." he said nodding his head along. "Do you have any preference for a specific branch? Chemisty, perhaps? Or maybe physics?" He questioned.

I paused, pretending to think about it. 

"biology, i guess."

"Biology, huh? An excellent choice, the scientific study of life and living organisms." 

He responded with clear excitement, diving into deeper questions, asking what I enjoyed about it, if I'd watched any related shows or read any books, and throwing in a few biology questions that were clearly several grade levels above mine.

After he decided that he'd ask enough questions about the subject, he turned to Honaka, who had only been slightly participating, maintaining his friendly demeaner.

"If it's alright with you both, I'd like to speak with Kiyotaka-kun privately for a bit." He asked.

Honaka glanced at me, unsure if I could manage on my own and I gestured in her direction, signaling that it was alright.

"All right... since Kiyotaka is okay with it."

Once she had left the room, Nezu turned back to me, his friendly demeaner still in tact.

"You see Kiyotaka-kun... I happen to know about the little incident you had involving Mirko."

That certainly explains why he'd want to meet me.

"That was impressive. Ignoring your illegal quirk usage, you not only mended her leg injury but also managed to neutralize, or more precisely, eradicate the poison in her system."

He probably added that my actions were illegal at the start to pull a reaction out of me. I'm already rather creepy to regular people, for someone as smart as him, who must be used to effortlessly reading people, it must be incredibly unnerving to find someone that he can't get quite get a read on, especially when that someone is a child.

That being said, his voice made it clear he wasn't intending on threating me, nor did he appear like someone who would resort to blackmailing a minor. 

Doesn't make a very good first impression. 

If anything, it felt like he was applying subtle pressure after failing to learn anything useful from me.

"Curiously, your quirk is only listed on your records as 'Self Transfiguration', yet you were able to permanently alter someone else's body. Care to clarify what exactly is going on here?" He asked, leaning back in his chair slightly, awaited my reply.

"i wasn't really hiding anything. my quirk only awakened that ability recently, and i haven't told Honaka about it yet, i was planning to surprise her with it later."

"I see. It is completely normal for quirks to become more powerful as the user grows, they always seem to evolve and improve in unique ways." He said with a measured smile.

Nezu went silent for about a minute, allowing the room to fill with an uncomfortable quiet, as if waiting for me to speak out of discomfort. Such a coercive tactic is not often utilized on children mostly due to their unpredictable stress responses and ethical concerns. 

It appears as if he was beginning to see me less as a child and more as an individual capable of understanding complex situations, his gaze fixed on me as he assessed my response—which was me twiddling my thumbs, and looking down in silence.

(peak animated gif)

"Ahem..." He cleared his throat after watching me lose a thumb-war against myself. "No need to worry, I didn't come here to lecture you about that. If I was correct in thinking that you like the studying into the field of medicine, I came here today to offer you an opportunity. The skill you demonstrated by healing Mirko's leg injuries was exceptional, not many people could of done what you did now and you've done it at such a young age too."

I didn't respond, waiting for him to finish his proposal.

"You probably don't know this but, it's not uncommon for UA and other Heroic Schools to seek out and intern or sponsor children with promising quirks, offering them training, resources, and connections for both of their future benefit. In your case, we are specifically asking if you'd like to take a medical internship under Recovery Girl and myself, then hopefully enter UA once you enter high-school."

"sounds interesting. though i'm going to have to decline."

His smile fell slightly, disappointed by my instant refusal.

"May I ask why?" Nezu tilted his head.

"i wasn't planning to become a hero in the future."

Nezu blinked, clearly caught off guard, then his smile retuned even more amused than before.

"Hahaha, now that I think about it, you did say that earlier. Nevertheless, that's quite the rare view for one your age with such a versatile and powerful quirk—If not a hero, what would you like to be in the future, Kiyotaka-kun?" 

"haven't thought about it yet." I answered, leaning back in my chair. "although if i was forced into picking one... i think i'd become the prime minister. for no particular reason."

"The prime minister, you say?" Nezu let out a small laugh. "That's quite the ambitious choice, I didn't take you as the type to be interested in politics. You'd have to consistently make so many important decisions for the entire country. Do you think you'd enjoy doing that?"

"it was only if i was forced to pick. might as well go big."

Although, I must admit that the position is rather favorable looking in my eyes.

"Still, it's good to dream." He said, while absentmindedly flicking a pen between his digits.

He adjusted his posture, straightening his back, and sitting back into a more business like position once more.

"Now moving back to the topic of internships, I think you may have misunderstanding part of it, Kiyotaka-kun." 

His voice adopted an soft encouraging tone as he made another attempt to win me over,

"Accepting the internship and later on attending UA wouldn't mean that you're forced into pursuing hero work. Many students focus on other fields, such as support, general studies, or business. The internship ensures that you'll gain expertise in using your quirk to heal others, or in other words purely for the medical field. If you're curious about something like management, acting, or heroic work, we'd include that only upon request."

Healing quirks are exceedingly rare, and this scarcity was why Recovery Girl was invaluable. She would frequently visit various hospitals over the country, her presence in Japan was essential due to the insanely low number of people capable of performing such tasks. With her already past the average retirement age, it made sense that they'd be searching for someone to take on her responsibilities.

Still, he was weirdly insistent on getting me to intern... 

Is this standard for those with healing quirks, or is it because Nezu suspects my quirk holds massive potential? Could it be something else that I'm not currently aware of? 

"if i do accept, i want to add a few conditions."


"Oh, um... You're much younger than I was told." The tall, blonde-haired, skeletal figure entered the private room, taking a quick glance at me before sitting down.

"does that bother you?" I asked tilting my head to peek over the computer.

"No, no, no, not at all, hahaha." He replied, nervously waving his bony hands in denial. "I was told by Principal Nezu that you were young, but very skilled... I didn't think you would be that young though." Yagi said, muttered the last part.

One of my conditions for accepting Nezu's medical internship offer 3 years ago, was to keep my role in the operations concealed from a majority of the staff and entirely from the patients—meaning I typically don't have direct interactions with conscious patients. 

"it's better if you didn't worry about it too much, despite my young age i've done plenty of stomach operations, and recovery girl is still the head of this operation."

However, Nezu had assured me that this skeletal man was a trustworthy friend and his, and for reasons I wasn't told, he was very insistent that we speak after learning about my quirk.

"O-of course, I wasn't worried about that. So, um... How is this going to go exactly?"

He had mentioned this man's injury to me before when impressed by how quickly I was learning to heal others. However, I chose to wait a few years before claiming I was confident enough to take on such a challenging case.

"the explanation we provide to patients is that specialized technology works alongside recovery girl's quirk to handle the surgical procedures. while that explanation is technically true, it leaves out just how minimal her involvement actually is. and since you're already aware of me through nezu, i'll explain my part in simpler terms."

I moved my chair over to the right, turning to face Yagi, before starting my explanation.

"sitting here, i can clearly see the full extent of the injuries in and around your stomach. the process won't take long because I can restore your body entirely through physical contact. that's all that's needed for the procedure."

"O-oh, t-that sounds even simpler then when Principal Nezu explained it."

"yeah, it does sound pretty simple.

Since both Nezu and I made the explanation for the operation sound very quick and easy, Yagi had let out an anxious breathe he didn't know he had been holding.

"considering how uneasy you clearly are, staying unconscious might be more comfortable for you. however, i could deactivate your pain receptors instead and let you stay awake if you'd prefer."

"I think being unconscious would be fine."

The malnourished blonde-haired man looked like he had a few more questions to ask me, yet sat awkwardly in his seat, choosing to stay silent.

"you seem pretty nervous, yagi-san. do you have a phobia of doctors or just me?" 

"That's not it, it's just a big procedure, I feel like most people would be worried."

There wasn't much else Yagi would need to know about beforehand, so I filled him out on a few less important things, then escorted him to where we'd be doing the operation.

"please take off your shirt and lie down on that bed. i'll need to prepare a few things and put you to sleep for now. any questions before we start?"

Wordlessly, he shook his head before slipping his shirt off, a slight tension appearing on his face as he revealed his wound to a stranger. The stomach injury was now visible to the naked eye, and it was hard to believe he had lasted this long with such a life-threatening wound.

"now i'll be using my quirk to force you asleep, it'll be quick, i hope your ready."

"Yeah, just please don't mess up, okay?" He added, his skepticism slipping through unintentionally.

Placing my hand over his head, playing around with his reticular activating system to forceful put him to sleep, intentionally waiting for till the last second before speaking.

"well, don't worry about it too much, i only mess up on the patients i dislike."


Is all he could mutter before falling into a deep sleep.

Once asleep, the room grew quiet until Recovery Girl and one of her team members walked in, and began waiting for me to work on his damaged abdomen. 

"i'll let you know if i need help with this, so just watch from the side for now." 

 She agreed to my statement by simply nodding.

The injury was severe, much more difficult that anything I had dealt with before. It clear from one look how much strain he'd been placed under for years.

I laid my palm onto his stomach, quickly repairing the surface-level issues, damaged skin and muscle tissue, nerves, veins, etc. back to their original states, then I moved to his internal organs. His stomach was by far the most damaged organ, or at least what was left of it, followed by lung, then some other minor issues, that were mostly insignificant compared to the main ones.

For the organs, I starting off with his lung first, the right lung's inferior and middle lobe's both had clear evidence of several previous repair jobs. I reinforced the delicate the composition as to help ease some of the pain of difficulty breathing he had.

Next was the minor, rather insignificant issues, his intestines and kidney's both had very minor scarring damage that was quickly repaired, and the interior muscle's were also reconstructed to create a balance with the outside.

Finally the worst of it all, his stomach. The thing was held together by his hopes, dream, and stockpiling quirk. Well, it was actually only the last part. Unlike the last couple things I'd have more to do than just realigning and reinforcing, it was a terrible mess from the gastrectomy he'd undergone a few years ago.

I rebuilt the stomach's primary muscle layer, then moved onto the inner lining, regenerating the mucosa, reintroducing the necessary glands for digestion, and only adding in the acid once I had finished reconnected the blood vessels and nerves.

The operation was finished, and his body was in good condition now, significantly better than it had been in years. It had taken around 30 minutes, if you include the time I spent doing nothing as to not finish too quickly.

Yagi, still resembling a stick figure even after everything, stirred as his eyes slowly opened. He instinctively raised a hand to his head, reacting to the sudden end of his induced sleep state.

"how are you feeling?" I asked, my hand slipping off his chest.

He blinked, rising cautiously and letting his hands drift to his stomach. Although thin and bony from malnutrition, the surface was smooth and intact. His expression transformed into amazement as he confirmed the wound was no longer there.

"This is... incredible..." He said in awe as he looked down at his chest. "It's like I never received the wound—there isn't even any marks showing I had an operation on my stomach."

"i basically sculpt the inside of your body to recreate a healthy version, so there won't be any marks left, unlike a surgery or recovery girl's accelerated healing."

Yagi was having trouble fully processing what had happened. He continued rubbing his hand over his stomach, as if to make sure what he was seeing was real.

"It's truly unbelievable. I don't know how to thank you enough, you really saved me." He said, completely shook.

"you're welcome. just paying for the bill is good enough—no need to be overly thankful." 

"But Ayanokouji-sensei, I've lived with that injury for years, and nobody has been able to heal it. I can't just settle for covering the bill—I need to repay you properly."

"... extra money works fine."

Before Yagi could respond to my suggestion, Recovery Girl, who had been standing by quietly behind me, smacked the back of my head with her cane.

"A doctor shouldn't be asking their patients for extra money. Where's your sense of ethics, young man?" She scolded me in the disapproving tone of a strict elder for my reasonable decision.

"it was buried under the current cost of living. living and paying rent alone after being emancipated isn't cheap, you know? besides he looks like he could afford it." I pointed at Yagi.

The blonde-haired man laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head at our interaction.

"Well... I wouldn't mind giving him some extra money honestly."

"Don't encourage him idiot." She retorted smacking him with her cane next.

After that, there was nothing left for me to handle, so I grabbed his shirt from the chair, handed it to him, and watched as he accepted it, a small smile on his face.

Slipping the shirt over his bony frame, he pulled his arms through the sleeves. pausing for a moment, then slowly lifted the hem, revealing his stomach again, as if he needed to verify it wasn't some illusion.


"It's hard to believe I'll be able to live normally again after being like that for so long."

"yeah." I responded shortly while preparing to leave. "and because of the way my quirk works, you don't need to be on a liquid diet as it's already completely merged with your body. although i'd still recommend sticking to soupy foods until tomorrow, just to be safe."

After collecting my belongings, I made my way to the front door, stopping to turn and face the remaining people in the room before I left.

"if there's nothing else you'd like, i'm going to head out."

Except for Recovery Girl's disapproving glare, no one responded to my announcement of departure. I continued out of the operating room, intending to finish the rest of my important tasks for the day before heading home.


Ch 9 End

Another one of my longer chapters, at least for my mha fan fic.

I originally planned a few more events to have before cannon starts but I wanna start cannon already, and i also I didn't wanna have too many side events shown 

Writing this chapter, it was obvious to me that skipping through several years of the medical internship and not showing anything about how it started was a very rushed decision, but frankly i didn't think it would matter enough to write in the medical stuff anyway, so I just skim wrote through the procedure and skipped the other random unimportant stuff.

And since it's basically confirmed now that kiyo is going to ua, i'm looking for suggestions on his possible hero outfit. I was thinking something that was very open, but still cool looking, allowing him to easily shapeshift his body however he wants, I made a quick sketch on that too.

(pic of hero outfit)

I like the pink since it matches his hair color, and it's not like he'd fully shirtless from the top up, that wouldn't really fit kiyo in my opinion, but if you can recommend something better feel free to. lol.