

"Our lips meet in a fiery kiss, unleashing a whirlwind of raw, unbridled passion. My senses are overwhelmed as his touch sends shivers down my spine. Our bodies mold together, moving in perfect harmony, as if they were made for one another. A perfect fit. As the intensity builds, our desires crescendo to a feverish pitch. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest as he explores every inch of me, igniting a fire within me that I had never experienced before. Pleasure courses through my veins, consuming me completely. Just as our connection reaches its peak, .......................... Ayam's world teeters on the edge as she is torn between the urge to abandon all inhibitions and the fear of the consequences that lie ahead. "AYAM" is a tantalizing moment that explores the depths of desire, the allure of forbidden love, and the intoxicating power of connection. It sets the stage for a riveting continuation, where Ayam and Zain must navigate the challenges and consequences that lie.

she_a_beast · perkotaan
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2 Chs

Unexpected Encounters

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the cozy kitchen where Ayam, her mother, and Naabi sat around the table, enjoying a leisurely breakfast. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries filled the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and contentment.

Just as Ayam was about to take a sip of her coffee, the doorbell rang, jolting her out of her morning reverie. She exchanged a puzzled glance with her mother before rising from her seat to answer the door, curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitor.

As Ayam swung open the door, she found herself face-to-face with her handsome little brother, Arnav. He stood tall, eighteen months younger than her, his eyes sparkling with mischief. But standing beside him was someone she hadn't expected—Zain, his best friend. Ayam's breath caught in her throat as she took in Zain's striking features—the piercing blue eyes, the black hair, and a face that could have been chiseled by the gods themselves. He exuded an aura of quiet confidence, his muscular physique hinting at strength and determination.

For a moment, Ayam cursed fate for crafting such a perfect specimen of a man, and she couldn't help but stare, captivated by his presence. It was as if time stood still, her gaze locked with his, the world fading into the background.

Arnav's voice broke the trance. "Hey, sis, mind if we come in?"

Ayam snapped out of her reverie, realizing she had been caught in her thoughts. She glanced at her brother, a playful smirk on her face. "Of course, come on in. I suppose you and your friend have graced us with your presence today?"

Arnav chuckled, playfully shoving Zain's shoulder. "Yep, Zain insisted on visiting, and who am I to deny him such a pleasure?"

Zain remained silent, his expression unreadable, as always. Ayam couldn't help but wonder what thoughts lurked behind those piercing blue eyes.

As they settled around the table, Ayam's mother warmly greeted the unexpected guests, insisting they join them for breakfast. Ayam's heart raced as she realized that the apple pie on the table, her specialty, had caught Zain's attention. She watched as his gaze lingered on the dessert, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before she looked away, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Throughout the meal, Ayam found herself stealing glances at Zain, her mind wandering into the realm of what-ifs. She wondered how a smile would transform his expressionless face, how it would feel to hear his laughter and see his eyes light up with joy, but she couldn't allow herself to entertain such thoughts. He was her brother's best friend, and she needed to maintain a sense of decorum.

As they all sat down to enjoy the breakfast spread, Ayam found herself stealing glances at Zain when she thought no one was watching. His presence had an undeniable effect on her, stirring emotions she had long kept hidden. She couldn't deny the pull she felt, the curiosity about the man behind the seemingly impenetrable façade.

In the midst of the clinking of cutlery and the cheerful chatter, Ayam's mind wandered. She wondered what secrets lay behind Zain's guarded gaze, what stories hid within the depths of his soul. But for now, she pushed aside those thoughts, focusing on the shared laughter and warmth of the breakfast table.

As Ayam mustered the courage to inquire about Zain's unexpected visit, a disruptive ringtone shattered the moment of anticipation. Zain with his emotionless face excused himself without a word and swiftly attended to the call. Ayam's heart raced with worry, her mind spinning with questions. What could have happened that would prompt Zain to leave so abruptly? As he ended the call, Zain stood up, his gaze meeting Ayam's for a fleeting moment. Without uttering a single word, he left the house, leaving Ayam and everyone else in a state of concern and uncertainty. The weight of the unspoken question still hung heavy in the air, but for now, Ayam could only hope that whatever emergency had arisen, Zain would be safe and that they would soon find answers to the mysteries that surrounded him.

What do you think has happened? Why did Zain leave like that? Let me know in the comments below.

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