
awakening of springtrap

William afton is killed whent through purgatory but some how woken up back were was killed. p.s he looks like the springtrap model in vr I just like the eyes okay

Leo_Lore · Lainnya
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1 Chs


Screaming sounds and pain was surrounding him echoing every were in this child playground of a place, feeling death over and over agian. Being mercilessly killed by animal animatronic mascots.Feeling himself getting numb from times getting killed and tortured feeling his mind breaking to several peices.


William's body twitched and spasmed till he woke up he looked around but for some reason his vision is blurry.

"I feel like I am getting used to the pained he mumbled."

He froze something didn't feel right about his voice.It felt raspy broken like it was mixed with human and radio.

"Huh that is wierd" William blinked is vision became clear.He looked around agian realizing that he was not in the same place seeing broken tiled floors and flickering lights.

He started to laugh "I must be hallucinating agian" coverd his face having a laughing fit.

He froze and looked at his hands they look metallic and broken.

He started to laugh nervously even more.shaking and trembling feeling his body spasming and twitching. William felt sharp pain when he started to spasm.

He grunted, the twitching and the spasms stopped. "I guess this isn't a hallucination."

He sighd and looked up for a second , he looked at his hands then at his legs."I really need I mirror " William attempted to get up.He felt his legs bucked under him and fell face onto the ground.

William sighd he was about to get up then he got a mind splitting headache.He cried in pain memories filling his brain.

He saw himself breaking the animal animatronics,And some souls of the kids chasing him.He ran and found a golden bunny suit.He put iron hoping to hide he laugh seeing them doing nothing then he accidentally set of the springlocks.

He layed there for a while "so that's what's happened " Mumbles.He punch the ground "those stupid kids! I am in this suit I should just burned those fucking bodys!!"

"Whatever to late now" William tried to get up agian his legs buckled a agian,So he grabbed on to a pipe on the side of the wall."This is stupid I can't get up I am weak."

William leaned against the wall walking feeling really dizzy. he walked looking around seeing how gross and messy the place was.

William stopped and saw a door with I guy logo for the bathroom."Well now I am to look at my self"

He went inside now able to walk without his legs buckling.He looked into the mirror.

"FUCK!!!!" Bumping into the stall he looked like a broken rotten yellowish bunny back from the dead.Wich is funny because he is back from the dead.

"I wonder what I look like from the inside he lifted up the face and saw a rotten scull face with wires and the bottom jaw placed with a metal looking jaw.

"Damn I am terrifying!" William thought.But I am confused who replaced his jaw he started to inspect to him self more,Finding out alot of his body parts are replaced with metal.

"Who is messed to be able to do do that! I mean I would but was down getting torted,so who else would do that?"