
Awakening Into One's Own (Apothecaries Awakening) (Psuedo - LitRPG)

Are you looking for: *Realistic Dungeons *Crossing between split time-lines *Believable progressive growth *Apothecary work with an eccentric teacher *And more? Andrew thought they were testing for a Virtual Reality. He was half-right. No one really knew how the global medical and scientific empire, Millennial Enterprises came about. All that they knew was that they had risen from the ashes of World War III, and brought about miracle-like changes never before seen to a world in desperate need of a savior. Now, nearly half a century after the war, having contributed the most towards society's restoration, and despite introducing the necessary technology years before, they were finally dipping their own toes into the Virtual Reality sector. Jumping at an opportunity to participate, Andrew felt that he finally might have an in on getting his sister's currently incurable ailment resolved. It was a horrifically mutated disease like few others that came about in the aftermath of the war. Not all was as it seems though. Powerful corporations always have an agenda. It just wasn't known, what was their intention and what was the catch? ********** Warning!!: This is a slow burn story focused on Mental and Emotional development(with violence sprinkled in), as that is the basis behind the main character's power. ********** This becomes a Truer Lit-RPG with far more action at the start of Book 2, but I won't ruin the surprise. ********** Monday/Wednesday/Friday releases

Jade_Theif · Fantasi
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68 Chs

Chapter 4: Apothecaries Test (Part 9/9)

Somehow, I was able to fight through the blinding pain to better grasp the rope and pull the hedge off of me. I could feel my skin getting tugged, as the numerous embedded thorns were pulled out, pulling the skin with them some before they were forced to separate, due to my body weight keeping me grounded. Afire with pain all over, It was all I could do to keep the root of the plant in one hand and grasp the knife in the other, as I let go of the rope. To my ears, the sound of howls drawing near registered as being dangerously close. A panicked chittering to my side sounded out and I watched as Bugger dashed off to a tree far ahead. Not able to recognize the correct pathway back in the late shadows of evening I gave speedy pursuit after the squirrel creature, hoping that it would somehow lead me to safety. The rope and backpack full of hardy goods were left abandoned as I chased after Bugger. Several times, the darkened path it took changed direction by a small or moderate degree, refusing to take a more direct route. I didn't have time to notice that such route that I followed allowed me to miss running into any truly troublesome wildlife. As I ran, I barely sheathed my knife and began stuffing the root cluster still caked in dirt, into my mouth. *Ugh* A shudder wracked my body at the bitterness that invaded my mouth. However, my life was on the line and I didn't have time to bicker about it, and so I chewed just enough to attempt at swallowing it down. My throat tried, but it caught itself not wanting to be consumed with its too large of bulk. Somehow, I was able to choke it down and felt its large mass push against my esophagus, slowly making its way to my stomach. Oh, what I would do to have that canteen of water to ease the discomfort. The howling of the wolves had become far louder seeming to grow higher pitched in excitement as they drew near. I didn't how far away I was from the cobblestone path to the Falls, but I desperately hoped that it was near. Albeit, I didn't know if that was enough to ditch the wolves, at least it was a hope. As I ran, my feet had long since gone numb with pain, and I couldn't tell if my nose had stopped bleeding or not with the smeared mess of blood that surrounded it. In real life, I wasn't built for running. Swimming, biking, and hiking were my forte. I'd even had a girlfriend at one time that was very into running. I had gone twice, running a mile each time before refusing to do it again. Others tell you about a runner's high that makes it all worth it. Hah! I can get plenty of a high from swimming and biking. Hiking itself was breathtaking in the natural scenery one could find themselves in the midst of. Running itself seemed too much like a method of self-inflicted torture that I had no desire to inflict upon myself. Now, I was really regretting not investing more into running. My sides aches and my calves were cramping up like nothing I'd experienced before. Desperate gasps of breath rasped from my lungs as they were desperate for air to be exchanged. I finally came to view the thicker foliage and wall that I hoped would act as the barrier between civilization and the wild threat behind me. Crashing through the wall of green I collapsed onto the cobble stones in-front of me. Behind me, I heard whimpers and yelps of fear which soon turned to blessed silence. I just lay there curled up in a ball on the ground in pure agony. I hoped that this was enough, because I couldn't bear with it anymore. "Logout!" I cried and watched with agony filled teary eyes as the countdown began. The expected rush of white and black was a great relief as my pain faded to simple memory. Waking in the darkness of the capsule, I reflexively pressed the release to let me out. As soon as it opened enough, I leaned up and over the lip of the capsule and puked my guts out. ********************************** As I lay there in reality, back in the world that I had just escaped from, a lone woman in dirt-stained suspenders with glowing icicles circling round her approached the still body of Andrew Storm. Taking stock of the situation as she gazed down at his curled figure laying on the hard cobble stone pathway, she shook her head in wonder. *Poof* If Andrew was there now, he would have recognized the little creature he dubbed as Bugger appear on Victoria's shoulder. It began chittering away animatedly with her as she listened intently. Shock filled her face from what she heard. "How far did you travel before he found the plant?!?" Exasperation filled her voice. "I could have sworn that there were several batches far closer than that, last time I checked!" More chittering resulted as that wasn't the end of its' tale. Anger clouded her face as she heard what it had to say. "A Shiny armor man on a white 4 legger intervened?!!" "That could only mean that blasted paladin Ekhart!" Fury came off of her in waves. "He was probably trying to rig the test to be failed. Damn that man!" "I'm so sorry that you suffered as you did my apprentice. Let's go get you patched up." Pulling out a few salves, she applied them to the exposed areas that she could see. Then she reached down gently to pick up his still body to carry in her arms as she made her way back home. ******************************** I felt agonal dread at the thought of going back to that virtual world, but I didn't know if the test was considered passed or not, as the situation currently stood. With a deep breath, I promised myself that if I couldn't bear with it but was still alive, then I would reconsider doing what I had refused to do before. Before Millennial Enterprises came and vastly changed the medical field landscape from the ground up, I could almost sympathize with those that chose euthanasia despite its illegality. When the pain became too great in real life, the desire to escape could be overwhelming. Given uncontrollable circumstances that didn't allow adequate pain management, if such a thing as euthanasia was still available today, I was unsure if I could stand by the conviction that I once had. Given the circumstances I had just experienced for that short period of time, I wondered if my previously unshaken conviction that it was wrong, would still hold out after days, weeks, even months, or years of that level of pain. Bracing myself for a return of expected agony, I initiated re-entry into the Virtual world. **************************************** My eyes opened to see Victoria's face outlined against the dark sky. I reflexively curled up as the pain returned. The aches and cramps that I had before signing out were still there, but they felt a little muted and somewhat bearable. If it weren't for the still notable pain that was present, I might actually be enjoying this moment very much. Apparently, quite the distance had been made as we had almost reached the apothecary shop when I had returned with my consciousness. *Cough* "Um Victoria, I'm sorry to ask this, but could we stop by the Travelers pillar, or would that be too much trouble?" I felt incredibly awkward being carried, now that it was known I was awake, but I really didn't have it in me to walk under my own power. If I recalled correctly, Victoria had probably left her book club hanging to come save me. Speaking of saving, how had she known I would need help? The sound of chittering broke the stream of my inner thoughts. "Bugger? What the dust are you doing here man?" I saw the tiny form of the creature as it hung out on Victoria's left shoulder apposite of my head as she carried me in a princess carry hold. *Snicker* "You called Her Bugger? Her name is actually Tirene." Turning her head to address the creature, Victoria addressed her. "How did you like being called Bugger and being mistaken as a male." A berating chittering began as She began dressing me down for my inconsideration. *Haha* Ouch, it hurt to laugh. "I'm sorry. However, it's not like you let me get close enough to see your privates." A chitter of dismay sounded out. Victoria began lightly shaking with suppressed laughter, as if she was cognizant of the extra pain it would cause me. "He has a point you know." She said as she pointedly addressed the little vermin. Then looking back at me, she continued. "Yes, we can definitely go to the Seer Stone. I'm honestly very curious about what will happen during a healing when using it." Because it hurt too much to talk for long, we remained in companionable if somewhat agonal silence, as I was carried through the sparse streets of the nighttime marketplace. There were a few random people walking about, but I played dead as we got close to each of them. Victoria's lips would quirk up in mirth each time I did that in order to avoid the awkwardness of it all. Finally, we reached our destination of the pillar. Victoria gently settled me down beside the tall pillar of black stone and then she took a step back to observe what would happen next. Oh goodness, I hoped that this worked. Despite being carried quite a distance in the arms of a woman, that most could easily call gorgeous, there is a limit where the pleasure of it is overridden by pain, when you are as injured as I am. It was nice for once to use my raging hormones as a strong point of distraction as I mentally waged a war with it to keep it under control. Admittedly, I read somewhere that arousal can greatly mute the negative effects of pain. It appears that it may have a kernel of truth to it. However, I was very ready for the pain to end and regretfully regain a sense of independence from the ministrations of a beautiful elven woman. Reaching out my right hand to press against the stone, I waited. I didn't have to wait long, as my hand appeared to become sealed to the pillar and incredible energies spread forth from the point of contact. My body shook as wounds opened back up, pushing out particulates, including dirt and a few long thorns that I hadn't realized I still retained. The energy then sealed my wounds closed, not leaving a trace of even a scar behind. Even as it did that, the cramps and blisters that had been bothering me were soothed with the debilitating pain disappearing and fresh skin sealing over the bleeding sores. It happened incredibly quickly as Victoria watched on in wonder. "That's about the same healing capacity as a high-end elixir!" Finally, I was released by the pillar as the healing appeared finished. Standing up from my lounging position, I felt the blissful absence of pain fill me. Looking down at the scattered debris and dried blood, I couldn't believe that all of that had been in me. I wondered if there had been several thorns still on the ground that I picked up when I initially grasped the plant. I'd bet that my body just hadn't registered the additional pain in my mind as I was so out of it earlier. Meeting Victoria's gaze as she measured me again, I felt like her impression of me had drastically improved. "In case you were wondering, yes, you have passed the test and I would love to invite you as my apprentice, if you would have me as your teacher." I thought I saw a little of that vulnerable young woman that I thought I had imagined, from before seeing her interaction with Monroe. Kneeling down before her, with my head bowed, I spoke. "I would be honored to learn from you as your apprentice. I will strive to learn and make you proud." I couldn't see her expression because of the irregularly lighted streets and the current shadows, but I thought I heard a sniffle as she helped me to my feet. "Let's get back to the shop as I've left my book club guests waiting around for too long."