

If Mary was born lucky, would she have had a different life? Would that really change who she was?

Estherio · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 16: Mary

" Wow pirate, it suits you right" Kelvin said to Mary when she had opened the door to her room

" Thanks, and you are?" She asked him

" You don't know this costume?" He curiously asked her

" I don't watch movies" she responded as she reached her hands to him

" I am Freddy Krueger your worst nightmare from the movie NIGHT AT ELM STREET" he responded holding her hands and coming inside the room

" That's scary, but I love it" She said and placed a kiss on his forehead

" Please be with me forever" Kelvin said and Mary laughed nervously

Sitting down on her bed and looking around " you don't have much things inside your room, I thought ladies normally have a lot of fancy things inside their room?" Kelvin asked curiously

" Not when you are working out the money yourself" she responded calmly

" Now we are talking about this; I don't know much about you apart from your name been Mary and you have a sister that calls you almost everyday" He said eager to know more about her

Mary adjusted her sitting position as if they had been uncomfortable for her, she unknowingly started counting her finger nails without looking at Kelvin

" It's okay if you don't want to tell me. I just wanted to know more about you, I want to show you that I really care about you, your life and everything that 've happened in it" He said gently to her letting his finger run through her hair

" My elder sister and I grew up at the orphanage, our mum died after my birth so we had to stay at the Orphanage. Our life has been totally different from everyone else. It was sad, boring and unfair to us" she told him as tears run through her eye.

" That's unfair. What about your sister? Is she doing well?" He asked her

" Yes I guess, I haven't seen her for like three years. I didn't want to be a burden to her and her husband so I left. We still communicate with each other though and she calls me like almost everyday like you said to know how I am doing " she said again forcing herself to smile from her pain

Kelvin hugged her warmly" I am here for you now, I want you to know that I got you" he said to her. He kissed her cheek to show her that he really cares

" Thank you Kelvin for having my back" She said

" Now let's head to the party before it's over" Kelvin said making Mary laugh.

Timmy ran as fast as he could to meet up with Claire who was walking faster

" Babe , are you mad at me , you don't have to keep showing people how angry you could get all the time..." He stopped talking when Claire had stopped walking

she faced Timmy " Are you ashamed to be with me because i am short tempered?" She asked him

" No, I can never be ashamed of having you. I just think you take things too far" He said to her

" Too far? Mary definitely intentionally pushed me into the waters just like she tried to torment me with her evil look at the game. You should have seen how creepy she was looking at me" she told him

" So this is about Mary? Babe; she has no reason to do that to you" He told her