
Awake in a Novel's Mirage (Hiatus)

Jun Xue only knows she woke up in a strange place. What's more, this princess that she's in now is also a doltish person! Who was she? The stupid princess that was also the Second Female lead's pet! And wasn't it that when the villainess became sane, she acted overbearing and extremely selfish and destructive? She was poisoned, used, fooled, healed, and became the most hated villainess in the novel then died a thousand times with her body being cut into different parts. A macabre masterpiece. Sonnovagun. They're all too OP! C'mon! She will be far away from them. Yes! As far as possible, not like those transmigrators that does the opposite. No matter what, as an ordinary civilian of earth she must do it.

LazyPariah · Sejarah
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54 Chs

Chapter 21

That day...

That day I cause a large commotion. Well, not that really massive outbreak. I even made an art, it's called 'Blood Painting.' A rough artistic form of expressionism and cubism. It was rough since it's not a concrete wall and I don't want to show them an obvious artistic technique since it'll give way easily to other transmigrators about me so I just drew a simple flower and made it a bit messy. Still, that was something that inspired me to see their blood spilling on the ground. Sad, I didn't show the full potential of the lovely flower.

After tearing Baba's head and skinning her from head to toe I burned them all and walked outside watching the fire. It was quite dazzling as if wanting to reach the heaven while the embers glowed like gems fueling the fire yet unattainable to reach the sky at the same time. Fascinating. It was then when the sun rose did the guards discovered the smoke coming from where I was. Let me rephrase that, only then did the guards' barge in to see what happened and reported to the Emperor.

They must have thought that it was me who was burned from the fire so they took longer to come and 'help' me. Sucks for them, I went batshvt crazy and didn't care if I OOC'Ed a while ago. Now I'm branded as a crazy retard. Thank you, now this person had upgraded her sense of style. Do look at Li Jia Ying in a new light.

Right now, I'm kneeling on the ground acting obedient pretending I did something wrong. Meanwhile, the Second Prince is talking to the coroner while the soldiers are moving all the servants' bodies who at first sight had their faces painted with a terrified look. Must have been the first time to see such brutality. Too bad, it was not enough to burn those people to ashes.

Strangely, I felt calm or rather, at peace. They could all just die and the world may crumble for all I care. At least, no one gonna live...

"First Princess."

Oh look, my lovely brother has arrived. I smiled before looking down albeit sad and afraid.

"Brother... It's...hng, scared. Li Jia Ying is sorry. Li Jia Ying..."

I trembled slumping down with a terrified look. It feels like I've been soaked in their blood. That aside, it's quite problematic how I can't cry even reminiscing sad memories, it's still not working. Even pinching has no effect. Aiyo, can I just cry like having tears of joy? Come on, cry!


What a shame I'm losing one of the dramatic effects for a successful actress.

"Don't be afraid."

Li Jing kneeled down, hugging me unbothered by how I reek and how he is also stained, and naturally, even if I'm dying to skin him alive I just hugged him back.

"Brother is sorry. Brother was too late."

I shook my head. "No. No. Li Jia Ying is to b-blame. Li Jia Ying can't find brother."

I wanted to say more, act more but I remembered I should speak less for now like I'm stumped shock knowing I did something extremely bad without knowing it was that bad.

When I glanced at the people not far from me the sharp eyes of the Overlord had me all stiff. He walks towards us in a relaxed manner. The way he walks was the same as my heartbeats. Has he been watching me all this time?

"Greetings to the First Prince and the First Princess. If this subject may be bold to ask the Princess about the incident?"

I gripped Li Jing's clothes.

Don't want to. "N-No."


As always, being the kind and understanding brother he is, he left me alone again.

"Don't be scared, the Overlord won't hurt you he'll just ask some questions about what happened."

He leaned closer and whispered, "Brother will play with you all you want as long as you say we weren't playing hide and seek and you entered the door because you're curious."

How soft those eyes of yours are looking at me as if I am a child easily coaxed. I pouted, anxiously gripping his clothes.



"Oh okay promise, but why? Why can't you be with Li Jia Ying?"

But the bastard just looked at me with a slight smile and walked away.

"Be obedient and brother will play with you."


"Follow me."

Without any choice, I followed the Overlord. After some time did I realize we are merely strolling it's just that the path becomes more unknown to me the place turning desolate as we go deeper.

Fu Jian Yu stopped in his tracks.

"You killed them."

"Li-Li Jia Ying knows her wrong."

"You killed them with resentment. Is that what you're aiming for?"

Uh... Can't argue with that.


"You may fool the others; however, if not for the first time we met this subject wouldn't know your actually sane pretending to be a retard."


Geez, he really remembered me. So all this time he was observing what I was doing. Those cold eyes that keeps whacking my neck were truly him all along. How irritating. I smiled, my hazy eyes became clearer directly looking at him. It's no use to play dumb with this kind of guy anyway. "Then are you going to kill me?" This is a great opportunity!


Come on, you think they'll accuse you and use it to get a hold of your head? Thinking about it, that could be possible. Sad, another attempt had failed.

"How was my play?"

Yet he didn't answer me.

Then, "What do you want to say?"

"This servant just boldly states what he had observed."

Now we're on servant mode now? Boldy states what he observed? Isn't this a warning to never overstep my boundaries if I want to keep a low profile? No, is this really it? I don't believe so.

"Then this Princess will think we've not discussed something so flimsy. Li Jia Ying hopes the Overlord won't tell anybody what has occurred in this place. If by chance you need help with saving your mother then this Princess will tell you in exchange for the secret you've discovered."

My smile widened seeing him stiffened from the mention of his mother. "Nothing comes free, I'll trade something I know lest it'll make me weary."

Saying those words I walked away as calm and cool as I can be swerving on another route one after another. After knowing I'm too far from him I exhaled deeply.


Thought I would be skinned alive by his stares, the sword on his waist looks awfully intimidating but what a loss it won't promise me death. I smiled thinking about our slight talk. Maybe I can truly cooperate with him? It would be a good way to silently withdraw from this shvtty place. I need a pillar. A really powerful support.

But if do that, I should give him a proposal that won't make him refuse. But...

"Oh, Princess."

Shvt, my heart.

I whipped my head seeing a man that I shouldn't get in contact with the second time around.


The King of Yi bowed at me. That's right, the male protagonist who returned me again to this empire. I want to give him a finger...


Don't crack your mask. Don't crack your mask.

"Have you seen the Overlord?"

I nodded energetically.


I pointed at the previous direction I went to, "Overlord."

He smiled. "Thanking the First Princess. Please be careful."

The King of Yi with his deceitful eyes walked away expressing his signature smile.

I've never liked how that guy smiled. Most people who smile have their own intention hidden deeper (and darker) than the people who don't do so. I'm not saying all people who smile are all like that, but most do. I know that because I act like one even before I came into this place.

It seems the King of Yi would still be present these following days. Sigh.

"Oh, this is the time that they'll have a meeting along with the Prime Minister then he will meet Song Jing Hua."

Specifically, the Three Redoubtable Families. They are feared because of their money, power, and standing behind the Emperor.

One of them belongs to the family of the Female Lead. If the three families along with the agreement of the Emperor would have a say about something, even the legislative and judicial court has no say. That's how powerful they can be. Well, it's not like this is a democratic country.

I shook my head. I got no interest in these things. Better to go back to my abode.


No, I can't go back to my place yet. Strolling around isn't bad. I'll just go back a couple of hours later.

Walking back to the familiar manmade little lake I sat at the edge dipping my feet in the water. It's quite cool to the touch. Anyway, since I'm here might as well clean myself here. Not like I'll strip naked so it's fine.

I stared at my hands reminiscing what I'd done a couple of hours ago.

No matter what I think about that crazy killing time, I really felt nothing for them. No guilt. Just...empty, that's it.


Isn't that better? What would mother think if I'm like this? I'm sure she'd be saddened that her daughter had already blackened and it was more shown when I came here. Worse, she'll faint and view me as a demon. "Heh. I could imagine her terrified face."

I shook my head. Now is not the time to reminisce about something that won't happen like a bang.

If the meeting goes smoothly then there will be another banquet to be held. Since I can't die so easily even if I want to, then I might as well find some people I can... serenade for my death, ehem, connection, yes I need some connections. In regards to the Overlord, it's a possibility. He is a big shot; however, won't it cause too much attention at the first step? I'm already famous as a crazy retard if I add another ripple with a person whom I don't know his story because he died early in the novel my path would be uncertain.

Maybe going to someone who is a little lesser in fame or marrying a commoner like any other fairytales. No.




The Duke's son is the perfect fit! Not too shabby and not too shiny. If he is connected to whatever crime it is, it's still not proven. He also has Gu Me Xiang... Oh boy. I'll think deeper when I'm back in my bed. I can't concentrate here.

"Yeah, better wash up first."