
Avoiding my Billionaire Patient

London billionaire, Adrian, reprioritises when paramedic Evelyn saves his life. However, Adrian’s new obsession soon becomes his first rejection. Evelyn could never date a patient. Adrian Carter is the heir to a technology empire with sights set on gaining power by marrying an engineering empire heiress. After almost dodging a bullet to the head, Adrian ends up in the comforting hands of Evelyn Winter. Evelyn has worked every spare hour outside of studying to buy her freedom. Now she has it, she’s ready to live a little. She could lose more than her career if she falls into the arms of this patient. Will they both survive if they choose to tempt fate? ~”He raises my hand and I comply with the random twirl he spins me into. A small tug has me landing with my spare hand against his hard chest. The smell of lavender and oak entices me to lean in closer. I gaze up at his childish grin as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, keeping me tucked flush against him. In that moment, the world seemed to start and end with us. “~ [Warning - mature content and graphic descriptions of injury] Hey, this is my first book. I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Please let me know if you need any of the ambulance slang clarified : p The book’s ending will be published on Wattpad under the same title. Please note, the cover was created by myself.

Waddling_Pineapple · perkotaan
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47 Chs

Thirty-three ~ Evelyn

A trembling hand clutches desperately at my chest as my heart strikes my chest wall, ricocheting off my constricted lungs.

My slack jaw hangs open as I heave to obtain air.

The trickling supply of oxygen gradually enables reperfusion of my brain, returning my disoriented senses.

I blink until the room, illuminated in a yellow glow, comes into focus.

I run my hands over the familiar grey duvet to grasp at a second sensory input that I can use to confirm that I'm in my bedroom.

'It was just a dream.'

Relief washes over me, but my palpating heart doesn't respond to the message.

I fall back against my pillow, breathing deeply as I blankly gaze at the ceiling, willing my brain to make sense of the dream.

Weak sunlight strains around the perimeter of the curtains.

Plucking my phone from the nightstand confirms it's approaching six. 'It's better to be early than late.'

My clammy skin grows cool, so I tuck myself under the safety of the covers.

Where do I recognise those shoes from?

It can't be whoever gave me the bouquet because I'd recognise them.

After laying with a swirling abundance of unanswered questions, frustration tugs me out of bed.

Looking in bathroom mirror gives me ten good reasons why I should just give up and go back to bed.

I have viciously puffy dark circles and my reflection looks ten years older than last night.

My damp hair is all but inside the towel wrap, so I make a start by removing the towel and twisting it into a messy bun.

I'm going to need a long shower and a longer skincare routine today.

An hour later I throw my towel onto the bed and get dressed.

Having to compromise between wishing to hide and needing to look presentable, I pair high waisted jeans with a loose knitted jumper and a black belt.

Whilst the light makeup has brightened my eyes, it does little to hide the swelling. So, I release my hair to fall around my face.

Sighing, I get up to have breakfast and wait for Adam and Heidi to arrive a short while later.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaah! We're going on a private plane!" Heidi bursts through the door at eight.

I hug my bundle of electricity, bouncing with her.

"I know, I haven't even been on a plane since college." I allow her contagious energy to supercharge my mood.

I need to take full advantage of this fantasy before it slips through my fingers.

Adam waits for Heidi's outburst to finish before entering. He's juggling all of their luggage and Heidi's purse.

Entertained, I watch him waddle inside and precariously offload the bags.

"Nice flowers! Who are they from?" Heidi yells from the living room.

"I don't know, the note's anonymous." I call back, eyes still fixed on her boyfriend's clumsy manoeuvres.

"Ooo, mysterious. How romantic!" Heidi chants.

The whole black rose aesthetic is more her vibe. I like to stick to a fairly neutral wavelength. That way I don't have to adopt a new wardrobe every time the popular style changes.

Adam's style is caught somewhere in the crossfire. However, the longer he dates Heidi, the darker his outfits grow.

As Adam drops the last bag, my phone pings with a notification. The car Adrian sent is waiting outside.

"Bad news bud, the cars outside." I pat Adam's shoulder in commiseration.

I leave him to reload as I slip on my trainers and grab my bags. I'll drop them downstairs before coming back up to ease Adam's suffering.

A tall man, with frosty hair, stands bolt upright in front of a royal-looking car. His sunglasses obscure his stern features, although he appears to be approaching fifty.

This scene could only look more out of place on my road if the Queen herself got out of the car.

"Good morning Miss Winter. I'll be your driver this morning." The man dressed in a crisp, black suit approaches me as I scramble out of the heavy foyer door. "Please allow me to take your bags."

He removes the handle of my carry-on suitcase from my grip and awaits my handbag with an outstretched palm.

"Oh, thank you!" I fumble over how to conduct myself in this foreign circumstance. "Please, call me Evelyn. What's your name?"

"I could never Miss. I'm Mr Bennett." His flat told invites no further questioning.

I nod blankly. He's simply doing a job, the notion that the role may impact his ability to engage freely in conversation seems absurd.

"I'm just going to fetch the others." I call, swiftly returning upstairs.

Adam's managed to pile the bags back under his arms and over his shoulders, akin to the Buckaroo game.

I relieve him of some of the items and find Heidi faffing around in front of the mirror. I usher her out of the door before doing a final check of the flat and locking up.

We're scarcely out of the foyer door when Mr Bennett takes the bags from me before assisting Adam.

I open the back door and choke on my own breath.

Stepping back, I gaze at Heidi, "Pinch me."

After the sharp snagging of my skin by the obliging Heidi, I dared to look inside once more.

This is unreal.

Two white leather seats are separated by a middle compartment.

Even the raven footwell is carpeted and segregated by an elevated platform.

A solid wall partitions the driver's cab from the back. A large glass screen sits atop a mahogany sill.

The glossy mahogany is used for detailing throughout the luxurious compartment, stylishly interrupting the white.

Heidi's screaming bursts my trance as she clambers into the other side.

I cautiously climb in, sinking into the throne-like seat.

Mr Bennett closes my door before taking his own seat and pulling away from my dingy street.

Watching the world cruise by through the windscreen, my view is suddenly cut off as the glass screen becomes opaque.

'Have I upset Mr Bennett?' I wonder, staring at the whitened glass.

The light evaporates from the car, leaving the tinted windows to provide minimal light from outside.

My eyes search the compartment for answers, landing on Heidi's hand resting on the grey middle console.

Her short fingers bounce on the buttons whilst a gleeful grin plays on her painted lips.

Silently shaking my head, I'm about to turn away when hundreds of small lights illuminate the ceiling.

They twinkle as if someone's bottled the night sky, instantly transforming the car from luxurious to magical.

I happily spend the remainder of the drive in a daze, hypnotised by the stars.

It's only when Mr Bennett opens my door that I snap out of my daydream.

The car has been parked on the tarmac, a short distance from the plane.

Bennett shoos me away from the bags, redirecting me towards the plane.

Sighing, I join Heidi and Adam before approaching the small group at the foot of the staircase.

I spot Adrian's tall physique and broad shoulders adorned in a royal blue suit.

His carefully gelled back curls attempt to dance in the breeze that tousles my loose hair.

Ade is talking to two men and a lady dressed in white uniforms. They pause their conversation upon our arrival.

"Good morning." I greet the group.

"Good morning." Ade coos as he wraps an arm around my waist, gluing me to his solid side.

Ade dips to place a single kiss to my forehead. His lips then travel to hover over my ear, warm breath skating over my sensitive nerve endings.

"I would've collected you myself had I known you'd keep me waiting this long." He nibbles my lobe to punctuate his point.

Heat swarms up my neck, pooling in my burning cheeks.

Raising his nonchalant gaze, Ade welcomes Heidi and Adam before introducing us to the two pilots and stewardess.

Ade places a supportive hand on my back as he follows me up the steps to the plane.

The jet is a continuation of the white and dark wood theme, with hints of grey dotted around.

Leather recliners are arranged around a table in front of a lounge set-up, complete with a sofa and TV.

My feet take off on their own accord, wondering through a sliding door to an immaculate compact kitchen.

"You can keep going." Ade prompts from behind, a lopsided smile forming a dimple in one cheek.

"There's more?" I gasp, whirling around on my heels to commence further exploration.

Hidden behind another door lies a bedroom comprising of a double bed with a curved wooden frame and a fully equipped en suite.

The bathroom is modern with a glass walk-in shower cubicle.

This plane is bigger than my flat!

Ade's defined arms encircle my waist as oak, lavender and lemon invite me in.

I spin to look up at his handsome face.

Running my hand down his temple to rest on his cheek, I notice dark circles entrapping his blue eyes.

Was he up late working?

A knuckle rapping on the door steals our attention.

The young stewardess clears her throat before continuing, "We are ready for takeoff if you'd like to take your seats? May I fetch you anything to drink?"

"We'll be out in a moment." Ade answers for us, "We'll each have a milkshake, thank you."

The stewardess nods as she takes her leave.

"Milkshakes!" I whisper-yell.

"I thought you might like one." He releases a deep laugh.

"Damn right!" I enthusiastically confirm his suspicion.

Ade tugs me closer, shrinking my face in his large hands. Ducking his head, he captures my parted lips with his.

My heart sings, beating to it's own rhythm, as Ade's hand caresses the back of my head.

I pant softly as he pulls back, clutching his biceps to retain a semblance closeness.

"They're waiting for us." Ade nods towards the door, "I'd much rather stay here, but I don't think Heidi will let the topic rest."

"You're sadly right." I chuckle, relinquishing my hold.

Ade fills my empty hand with his and leads me out to a seat, observing me until I finish buckling my belt.

"Cheers!" Heidi yells lifting her sloshing wine glass.

"It's nine am!" I exclaim in shock.

"So?" Heidi tips the glass, draining half of the liquid in one gulp.

Oh dear…

I roll my eyes in exasperation as Ade pats my hand.

Well, Paris here we come!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Waddling_Pineapplecreators' thoughts