
Avatar With A System Dropped (Up to Adopt)

Join Soren as he joins Team Avatar on their Journey around the world running from the Fire Nation while training to fight and defeat the Fire Lord and end the war to bring peace and balance back to the world. Disclaimer!: I don't own anything used in this story related to Avatar: The Last Airbender except for my character... Please Support the Official Release! pay*pal.me/southgamez (don't use the *) Support me if you want by Donating to my Pay *Pal join the Discord and have some fun https://discord.gg/e7JYDRx

southgamez · Televisi
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Leaving the South Pt:2

Once Aang saw the soot filling the sky, he quickly jumped off Appa and used his glider to fly back to the village while Soren took control of Appa and turned him around towards the village.

'I gotta get myself one of those gliders when I meet the Lion Turtle that grants me the power to bend Air': soren

After a 15 minute ride back to the Southern Water tribe village, Soren saw both Katara and Sokka preparing to go save Aang from the clutches of the Fire Nation. Soren had got off Appa when he reached the icy shores of the Southern Water tribe and saw everyone a bit agitated due to their encounter with the Fire Nation, and when Soren got off Appa and went into the village he was greeted by the villagers.

[Where's Aang?... Did he make it back in time?]: soren

[They took him!... The Fire Nation soldiers took him with them saying he was the Avatar]: yu

Yu was the first one to speak up as she rushed up towards Soren and gave him a hug, but seeing as Soren seemed to be in a hurry to go save Aang she let him go and saw that he was looking towards both Katara and Sokka who were arguing.

[Go save Aang… But be careful out there in the big world… And make sure to come back and visit me in the future]: yu

Yu then got up on her tippy toes and gave Soren a peck on the cheek as she ran back to the group of women who started giggling about Yu's forward attitude. Soren felt his face warm up a little as a blush grew onto his face, but seeing as Katara and Sokka were ready to leave he quickly ran back to Appa and shouted towards both Katara and Sokka.

[Katara! Sokka!... Get on, we need to go save Aang]: soren

Katara quickly jumped aboard while Sokka was a bit hesitant while claiming he didn't trust Appa, but when Katara began talking about leaving him behind, Sokka immediately hopped aboard as Soren had Appa start sailing towards the trail of Black soot that lingered in the sky signifying which direction the warship went off to.

[Ha, let's see this big snot monster fly now!]: sokka

[Appa! Yip Yip!]: soren

Soren began hoping Appa was rested enough to start flying, and as Appa heard the command he quickly launched out of the water and began flying through the sky.

[Wah!... He's flying! He's really flying!... Katara, he's fly-!... *Ahem* I mean- so what, he's flying… Big deal]: sokka

Katara looked towards Sokka with an unbelieving smile that told those who saw it that she knew her brother was trying to act like he wasn't surprised or that he didn't care, but deep down she knew that he was in a mixture of both shock and happiness before she began worrying about Aang and his safety.

'Please be alright Aang!': katara

... Zuko's Ship ...

On board the warship that took Aang, a boy about 16 years in age stood with his hands behind his back on the front of the ship while looking off towards the horizon as his top knot swayed with the wind.

[Uncle… Have the men set a course for the Fire Nation… We're going home]: zuko

[Yes Prince Zuko… But after I finish my Jasmine Tea]: iroh

A pig bellied old man with shoulder length Gray hair running down his back, and a short Gray top knot on his head, while his beard was separated into 3 sections being his mutton chops, and sprouted out at his chin into a point was standing behind Zuko with a cup of tea in his hands replied to Zuko's request and went back to drinking the tea from his tea cup. Zuko then watched as a soldier came running up to him with Aang's staff in his hands, and after handing the staff over to Zuko the soldier ran off back to his post, and Zuko looked at the staff in his hands with a small smile as he began to have thoughts about giving the staff to his father as a trophy of his successful capture of the Avatar.

[Uncle, put this in my quarters along with my other belongings… I need to prepare for when father welcomes me back with open arms]: zuko

Zuko then handed Iroh the staff and walked off, and this left Iroh alone with the remaining soldier that was tasked with guarding them in case of any surprise attacks. Iroh finished his tea and turned to the soldier and handed him the staff while speaking.

[Place this in my Nephews room for me, and have the ship set course for the Fire Nation]: iroh

[Yes Sir!]: soldier

... Soren's Side ...

[I think I see the ship just up ahead… Slow us down so we can get in close]: katara

Soren nodded to Katara's words and made Appa begin his descent towards the ship so that they could begin their rescue mission for Aang, and when Soren saw that the ship was still calm he knew that they had yet to be spotted and decided to hand the reins over to Katara and make his entrance.

[Here, take over… I'll go down there and rescue Aang]: soren

[What!?... Are you even capable of doing that?... I mean, are you a bender, or some kind of fighter?]: katara

[Well I'm an Earthbender, so I should be able to handle myself]: soren

[But there's no earth to bend down there]: sokka

[Sokka, where does metal come from?]: soren

[The ground… Why?]: sokka

[Exactly!... Metal comes from the ground, so shouldn't you be able to bend something that comes from the earth as an Earthbender?]: soren

[Well I suppose you could-... Wait! Can you do that!?]: sokka

[I don't know… But I'll find out when I get down there now won't I]: soren

[Just be careful Soren… We'll watch out for you guys from up here and try to help out if we can]: katara

Soren gave Katara a nod as he then jumped off Appa and landed on the main deck of the ship while hoping deep down that he could bend metal like Toph could in the storyline, and if he could he would be the very first Metalbender known in history.

'Please work!': soren

Soren was noticed immediately by the soldiers on deck and was now under fire as the soldiers began attacking him with Firebending, and all Soren could do was hold his breath as he stomped his left foot forward and brought his arms to his side and the metal of the ship began to crumple and light to block all the fire heading his direction.

[I did it!]: soren

[He did it!]: sokka, katara

Everyone was surprised to see the metal of the ship distort as it began moving at the will of Soren and formed a defensive wall to protect him from all thor attacks.

'If I can do this properly, I can make myself into a metal man by covering my entire body in metal… And since I'm a Firebender as well, the heat of the metal won't affect me': soren

Soren then ran at his makeshift defensive wall and ran through it while crossing his arms, and this action made the metal wall envelop Soren as he now became a metal man. Soren then started charging towards the group of Firebenders as the sounds of fighting started emanating from the inside of the ship as well as it signified Aang's escape from his capture. Soon, Aang came bursting through the main door leading to the main deck with his glider in hand and saw the sight of a metal covered being beating on the soldiers as all the fire they threw at it was ineffective at stopping the metal being in its tracks.

[What the-?]: aang

As Aang was caught off guard from the sight, he could see Katara and Sokka flying atop Appa off in the distance as they began calling out to him.

[Aang!... Over here!]: katara

[Katara!... You guys came with Appa to rescue me!]: aang

[Soren came along as well… He's that metal man kicking all that Firebender butt]: sokka

Aang heard Sokka and looked towards the one he claimed to be Soren and saw him remove the piece of metal that covered his face revealing his sharp facial features.

[Aang!... You're safe!]: soren

Soren then made a movement with his arms in a down and outward motion as if shaking something off his arms and the metal armour surrounding his body released him as he made a move to leave the ship and join Katara and Sokka, but soon the door burst open again with the main deck being filled with a whole bunch of Firebender soldiers along with Zuko.

[Men! Don't let the Avatar escape!]: zuko

[Sir yes Sir!]: soldiers

Soren was caught off guard as a soldier quickly blasted him with a gigantic ball of fire and sent him off the edge of the ship into the freezing cold waters below.

[Soren!]: katara, aang, and sokka

Aang quickly tried to use his glider to go save Soren, but he was then attacked by the Firebenders as he had to make moves to avoid their attacks leaving Katara and Sokka to rescue Soren. Soon, Soren was brought up out of the water by Sokka and onto the warship's main deck as Katara joined Aang on deck for fighting the incoming soldiers, but with her inexperience with Waterbending, she ended up freezing Sokka's feet as he was trying to get Soren aboard Appa's back.

[Katara!... Watch where you aim that thing]: sokka

[Sorry Sokka!]: katara

Katara then turned around to face Sokka as she quickly did the same action on purpose making the same mistake as before and freezing the soldier behind her.

[I did it!]: katara

Soon, Katara, Sokka, and Soren were on Appa as he took off into the sky and Aang began to fly up, but was caught by Zuko as he fell into the waters below.

[Aang!]: katara, sokka

Before anyone could do anything about the fallen Aang, the waters began to rise and shift as a bright glow came from the waters below and a sea monster made of water came up and began washing away everyone on the main deck as he also began destroying the ship making it's function fall below average and unable to follow Appa's speed, and after Aang's rampage ended, Katara saved him and they began flying away on Appa towards a safe place, but form the warship an angry voice could be heard.

[I'll get you Avatar!... I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth and capture you so that I may regain my honor and reign beside my father!]: zuko

All of this was barely heard as Katara flew Appa further and further away from Zuko's warship and they were soon out of sight.

... Time Skip ...

A few hours later Soren had woken up due to the ringing of notifications in his head, and upon opening his eyes and checking them he was quite surprised as he saw some new things appear.

{Name: Soren Huang - Age: 15 - Elements: Fire, Earth

Chi: 15,000

Blessings: Earth Lion Turtle, ######

Skills: Firebending (Intermediate), Earthbending (Master), Jeet Kune Do (Advanced), Metalbending (Beginner)}

{Ding!... New Quest! - Kyoshi Island - Description: Travel to Kyoshi Island and slay the Unagi to unlock the Quest for the Water Lion Turtle… Time Limit: 3 weeks... Fail Condition: Unagi isn't defeated within 3 weeks}

'So I will be learning how to Waterbend soon?... Seems useful': soren

As Soren got up to move around he felt a bit sore and gave out a low grunt which was caught by both Sokka and Katara.

[Woah there… Take it easy, you were just blasted by a Firebender]: katara

1/3 Chapters from what has been written

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