
Avatar: The Legend of Doomsday

Half of the soul of a person endowed with the power of duumsday, who has preserved the memory, falls into the body of Zuko, a potential prince of the fire people, and possibly the Lord of Fire himself. Due to the inferiority of the soul, the memories of the old world are faded and do not put pressure on the young guy, allowing him to let go of his past and start living with a clean slate. The main character who was born in the land of fire and is a member of the ruling family, it is logical to perceive the people of fire as their own, and the other peoples as either enemies or potential vassals. The minimum of politics of the gg is an invincible death machine, games of weaklings (Intrigues) do not attract him. You'll find out the rest for yourself. In this work, only the legend of Aang is taken as a basis, and the godly legend of Korra is ignored. There will be a lot of AU and OOS, as the character will make a lot of changes with their actions, because of which the world will not be able to go on the cannonball rail. I am only a humble translator( Original: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/52955

Kami_Akuma · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

Chapter - 1

Today, the ruling family of the Fire Nation rejoiced at the birth of their first child, Prince Ozai, and his wife, Ursa. The child was named Zuko, and perhaps this name would never have left the palace of the ruling family, if the sages of Fire and the mother did not convince Ozai to leave the child in the palace, and not send him somewhere else.

For the first few years, the youngest son of Azulon, the Master of the Fire, Ozai believed that he was wrong to leave his firstborn in the palace, as he was extremely sick, but despite constant predictions of the death of the child, he survived time after time. After the child crossed the threshold of the first year of life, he stopped being ill, and was a very energetic and intelligent child.

When the boy was two years old, Ozai and Ursa had a second child, a girl named Azula, who was immediately recognized as a huge potential in fire magic. Having chosen his daughter as his favorite, Ozai almost completely stopped following his son, until one case....

The Prince of Fire, as was often the case, practiced fire magic, working hard on his movements and controlling the flow of qi in his body. He was so carried away that he stopped noticing everything that was happening around him, and when the front door opened and someone entered, acting on reflex alone, Ozai sent a stream of flame, behind which he saw his three-year-old son with horror.

Whoever the prince of the fire nation was, and no matter how he treated his son, he did not want to be a child killer, much less his own son. The terror that gripped him prevented him from taking control of the wayward fire magic, and instead of saving the child, he managed to burn himself, which had never happened before in all his practice.

But Gorenje's horror turned to amazement when the child put out his hand, and after a few seconds of burning his body, he abruptly waved it to the side, completely throwing the flame to the side.

For a week, Ozai remained close to his firstborn, silently listening to the accusations of his wife, father, and older brother. When the child was completely healed from the burns that were supposed to stay with little Zuko for life, the younger prince of fire begged for forgiveness from his son, who immediately forgave him.

* Zuko's quarters, after Ozai's departure*

Lying on the bed and inhaling the pungent smell of herbs, I finally went through the memories of my past life, in another world, with a clear head. I don't know where I got this confidence, but I know for sure that this is another world, and I used to trust my feelings, because they have never let me down. Memories of the past, there were some faded and blurred, not in the sense that I could not clearly reproduce any moments, no, it was a matter of sensations and feelings, they seemed to be blurred.

Well, since I was given a chance to start a new life, who am I to give it up? I was particularly intrigued by this CHI, which I vaguely feel, and thanks to which the local people can create magic. My new family turned out to be not bad, but I have nothing to compare it with, I can only confidently say that as a father I was clearly better, although this is a controversial statement due to incest.

I didn't blame my father for his attitude towards me, even though I wouldn't have done it myself, but comparing me to an ordinary person, even a magician, is stupid. Even good and loving parents can not always act objectively, because their body is too imperfect, which I could never be blamed for, because I am close to the ideal of a person. If Ozai improves, I will be ready to forget his attitude towards me for these three years, but if he does not come to his senses, he will lose my support and the title of a family member. And for the sake of the family, I am ready for a lot!

Ursa is my mother, she doted on me, despite the fact that I was a sickly child, she loves me very much and still worries, and I haven't been ill for two years. A small and exuberant electrician named Azula, my cute little sister, whose upbringing should be approached with special attention, otherwise, due to the corrupting influence of her father and grandfather, she can grow up fixated and embittered.

To be honest, I was surprised when I received all those burns that I had already completely regenerated, because I had already acquired partial immunity to fire. Perhaps it's my death, it seems to have weakened me, and some of the features are gone, or the body has not yet had time to adapt, or maybe every life will have to start from the beginning. From my thoughts, I was distracted by the sound of the door opening, which I could now hear again, it seems that this regeneration spurred the adaptation of the body to the old possibilities, although the old level is still far away.

- Blatik mozno?! My little sister's lovely brown head popped out of the door, and her golden eyes glittered in the darkness of the room.

- Of course, come in. "Even though I wasn't completely myself, and I wasn't fully aware of myself, the old principles stayed with me. So to Ursa's love, I returned the love, and happily cared for and paid attention to my little sister.

The girl quickly closed the door, slipped into my bed, which could put me and all my wives together, and there would still be room.

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked the little girl, and taking her cheek gently pulled her.

"Let go." Azula asked me plaintively, closing her brows and trying to glare at me. - Zaftra me budyut usit magic, and me strafno.

Looking at me with pitiful eyes on which moisture began to accumulate, the girl was instantly in my arms, pressed to her chest, into which she began to sob. And while the girl was crying, I stroked her hair, not forgetting to say soothing nonsense.

"You're afraid, aren't you, because of me?" - When the girl calmed down, I decided to continue the conversation, receiving only a nod in response. - Don't be afraid, now you still won't be taught full-fledged magic, only the basics and stands. And to be afraid of what you were born with is stupid, and you are a smart girl, aren't you?

- Dya! I'm smart! Still hiding her face in my chest, Sis replied.

"Well, the smart and talented Azula will probably be able to master fire magic easily, and maybe even try to catch up with her older brother.

"But you can't do ti toze!" - They glared at me, ceasing to hide.

"I don't know how!" After all, I have thrown off the fire, which means that I already know how to control it! And as long as my little, loving sister is afraid, I will become the strongest fire mage. I teased the little girl with pride in my voice.

"Oh, so! I'm ftanu blue! Sing along. - And to prove her point, the girl used a forbidden technique, tickling, which I often use against her. But alas, she was not lucky, as I could easily and steadfastly endure such a dastardly attack, quickly switching to a counteroffensive.

After a little more fighting, we ended the battle with my final victory, and went to bed, where the exhausted little sister quickly fell asleep, trustingly wrapping her arm around my arm. I was left alone again with my thoughts, and there was something to think about.

It was necessary to decide what to strive for, the first thing of course is to study magic, this is something new and interesting, plus you can remember the skills of weapons and hand-to-hand combat. Since we have been at war for about 100 years, I think that sooner or later I will definitely go there, but in the meantime I will prepare, study, study and study again.

The morning greeted me with the loving gaze of Ursa, who watched with affection as the little panda occupied my hand.

- Good morning, Mom. With a smile, I greeted a beautiful brown-haired girl dressed in loose red and black clothing.

- Good Zuko. Are you feeling all right?" The woman asked me with some concern.

"Maaam, stop worrying about this every morning. I am healthy and full of energy, and after yesterday's promise to one little coward, I am ready to conquer multiple peaks in the magic of fire.

"Oh! You're sure it could be dangerous. "What's the matter?" my mother asked worriedly, sitting on the edge of the bed and placing her clean and well - groomed hand on my forehead, then quickly moving to my hair, starting to stroke it.

"Don't worry, I can conquer the fire!" I raised my fist belligerently, eliciting a smile of affection from Ursa, I know how cute kids look when they try to be serious.

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Из-за шума Азула вскоре проснулся и получил порцию утреннего сюсюканей, после того как мы начали собираться, а после завершения утренней зарядки пошли на завтрак, где присутствовал Озай, который, несмотря на свой довольно молодой возраст, выглядел изможденный и истощенный. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Урса сердито посмотрела на него, и я взял ее за руку, так что мне не пришлось слишком волноваться.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">После завтрака моя мать и сестры пошли к учителям в Азуле, а я остался поговорить с отцом.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">«Паап, мне нужен учитель магии огня. Озай, который внимательно смотрел куда угодно, только не на меня, внезапно перевел удивленный взгляд на своего сына.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Д-ты уверен?" </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">"Что это?" </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">- немного смущенно спросил мой отец.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">- да. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Я кивнул, мое лицо было настолько серьезным, насколько это было возможно.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Пообещав найти мне учителя к завтрашнему дню, сегодня он решил показать мне исходные положения, рассказать о магии огня и научить меня медитировать. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Когда я спросил о других занятиях, он сказал, что может пропустить сегодня. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Когда мы добрались до тренировочной комнаты, где мне в лицо попала струя пламени, Озай остановился и замерз с жадностью, понимая, в какую комнату он привел своего сына, которого он недавно практически поджарил.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Не дожидаясь решимости отца, я сам распахнул двери и на своих маленьких ножках вошел внутрь, войдя в просторный зал с высоким потолком. </font><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">Заметив неподалеку горящую свечу, я подошел к ней и, под крик отца, оперся на нее рукой, не чувствуя ни малейшего дискомфорта, и стал двигать ею взад и вперед, обнажая разные места.</font></font>

<font style="vertical-align: inherit;"><font style="vertical-align: inherit;">«Это потрясающе, - завороженно сказал отец, глядя, как пламя не причинило мне боли.</font></font>