
Avatar the Last Airbender: Deep Waters (SI) (Reincarnation)

Reborn as Zerun, our protagonist is gifted with the powers [Adaptive Development], [Power System], and [Bonded Familiar] Watch Zerun, an orphan of the Northern Water Tribe (Avatar the Last Airbender), mark the elemental world and then the further multiverse in his own brand of chaos

Jellyfish_Rogers · Komik
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7 Chs

The Separation

~ 🎵"Okay, I pull up, hop out at the after party

You and all your friends, yeah, they love to get naughty

Sippin' on that Henn', I know you love that Bacardi

1942, I take you back in that 'Rari

Switchin' lanes and I'm seein' lights, you know I watch the curb

Smokin' weed, you know I'm gettin' high, you know it calm my nerves

Trappin' hard, pumpin' non-stop, the bag I had to earn" 🎵~

Singing, and dancing on the deck, Zerun enjoyed the pleasant sun, the crisp air, and the rushing waves hitting the ship's hull. In the skies, Luna swerved in loops, impressive twists, and sharp cuts.

'I feel so free, it's nice', he smiled, 'maybe I'll build my house on a golden beach overlooking a crystal-clear ocean'

Walking out of the cargo holds, and onto the deck, Noraq teasingly whistled, "Why not join a dance troupe? You can attract lots of fans"

"I know I can", Zerun smirked, "But there are things I enjoy a lot more than dancing"

"Follow me, I'll show you the engine room"

"Alright!", Zerun pumped his fists.

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

"We trade with the many towns of the Earth Kingdom. Usually it's animal skin, blubber, or salmon jerky", Noraq taught. Pointing to a few towns on the map laid out, "these towns are ones we have deals with. Their warriors also sell us information regarding the war, and inform us about the advances of the Fire Nation Army"

"Is the Northern Water Tribe safe?"

"Safe?", Noraq hummed.

"It's safe, right now", an elderly man, with a bald head, broad physique and a long, white, shaggy beard interrupted, "85 years ago, the fire nation did attempt to conquer our people, but we fought back. The loses they endured, and would have to endure to destroy our stronghold, made their invasion of the North Pole, not profitable, um, unprofitable"

"Elder Tawooq is right", Noraq nodded his head, "most of their recent attacks have been less intense, less coordinated, and smaller in scale. They'll hopefully remain so for the foreseeable future"

"Or the war could end"

"One could hope, son", both his father and the elder hid their pain, covering it up with kind smiles.

A knock was heard on the metal door, and in walked a young nervous man, "Sir, storm clouds have been observed. They're coming in from the South"

Naroq followed the warrior to the deck. 

A massive bank of darkening clouds, having appeared seemingly out of nowhere, rolled into his view, looming in front of the ship.

"Steer the ship, north-west. We'll land and wait out the storm on an Earth Kingdom port", he instructed.

"Yes, sir"

The men got to work and for a few minutes they smoothly evaded the ocean's wrath. Out in the distance, a Fire Nation Ship was stranded out at sea.

"A Fire Nation Ship", a man shouted.

"They too can see the storm. It's unlikely they'll attack, but prepare arms just in case"

Zerun too had come out to the deck. As they passed the ship, he noticed a huge hole in their hull. The ship was devoid of people, and quickly sinking.

"Dad, the ship is sinking", he called out, "and it's empty"

Confusion marred Noraq's face before he panicked, "AN AMBUSH!", he screamed, "the men have abandoned their ship, be on the lookout"

A sudden scream was heard from their ship's stern, "Warriors we are at WAR!"

Zerun watched as his father launched into battle, with the enemies on board, and more were climbing aboard. His heart beat faster, his pupils dilated, his legs locked.

'Am I scared? Or is it an involuntary reaction of my young body', he pondered.

"No", he mumbled, "I'm excited"

With a predatory grin, Zerun jumped three firebenders. Weaving past their attacks, he froze their feet. Instantly climbing the nearest opponent, he locked his legs around the soldier's neck, savagely twisting it. 

"PALO!", his partner screamed in rage, and charged Zerun. Haphazardly, swinging his arms in anger, he failed to hit the boy. Zerun dodged left and put an elbow in the man's face, knocking him out. Not being afforded a second of rest, he felt danger. 

Dropping low, he narrowly missed a blade's edge. On one knee, he lunged at the aggressor and threw him offboard.

Sweat caressed his eyebrows, his focus on the battlefield around him. 'Dad's in trouble'

Having identified the captain, many of the Fire Nation Army planned to kill Noraq, and in doing so, break the crew's spirit. It was a battle of attrition, one Noraq was losing. Losing energy, his attacks became slower, and an enemy soldier took the opening to slice his right arm. As he grew desperate, trying to survive, many icicles zipped from behind him and into the soldiers. Some missed wide, some penetrated their organs, but all of them were a distraction. Noraq capitalized, quickly slicing their heads.

Having helped his dad, Zerun watched his father skillfully cut down the invaders. In his tunneled focus, he failed to notice a short man creep up on him. The man quickly grabbed Zerun and spun to throw him overboard. Zerun reacted by biting the man's nose. In their ensuing battle, the man slipped, pushing them both off the ship and into the ocean below.

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Noraq rushed around to help his struggling men, and find his son. As the skirmish came to an end, he searched the ship hoping to find his son hiding. Ten minutes later, and there was still no sign of him.

"Zerun, where are you?", Noraq screamed in frustration, "WHERE'S MY SON?"

"Noraq, he's not on the ship", Elder Tarooq informed, his head downcast.

"NO!NO!NO!", he grabbed his head, falling to his knees. The overwhelming grief, and disbelief coupled with his exhaustion, knocked Noraq out.

The men dragged their captain back into the ship with despondent expressions on their faces.

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Out on the shores of a fire nation colony, an unconscious boy drifted in. Soldiers noticed the boy and walked closer. Their spears ready, as a single service man approach the child to access his situation.

"He's alive", he confirmed, "also he's from the Northern Water Tribe. Look at his garments, they're sickeningly blue"

"Let's drag him to prison", an ugly, scarred man spit, "we'll make him squeal, when he wakes up"

Picking up the prisoner like a sack of potatoes, the men celebrated their capture. 

<<----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>

Noraq jerked up from his sleep. A painful headache greeted him. A tribesman walked into the room; sighing having seen him woken up.

"Leader Noraq, how are you feeling?"

"Where are we?"

"Sir, we are at a nearby Earth Kingdom Port close to North Yaong" 

"How's my son doing?"


"How's Zerun?", Noraq repeated.

"Sir…", the warrior nervously backed away, "sir, he fell off the ship. Upon hearing this, you passed out"

A tense Noraq recollected his thoughts, before screaming out the anguish. The Water Tribe Warrior rushed to bring in the nurses and an elder. Pain and anger filled the man, before an overwhelming despair took over. By the time the nurses entered the room, Noraq no longer expressed any emotions, a hopeless look in his eyes.

"I've failed my son", he mumbled, "I've failed my wife"

A panic took over, "We need to find him. My wife she'll…she'll"

"I know, young man. I know", the old woman gently lay his head to rest, "Recover and then sail to find your son"

Noraq tried to stay awake, but Morpheus called him to his realm once more.

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