
Chapter 93

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Traveling without Cheshire was a time-consuming nuisance, but, for the moment, I had no other choice, which is why I found myself on a boat, one that I had stolen from the trading port near the capital.

Inside the boat, I found myself with another problem, which was that I didn't know how to operate it. I didn't have the slightest idea how to do it, so I had to force people who knew what to do to help me.

Thanks to that, I was getting close to my destination faster, and instead of being months away from the destination, I was now a couple of weeks away from the Fire Nation's maximum-security prison.

And since I would be confined to the ship for the foreseeable future, I decided to take advantage of the time and start looking for the spirits that I would recruit for this mission.

"It's time," I declared with a clear and decisive tone.

-Perfect, now start meditating; once you're inside, I'll protect the body in the physical world," Vaatu declared with confidence.

Without further ado, I allowed myself to be deeply immersed in my meditation, and little by little, I felt my body become not only lighter but calmer; I continued this process until I felt a spring breeze gently touching my face, which considering I was on a boat in a windowless room... was well, impossible, so with that little bit of information I knew I was already in the spiritual world.

Carefully opening my eyes, I scanned the area as I reminded myself that without my physical body, I had no powers and that I should act tactfully so as not to anger anyone as I would have no way to defend myself if that happened while I was in this state.

The place where I found myself was strange and new, a place I had never been to in any of my visits to the spiritual world. Green plains like a soccer field, with trees of strange and impossible colors, but the most striking or important thing was the feeling of absolute peace that the place gave me... to the point that I knew that this feeling of calmness was not natural.

I shook my head from those thoughts for the time being and stood from where I was, looking around, wondering where to start. The spiritual world was vast, infinitely more vast than the physical world, which could make my mission extraordinarily long or short, depending on my luck.

With a sigh and a soft chuckle, I started walking in a random direction, as I wondered why my trips to the spirit world were so unpredictable; Aang always got where he had to go, whereas in my case... everything was random, maybe it was because our symbolic purposes were different, he was order, and I was chaos, and chaos was generally unpredictable.

I kept walking for hours in my search for companions until my walk was interrupted by a Fox with wings that landed abruptly in front of me. For a couple of seconds, the fox just stared at me, his eyes shining with curiosity and fascination, mixed with caution and something else that I could not quite grasp.

"A human... what are you doing here?" The fox asked with evident curiosity, and I could tell from his tone and the way he looked at me that he had never seen a human before, or it had been quite a while since he had seen one.

"I have come for business-related reasons," I casually informed the fox, with a smile.

"What kind of business?" asked the fox, cautiously glancing at me every now and then.

"I am looking to recruit three spirits to work for me," I replied, deciding to be honest from the beginning; it would save me some troubles later on.

The fox sighed, his emotions shifting from simple curiosity to anger, "Not many of us can leave, not since the Avatar locked us here," he said.

This was unexpected and interesting... the anger he was emanating was not directed at me at all, which is a norm for me, but rather this hostile feeling was directed towards Aang. Or to be more on the dot, to the first Avatar, "I notice some hostility towards the Avatar, why is that?" I asked carefully; I didn't want him to take this question as me defending Aang; I just wanted to see him elaborate his point more in-depth.

"Yes," The fox snarled, wings fluttering angrily, "The spiritual world and the physical world used to be one... but he decided for us... trapping most of us here against our will... not all of us wanted to be here for all eternity… and not all of us have the power to go out and see the world at will... and even when we do, it hurts if we stay out too long,"

"And do you hate any other human besides that Avatar?" I asked him with curiosity, although I already knew the answer, considering that I only felt negative feelings on his part towards Aang.

"No, before the Avatar, the world was one, we lived amongst the humans... many of us protected the humans and they protected us..."The fox answered, "Many of us loved the humans... and had no way to go back... to protect them... to save our mates,"

"Well... let me tell you... a story," I said with a smile, ignoring for a moment the clear hint to spirit to human relationships.


I started where most stories begin, the beginning… well, not the beginning beginning but the one he had to hear, giving an insight about the world's current situation; for starters, I told him there were two avatars now, which was something he took with a grain of salt, but as I continued with my explanation about my plan and my goals, I could see on his eyes, he grew more and more interested about it, but nothing was more fun that the expression he made when I told him, I was the second Avatar, the nice and chaotic one.

"So, you say… you and Vaatu have a way to give spirits physical bodies?" The winged fox inquired.

"Yes, which is why I need to find some spirits willing to join my organization; I already have one for fire…" I nodded, with my mind going to my cat, "and whatever Chesire is," I chuckled.

"Chaotic, he is chaotic… not like Vaatu, but you get it," The fox smiled, "So you need Air, Water, and Earth, right?"

"Yes, that's the goal," I nodded.

"Good," The fox smiled, and with a sudden movement of his paws that was almost too fast to follow, he destroyed haft of the forest behind him with a mighty torrent of wind that crushed everything on his path, "I hope that fills any requisites for the Air slot, I am in… I have some problems to work out with the Avatar,"

I had to admit, I was surprised this little fox packed such a punch; thank fucking god I did not make an enemy out of him, "Like what?"

"Killing him," The fox replied without missing a bit, his small and almost cute white form suddenly morphing into a massive black and red fox with six legs and three pairs of wings, "I lost too much because of him… and he will pay me back," at this point his eyes were glowing red and his body towered over me emanating raw power

"We will talk about the details of your contract later on…" I chuckled.