
107. Proposal

"Let's begin."

After those words, the translucent hologram hunched forward and grasped a cup that had fallen on the ground between its two comparatively massive fingers and placed it back on the table.

It took a full second for the words to register in Charles, Parker, and Frances's minds and another to comprehend what they had seen… An immaterial light structure composed of photons had touched, affected, and lifted a solid object.

This meant the hologram had the bare minimum that could affect its surroundings and by extrapolation, they weren't safe from direct physical harm either and that the one behind could make their technology do things that shouldn't be possible. Both were chilling realities.

If the atmosphere was heavy before then it was suffocating beyond equal now, all three were trained to various degrees and death was not a foreign concept, one having faced it all her life but these things can only take you so far.

But facing an alien with technology so powerful it made them the caveman of the equation was something no preparation would have helped. They were the Na'vi here and that was a terrifyingly ironic situation.

"My points will be direct, the primary goals of the RDA and by extension yours are unacceptable to me and my mate and as such will never come to fruition in the way you desire but...", the hologram drawing out the 'but' as another hologram of the symbol that had appeared on various holo screens manifested in 3D above the table, a lozenge of metal with a white energy sphere that crackled with power and repulsed all light.

"But there is no reason for a fight to happen between our respective parties. First, you do not possess the might to make these objectives a reality but I do not need to remind you why, do I? Second, I'm no bloodthirsty maniac or a cartoon villain, there is no reason to cause unwarranted and unneeded death or escalate this into an armed conflict.", the hologram stated matter of factly but in a more amiable tone both saying and playing down the threat he represented.

"No, it is unnecessary Sir Cram.", General Ardmore said as calmly as her body let her do, her voice but a quiet and almost shaky whisper just like when she was a young recruit still wet behind the ears, she understood at this instant what they were facing wasn't just an alien, it was far beyond this mere term.

The word 'mate' was also not random and didn't go unnoticed by her; it was either a friend or lover and it hinted toward the potential of an entire civilization behind him.

If he was the norm or even just a slightly rare case then his entire civilization would be close to him and that was an even more terrifying prospect than the present situation. If she knew the truth she wouldn't know if it was worse or better. The same was true for primary goals but it wasn't what was on her mind right now and she needed a clear mind to understand all that was said.

For what she was feeling… She didn't know how to explain it and it would sound silly if not insane but she felt she was facing a being so far above her in every aspect, both spiritually and physically, it was something she never felt before.

Existential terror and primal dread would be the closest term to describe it.

Even when meeting the CEO of the RDA, Marcus LeRoy, a creature more machine than man. A monster in all definitions of the word artificially maintained alive for nearly two centuries. He was the longest-living 'human' and arguably the most powerful.

This creature under the oddly human name of Liam Cram was far more than the bastard of flesh and metal maintained on a life support that was Marcus.

And what she felt wasn't only from the logical part of her mind, there was a presence, it was unmistakable and hard to describe contracting many of her past experiences and beliefs. In any case for all intent and purpose, Liam held everyone's lives and fate in his hand while they remained utterly powerless, he was like a god at this very moment.

There was not much one could do against a successful cyber attack that had succeeded beyond doubt while in a facility working fully in that spectrum. The only 'options' were suicide, self-sabotage, or surrender, sometimes the three to varying degrees, and each two of the first options were unacceptable and way out of proportion leading to the last being the one that could be used.

No matter how much she hated it, this was the best outcome possible. They weren't here for war to begin with and going kamikaze was just a waste if they even could do that, to begin with, a show of how powerless they currently were. Liam could depressurize this room and they will all die without hope of escape.

He was their 'enemy' still but luckily not one wanted their death or who was aggressive or hateful. He, while obnoxiously arrogant, seemed quite reasonable, very friendly, and casual for the current situation that is… Almost too much in fact to the point she began thinking he was more entertaining himself than anything else.

Well if he wasn't just tricking them which was also a possibility but there wasn't any reason she could see with the current skewered power dynamic why he would ever need to do so aside from personal hubris. But it was an alien so all was possible.

'This is infuriating but good I suppose… It's good we are amusing to him. We don't have any alternatives but hope he doesn't decide to switch his opinion on this.', the General thought grimly but she didn't regret coming here, not one bit. This was beyond exciting and made her feel young again.

"Indeed it isn't, you are smart and self-aware enough to understand your situation and the consequences of trying to play smart against a much greater force. At least this is what I hope from you. But as I said I will not kill without reason, you are far more useful alive than dead. I do not want a slaughter to happen, even less so one composed of innocent people. I have come directly to propose the creation of an agreement between our parties for these very same individuals have no play to have in this potential scuffle.", the hologram said as a holographic chair of pure liquid silver manifested behind the humanoid hologram.

"What type of agreement, its rules, and the price for us to pay?"Charles, back on track to his businessman persona, asked, straight to the point and clear in his words as the two others were used to.

"Simple… Your complete and utter compliance to my words for your right to not be filtered out and sent back from where you are from. Might make right as one would say, no hard feeling but our interests do not align, and for you to have any option you must adapt them to mine which I mentioned.", the hologram said casually tapping his finger upon the chair of silver light, the sound of metal clicking against metal echoing heavily in the room.

None could truly process what was told before the hologram spoke again, his tone colder than before but still mildly entertained as if the topic at hand was more of an interesting fun fact worth a few seconds of attention than their lives, ambitions, and futures.

And in a way for the creature behind this construct of light… It was the case, the worst was that there was no enmity or hate behind the voice, but simple superiority, an infuriating but very true one.

"Of course, this is not an immediate decision for you to take, only one thousand and sixty-nine of the fleet's four thousand two hundred and five total passengers have awakened as of yet. This concerns them and the one still in hibernation, as well, more than you in fact but I do not want an insurrection of hysteria and neither do you, it would be counterproductive. I will give you the time necessary to ponder upon my offer for us to proceed further in our diplomacy. With that said I bid you adieu until next time, may your choice be the correct one.", the hologram said ominously and disappeared into flakes of light while all screens were back on as if nothing had happened.


The AI said but its flat voice raised the interest of none present.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck!", Charles suddenly screamed, punching the table repeatedly to the point blood began to flow but he didn't care, he wasn't scared for his life but furious at the situation itself.

"Charles calm down!", Frances said with a slight rise of her voice, grabbing the man child's hand harshly with no difficulty despite her age, smaller figure, sex natural biological disadvantages, and the lack of exercise for years with the Cryogenic Hibernation. Not all was organic inside or even natural, simple as that, soldiers of her caliber in those days and age have… Certain advantages, adding that she had been a volunteer for less than ethical or finished experiments.

Nothing that made her superhuman but enough to make her far stronger than her appearance would suggest. But in the end, it wasn't a lot, it was just that Charles wasn't exactly the fittest person onboard, she could have done more like the five hundred augments but it came at a cost she wasn't willing to pay.

"This is not an unplanned possibility, we knew of an alien presence and that they were likely apt at cyber warfare. We have a window of work here, it's not much but it's either that or we leave, and whatever has entered the vessel will be given back on Earth.", she continued walking toward a first aid kit and using the device to fix the damage done.

"You are right, my excuse for my outburst. And then there are the civilians… Your soldiers will obey, they are built for that but the others… They won't simply comply and be calm with our current less-than-desirable standing.", Charles said, massaging his hands while wincing in pain slightly.

"That's going to be the hard part… But we have time on our hands. The message would have to be spread in the correct ways and we must make sure it's us.", Selfridge said, having calmed down from his earlier panic attack and on the same page as them.

Million of kilometers away, within the Conmod of Hell's Gate on Pandora Liam turned off the holoscreen and before looking at the small crowd spoke about just what unfolded.

"That was highly entertaining to watch.", Grace said with a hearty chuckle, something she never thought she would have for such an important situation.

"It sure was… The fact nobody is at risk of dying without a massive fuck up is why we can be amused thoughts. The privileges to be on the powerful side.", Katherine said while her mind as the leader of the various mining operations was more focused on what this influx of people would change for her and her teams since it would massively increase her workforce.

Then the mood turned for the worst as in front of them all Liam began to cough loudly and grasp his chest, they stood still, frozen only the white-haired Na'vi at his side moved. She grasped his helmet in both of her clawed hands and placed her forehead against his visor while chanting a soft and entrancing tune only she and him could hear.

'My love?', Eywa spoke through their shared psionic link, his pain beyond agony so vibrant she could feel it as well, it was potent for most of the time but this one was particularly violent.

'I'm fine… I just need AAH FUCK! I need to sit down. It will happen soon, I can't hold for long.', he answered back, barely able to walk straight as she helped him toward the exit, none needing to be informed as to what was happening.

"You a-Ah-are dismissed.", he said with a small stutter as a sharp spike of pain stabbed him in the heart, his voice having gained an ever more echoey nature making it reach the entire room from all directions at once.

And that is what everyone did once the All-Father had walked out, his state miserable and for anyone not in the known dying. Still, his explanation didn't quench the fear brought by his current state.

{He… His ailment is getting worse and worse as days and weeks go by.}, Tsu'tey said in Na'vi with genuine worry for his friend as he looked at where his creeping burns once were, all healed by this man wasting away.

{He isn't dying. That's what he told me but he is dying as well, that's what he told me too. I don't understand either honey. He is a mysterious creature with unknown ways far beyond our understanding, his current state as he called it is but a transition. What transition even? The one into nonexistence or a coffin. Couldn't be more freaking cryptic for Eywa's sake. Pretty ironic now that I think about it, both are astronomically opposite yet similar in the worst of ways.}, Grace said, clutching his hand in equal worry, this was a very disconcerting sight to see such a being that held everything on his shoulder, their shield and protector almost on the verge of death.

In the corridor an Enforcer warped in front of Liam and Eywa, placing a gauntleted hand on its back they were warped again hundreds of meters away on the Tek Teleporter then the Enforced warped away again its task finished.

Those living biomachines could warp far at rapid intervals but not hundreds of kilometers far, at least not this model.

Using the Tek Teleporter the couple teleported themselves to the other side of the moon on their private island. They were immediately greeted by a massive fidgeting great austrapede, four squirming and chirping tetrapterons, and a silent slinger behind trees.

All of these creatures were observing Liam worriedly, they all could feel his pain, and if not for the fact they weren't authorized or trained they would have left the island tunneled right to him.

"I'm fine, it's just a little bit of pain, all will end soon and I will never feel it again. My Ascension is close... Oh so close. everything will become better for all of us once I Ascend.", Liam said reassuringly as he scratched Gladius' chin affectionately, a clear sense of weakness within the motion that was felt by the massive frugivore.


My P@treon if you want to give me money and have chapters I have finished in advance, around 23.


Hello, Liam's Ascension is the next chapter, and Homo Deus are exciting if with barely anything on them, so it will be what I think it should be with little given.


The_Bip_Boop2003creators' thoughts
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