
Ava's roller coaster life

"bitch shut the fuck up you don't run shit in this school and the last time I checked your the whore, you open up your legs to everything that moves and has a dick not to mention that your face is so caked up that you look like a clown all you need is the shoes and the outfit to go with your face"

miamason · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

chapter one

"Hey guys how are you this morning" I said as I caught up to my two best friends out of breath "lol we good, almost late again huh Ava"

Aimi teased me in a jokely manner I just laughed at her and nodded "was you doing another one of your blogs again" Aina asked I just nodded my head shamelessly.

They just giggled a little bit "it's okay Ava we love your blogs they are Motivating and they inspire people to get up and do things they thought they couldn't do, your blogs help people in a good way"

they both say I just smiled at them happy that they thought that about my blogs "thank you, you guys are the greatest friends ever"

they laugh and did their lil dance that said you damn right we are "well here we are class 3B" I said as I took a deep breath as we walked in and took our seat in the middle row waiting for the teacher to walk in.

~time skip to lunch by your lazy writer~

"Hey look this the three whores, what are you guys doing here in my school you guys are stinking up the place" Cloey  mocked us just looking at her piss me off

"bitch shut the fuck up you don't run shit in this school and the last time I checked your the whore, you open up your legs to everything that moves and has a dick not to mention that your face is so caked up that you look like a clown all you need is the shoes and the outfit to go with your face"

by the time I got done with her the whole Holloway was laughing at Cloey as her face was turning red with anger and embarrassment "don't mess with us we are not the ones" I said as we walked away from her and her lil group.

You see we can be the sweetest girls you ever known or we can be the rudest and meanest girls you ever know it all depends on how you treat us any way enough of that there is one thing we haven't told you that I forget to mention we are not humans.

I am a demon/angel, Aimi and Aina both are cats demons, you probably wondering how am I a angel/demon when they hate each other well you see my mom who is a demon and my dad who is a angel they were secretly friends since they were kids.

But as they got older it was getting harder to sneak and see each other because they had more duties and responsibilities to take care of, on may 10th 1993 they snuck out to see each other but they did not count on being caught by another angel and demon.

My dad was kicked out of heaven but was aloud to keep his powers and as for my mom they beat her for 78 hours her before kicking out of hell, my mom and dad still Continue to see each other, as days went on they soon fell in love and got together.

Two years flew by they got married and had me so yeah that's how I am a half demon and half angel anyway enough about me lol

"Ava you doing it again" Aimi said while giggling I just nervously laughed about how I keep narrating about my life "its almost class time we should get going" Aina reminded us of the time me and Aimi just ran to our next class leaving a laughing Aina behind

When we got to our class we saw our other best friend she had to move due to her dad having a promotion at his job we really did miss her

"Omg its Zoey guys" I yelled in excitement we haven't seen her in 3 years, we ran to her and engulfed her in a hug and she giggled at our sillyness

"I miss you girls too" Zoey said as she hugged us back we all let go of each other and sat down in the four desks that was in the front, but there one thing I cant help but wonder

"Hey Zoey what happened to your dad job" as soon as I asked that her face turned upside down "my parents got a divorce so my mom moved back here and took me with her" we just sat there Shocked

"I apologize for asking, I should've kept my mouth shut" I said with a sad look on my face "no it's okay, you guys didn't know" she had a small smile on her face as she said that

Before I could say anything else the bell rings signaling its class time

"okay class today we are doing a project, you will be put in group of four and yes you can choose your groups for the project, the project is about bullying and teen pregnancy, this count 50% of your grades so do make sure you do a good job".

as the teacher got done talking we all got to work, we worked on our projects, for 40 minutes we first debated about what's more important teen pregnancy or bullying but in the end we end up deciding on bullying first then teen pregnancy and the reason why we chosen bullying first because bullying had go as far as people taken their own lives because of being bullied then as for the

Teen pregnancy is the second biggest problem because they don't get taught proper sex education and what can happen if you do have sex and how hard it is to raise a baby, so that is why we did it in that order. We still have 20 minutes left of class, me and the girls just talk as we gather up our belongings for the next class "

cloey p.o.v

"Ugh that bitch will pay for humiliating me infornt of the entire school, I will get my revenge on her and I know how"

I said to my girls as we walk home as soon as we got to my place I went to my laptop and got to work about a party I'm going to have this Saturday at 6pm to 1am, you see I am going to get the bitch pregnant

Everyone in the school will think she a hoe and that she sleeps around best part is I am going to use the school player aka my boyfriend

It will make her seem like a boyfriend Stiller and me the poor oh victim who was nice enough to invite her to my party and even apologize to her

I laughed a evil laugh " Chelsea give me my phone" she handed me my phone, I call up my boyfriend and tell him the plan

After our phone call I went to the store to get things for the party

Ava p.o.v

"Hey guys last go to my house and finish the project we are almost done anyway" I mentioned to them they all agreed, on our way to my place we bumped into the one and only cloey

"What do you want now" I said annoyed that we have to see her and it do not help that we live next to each other

"oh nothing I just want to apologize for the way I had treated you I shouldn't have been such a mean ass to you oh and I wanted to invite you and your friends to my birthday party this Saturday" I looked at her like she had grown two heads

"Yes we would like to come thank you" I looked at my best friends like they where crazy but I just sighed and agreed to the party

"Great see you there then bye!" she said as she waved off