
A Grain of Sand

"Ah, I asked Evie not to enter the dungeon," Nash informed me. I glanced at him, looking away from the road for a split second.

"Thank you," I replied quietly. "I don't think she will listen to you, though." I shook my head. "I see how she has been reacting recently and I get more worried."

Nash was staring at me. "I thought she was getting better…" he trailed off. 

"She was getting so much better. She was combatting her fears and magical thinking really well and her sessions with the therapists were going great, but now… I am doubting letting her interning with the police," I admitted. 

"How so?" Nash asked. "She has been excellent on the field and in the interrogation room. This is invaluable information and she has been so calm throughout every situation."