
Second Category: Single-Elimination (Part 2)

Reiji was having trouble bypassing Stanley's multiple shields and defensive buffs. His giant axe was being deflected.


(Stanley is packing so many defensive buffs. It's crazy. As a vanguard, I'll definitely want him to stay as our tank on a party quest.)

Notice: Stanley uses Protector of the Weak, Defence Enhancement Greater, Defensive Stance, Blessing of Resistance EX, Iron Wall, Protection Shield Greater, Covering Shield, and Protection Aura.

Notice: Reiji's Superior skill has ten seals.

(He is still in the third seal. How can he even manage the higher seals if they slowly turn him into a mindless individual only capable of destruction.)


Since Reiji was doing nothing to the defense of Stanley, he unlocked more of his seals to buff his damage even stronger.

"Aif: Enraged - Seal Six open"

Reiji's red aura just got stronger. It was so strong that his whole body was emitting shockwaves of heat inside the barrier.