
Author : Mortals against gods

Have you ever questioned your existence? maybe we are just characters in a story or frankly just a spark between worlds of fiction. Daniel questioned himself constantly on the truth behind creation, ever since the uncanny scar had been imprinted on his life. Revenge wasn't an option, because the perpetrator behind all of it was far greater than anyone. He was the Author, and Daniel was simply a character within his story. A simple life was all he wanted, but reality had a different path for him. His world would later collide with another, bringing forth an apocalypse filled with suffering. His question had reached an abrupt end, and his morale filled with dents of revenge. He only thought of one thing, and I suppose I would serve it as a question. What if you had to go against the plot? What if you had to battle the creator of your world for peace?. There are many more to it, but I promise. This story answers it all.

Starslide · Fantasi
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42 Chs

Encounter with the Underworld (II)

Clap clap!

" Well done, I must say that was an entertaining match we had. I hate to burst your bubble on that since we have less time than I intended to spend here. Tsk"

The Yadarin mafia boss draws out a 9mm semiautomatic pistol and points it at Daniel with a discouraged face. He walks towards Daniel with ease and drives his fingers through his hair smoothly.

" I must warn you,taking a bullet isn't fun at all. Perhaps some mini games would help with the smacking, running and blood everywhere. Although if we are being honest ,shooting you would end this whole facade and prevent us from wasting oxygen."

Daniel grins at him in anger and attempts to move ,but it instantly triggers a shot from the mafia boss. The bullet hits a can right beside Daniel, serving as a warning to him for making right decisions.

Daniel glances through to find an open path to strike, but all paths are still closed by the remaining Yadarin gang members. The other two attempt to step in but stop as the glare of grandfather instills discipline.

* Think, what can I do to prevent my siblings from getting hurt. They are family to me, and without me taking these thugs down, I wouldn't stand a chance at protecting them. I need an opportunity to sway him just for a minute I order to act. Huh*

Daniel turns and looks in the direction of Grandfather as his demeanor seems tense. He analyses the chances of victory before striking, finding a loophole with the position of the gun.

* Alright Daniel, assessment is already near completion. If i wait any longer, he would pull the trigger, leading to an injury on my side or an injury on the part of grandfather. Even if I try to take the bullet, what happens after? Would I be able to prevent the subsequent shots?*

* Thinking too much in a battle is just going to result in failure. The only thing I can trust is my body and instincts, but I can't make a mistake. I cannot afford it!!

Daniel stands upright and poses in a taunting manner towards the Yadarin boss. The mafia boss sees this as a means of disrespect and takes another step, leading him into the zone of Daniel.

*Got ya!!*

Daniel sprints towards the mafia boss and slows down his momentum by sliding his feet on the ground. He parrys the armed hand of the mafia boss with his right palm , deviating the shot from striking him.

Daniel continues in succession as he drives a spinning heel kick through the temple of the mafia boss, and hooks his arm causing him to lose balance.

A strong punch suppressed with energy is batted through the temple of the Yadarin boss,fading his consciousness. However, all these were nothing more than minor threats to the experienced mafia boss.

His toil and struggle through the tragedies of the underground were more than enough to serve as a warning to others. His suppressing aura was hidden away in order to trick his enemies into thinking he was weak.

However , only a fool would fall into such a trap. To our dismay, many fools were within the underworld. He had grown tired of all the constant tricks and sabotages planned by minor parties.

With a suppressing strength as his answer, he barged through all the plans and schemes of others. He stood atop the corpses of his enemies, laughing and mocking them for their tomfoolery.

Now this beast had been released back into the idle parts of the underworld. He laughed at the mere punch of Daniel, grinning his teeth in authority to show his might.

However, his thoughts were not as it seemed. For this particular enemy he faced was no fool. In fact, he would have been better of believing he wasn't a fool. Only then would he have escaped the tragedy.

"As always, the fools never learn. You think a punch is the best you could use to take me??" ,the mafia boss shouts in aggression.

Daniel steps back in fright. Picking up his momentum again and drew out a load of energy into his muscles in oder to land a second hit.

Yet his punch was ousted by a punch of the same kind from his enemy. The wind gushed from the clash, and the old man marvelled at the secret power the mafia had in store.

Daniel flipped backwards , kicking the chin of his enemy and advanced again for another sure hit with a spinning elbow. The mafia boss stood firm and absorbed the pain, reciprocating a strong hit which was blocked by Daniel with his two arms.

This threw Daniel aback a few metres, startling him on the raw power of the Mafia boss. However his determination never wavered, for he was the only blockage between pain and the kids.

He ran again with a feint of a jab. The mafia boss fell for it and dodged sideways, but a strong punch appeared from the other hand of Daniel, smashing his nose inwards.

Blood poured from his nostrils , but he kept his composure. For one isn't called a beast mere due to unknown factors or rumors. A beast is surely one who has transcended the limits of a human, even if it is just a little.

So the beast rose again ,although his sight wavered. He looked at the dangling image of Daniel and pictured it as his goal, pouring his heart and soul into a stream of heavy fists to catch his prey.

Daniel turned and gave a spinning heel kick , backed, parried and left backwards. He still couldn't find a way to stop the beast from advancing further. He tried another sure hit with the heat pressure from his muscles, and saw a slight result which ended up becoming his poison.

This result deceived him into thinking he had won. He thought so, in fact all the thugs thought so. As would you, however a mafia boss is not just a thug. One can be one with brains, but without brawn you cannot control the power fluently.

This mistake costed him dearly, resulting in a direct smash through the head of Daniel, loosening his balance. Successive blows came after that, and I tell no lies, it was brutal.

Daniel wavered as his thoughts consumed him. He thought and thought, and thought some more. However his meager mind had not known it was just going according to script.

You can never cheat nature, no matter how you try. A weak individual cannot just knock down a strong one merely on a 5 month training.

* How do I stop this? Is there a need to stop what has already been started?? Thoughts ,thoughts, thoughts . They are all I just think of, but if I fall here it would happen again. The tragedy *, Daniel thought as his consciousness faded.

A last barge blasted through the side of his head , dazing him off. Daniel fell and his sight wavered, his body had given up on him.

Although this would seemingly be the answer to all, fate had another thing in store for him.

There is always the beast who lives within the shadows, and for Daniel? It was no simple beast, it was death itself!

Death able to subdue gods!!!

Thank you all for supporting, as always I would use this avenue to answer all your questions and thoughts. The Author will always be by your star:)

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