
Author's Interference

Alright, I don't know why this happened, but when I died, Death decided to reincarnate me in my novel and change the storyline to his liking. That's when I found myself in my novel, inside the body of a side character who was about to be assassinated in the prologue. -I am so dead. --------------- Join the discord server. https://discord.com/invite/Atg3pzVCGw

Shadow_King00980 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
84 Chs

First Day at Paragon (3)






After two hours of torturous school time, all the students were called to the cafeteria to have their lunch before continuing with their classes. The cafeteria was literally a seperate building. Paragon was separated into eight buildings, the main building where the students are taught at, four dorms, one for the teachers and principals, one for the working staff and one cafeteria.

Paragon has every right to call itself the best academy there is.

'God I hate this academy so much...'

After my reincarnation I thought I could enjoy my life a little more inside of my own story but the thing I didn't account for was this bloody academy life. I managed to avoid school because of Alfred but if I were to avoid this academy life as well... all my plans would be ruined.

"If only Malcolm didn't take a test on the very first day... I would have done better than that," Tom muttered, sighing sadly.

"Seriously? In the first period? That's straight up torture... I didn't think Malcolm would be that bad..." Sylvia frowned.

"Hah, bite me... that guy was looking at me like he was about to eat me in a single chomp. Teachers at Paragon are scary as hell..." Tom grumbled.

"Goodness... I didn't think he would go that far. Anyways if you all are finished with your meals. I shall start explaining what we need to do," I said looking at Tom who was still not done.

"What? I don hab supwer speech like you both. (I don't have super speed like you both.)" Tom said with a loaf half way inside his mouth.

"I am not judging you," I said laughing a bit at the end. "I still have to set this up so you can continue."

Although we were sitting at the corner, the room was heavily crowded so we can never be too sure.

"Wait a minute, does that mean it's just the three of us?" Sylvia asked.

"For now, yes..." I said placing a small button in the middle of the table before pressing it. "I wish to include only the most skilled people in my team. That's why I didn't include John, at first I wanted to invite him but then... I changed my mind. He isn't ready yet... for what's to come."

"But Allen... We are talking about an otherworlder. Thousands of hunters die just to kill a single one every time they appear and this one is a speedster. The three of us just aren't strong enough to defeat him." Tom explained. "The otherworlders get stronger the more they kill, they have a system like the rest of us but their system is like... totally different from ours. It's way more advanced and it's just difficult to figure out how it works. Their system can power up each of their attributes whenever they want. Over the years the League has captured countless otherworlders. We thought they came from an advanced timeline but that's not it. If our earth is version 2.1 then their earth is version 0.5 or 0.8. It's as if an intelligent fourth dimensional being is gifting them those systems to help them invade our earth for entertainment."

"Wow... I never thought that the League would figure it out so quickly," Ryuk exclaimed.

"Then what are you suggesting? We call in a bunch of random superheroes and kill him together? Tommy this guy is a speedster, you can't kill him like every other otherworlder you have faced. If more than fifty people know of his existence the whole world will reset. We are stuck in a time loop! God knows how many times we might have died. Listen I always prepare for the worst but this time, I can only do so much. You both are the only people who are strong enough to face him with me. You both are the only ones I can trust right now," I explained. "Maybe I will search for others that have the same goal as us but that's something we will worry about in the future."

"Right now, worry about them," I pointed straight ahead of me. "Roger Silverheart, the biggest threat we have to deal with currently."

"You think a guy like him is more dangerous than Ashstone? That girl has way more potential than him, she can blow holes though a fucking boulder with her fire and you are worried about a guy with a bit of charisma and intelligence? Yes, if he is left as he is then he might create an army... On second thought yeah you are right..." Tom said looking down at his food.

"I will deal with that Ashstone girl... It's not her time yet," I looked at the red haired girl sitting next to Samuel. "There is a point in time where we can decide whether or not to create a breach. We need to slowly create a breach one by one to not damage the time loop, or else it will destroy our reality. It's like a caviar, if you don't be careful with it... the whole thing is going to get ruined. We need to pick them off one by one while hiding our presence as much as possible... and Tommy if you want... You can leave the killing to me. I am already a murderer but you don't have to pick the same path as me if you wish."

"You have killed someone?" Tom asked in a worried tone.

"When I was five years old, two assassins from the Assassin Syndicate tried to kill me. Uncle was not there that day... It was just me, Alfred and a couple of servants. I didn't know about Alfred's skills at that time... Heck! I didn't even know that he was a metahuman... I had to make a choice, it was either Alfred or, them and without a second thought I choose to kill one of them when I had the chance. Fun fact... The Speed Force choose me as her avatar on the very same day," I sighed. "I try not to kill anyone after that incident, maybe that's why the Speed Force didn't leave me."

Trying to act like a hero while being a villain is a truly time consuming job but if you make the right choices, then it actually turns out to be fun. Cause I truly find situations like this funny.

Sorry for the delayed update, I am on a vacation currently. A family vacation to be exact... sooo the updates will be a bit delayed for some time. I will make up the gaps after I return don't worry.

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